"You want to die!" An aristocratic master became angry when he was annoyed. With a cold drink, his whole body soared. His whole body flashed in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

"So fast, so strong!"

For a moment, imp, Huisheng, blood monk, and the shadow by the window on the second floor couldn't help but open their eyes.

Because the speed is too fast, with their cultivation, they can't see the person's action clearly. The strong breath makes them feel suffocated in an instant.

Huisheng and others were OK, but the shadow almost lost his voice. It was just that everything was too fast, but his cry didn't really come out of his mouth. He just had time to shout in his heart.

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng in the middle of the courtyard seemed to have expected that, when the man moved, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and then he punched out. When the man came to him, the punch was just on the bridge of his nose.

"Click ~!"

There was a slight sound of bone fragmentation, and the whole face of the man was suddenly sunken. His teeth, blood and saliva splashed everywhere.

Then Zhao Chengfeng's other hand hit faster!

"Vajra boxing, eight arm mountain opening style!"

Zhao chengtui in a light drink, that person has inverted fly out.

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his hands, and the blood on his hands falls into the dust.


At this time, the talent fell to the ground with a bang, and the position was just in front of the old man of the Song family and the experts of the aristocratic family.

People subconsciously bowed their heads, and then their faces were distorted.

Even if you are a master in the later stage of Lingwu realm, the face is still the most vulnerable position of the human body. If you hit hard with eight fists in a row, you can't see the face, and you don't know what to do.

In the later period of Lingwu, he was a well deserved master in the ancient martial family. He could even be in power, and the strongest one was not much higher than him.

And such a master, even a face to face was beaten, life and death do not know.

This is not only the face of the man, but also the face of all the masters of the aristocratic family.

Looking up, Zhao Chengfeng looks at them with a smile. Although he doesn't speak, he seems to have written a line on his face

"You want to kill me?"

This is a naked provocation!

"Come on, come on, kill him!"

The old man of the Song family has a black face and a ferocious expression. At this time, he doesn't care about his face. It's not a martial arts contest. It's a life and death battle. What's more, he doesn't care about the reputation of bullying others.

He is determined to kill this damned boy even with the number of people.

Other aristocratic experts have the same mind.

But at this time, some of the elites in the inner door murmured, "wait a minute ~!"

The old man of the Song family and other experts of the guwu family looked back at the man.

The man didn't look at the old man of the Song family and other experts of the guwu family. As he talked, he walked forward, but when passing by the experts of the guwu family, he coldly dropped a sentence, "what guwu family, cut, don't make a fool of yourself. Can't you see that people are not at the same level as you, just you ants, think you can kill people by the number of people, Hum... "

"If it's not a realm, it's hard to be a master of magic martial arts realm. How can it be that this man, like us, is a man of the earth world, and he's not old enough to have such high accomplishments?"

Although the experts and assassins of the guwu family had the intention to invite these inner elites to fight, their faces were still a little ugly when they heard this person's scornful tone.

Just hear this person say that Zhao Chengfeng and they are not the same realm, face or can't help but slightly change, some shocked look to Zhao Chengfeng.

"This man is really a magic martial arts realm." Among the elite of the inner gate, Zhu Shangfeng, the elite of the armour gate, said faintly. He also looked at Zhao Chengfeng, but his face was calm and he didn't have any expression, so he couldn't see what he thought.

However, his answer confirmed the conjecture of the experts of the ancient martial family, and the expressions of the old people of the Song family changed slightly.

On the other hand, when Zhao Chengfeng heard the inner elite's words, he just gave a faint smile and said no.

This attitude made the inner elite a little uncomfortable, frowned slightly, and instantly regained his arrogance again.

"Of course, you should not think that you are really powerful. At the beginning of the magic martial arts realm, it's good to dump in such a rubbish like place, but... Rubbish is rubbish, and the more powerful rubbish is rubbish. I'm just curious. To your extent, why does that bastard Yunqing value you? "

The man went on as he went on. The fingers are beating gently on the waist scabbard rhythmically.

At each step, his momentum rose by one point. At the beginning, people saw that he was just an ordinary person's figure, but I don't know why, walking, they felt that he was getting bigger and bigger.

Until the last few steps, his figure seems to have become a skyscraper in people's eyes. The huge shadow seems to cover the surrounding lights, the neon of the city, and even the sky.

The sound of finger tapping on the scabbard became more and more clear from the beginning, and finally became the only sound in the world.

This strange feeling made most people on the scene look ugly, and even some people with poor strength could hardly stand.

This kind of reaction falls in this person's eyes, but does not let this person have the slightest complacency, on the contrary, the haze in his eyes is more and more heavy.

Because the majority of people did not include Zhao Chengfeng, who was the first to bear the brunt, and even the expressions of several people around him did not seem to change at all.

It made him look a little embarrassed.

Because of Zhao Chengfeng's casual reaction, this person's seemingly ordinary pace and percussion, but in fact, he deliberately used a kind of soul shock technique.

This is a very common skill against the enemy in the inner world. The experts with a little background don't want to use it, because it won't work.

Anyone who knows can resist easily.

But in his mind, even if Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what kind of deviant ways he used to cultivate in the backwater of the earth world to reach the realm of magic martial arts, he certainly didn't understand this kind of inner door skill, and of course he couldn't resist it.

But now from the results, the other side not only resisted, but also understated, even without a trace, the means seems to be better than him.

"Well, it's not bad. I'm still determined. I can resist the sound of my soul taking sword! Well, it's expected that the magic martial arts realm can resist my secret skills, otherwise it won't be enough. " In order to cover up the embarrassment, the man snorted coldly.

"Damn it, if you don't pretend to be forced, you will die. I haven't even pretended to be forced. You can't even pretend to be forced." Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes in his heart, but he was surprised and said: "secret skill? Soul taking sword sound? Wow, it turns out that in the inner gate world, this kind of insect carving technique, which we call frequency resonance in the earth world, has such a big name. It's still a secret skill. It's powerful. It's worthy of the inner gate world! "

His surprised and sincere expression, combined with exaggerated tone, made Qingqiu who sat in the hall indifferent to the outside almost burst out laughing.

Compared with Qingqiu, Xiaogui and others are not so reserved. They laugh so hard, but they exaggerate: "the inner world is the inner world. Any rubbish can have a big name. It's strong, it's really strong. It's worthy of being a high-level world!"

Although Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er are not so disrespectful as Xiaogui and others, they have no cover.

Zhu Shangfeng and other elite members of the inner door were embarrassed by the naked slap. Zhu Shangfeng bit his teeth and scolded, "this idiot, just do it! There's so much nonsense!"

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