Although the man was not thin skinned, he couldn't hang up when he was beaten so naked. He was condescending and arrogant, but his strength didn't depend on his mouth. Pull out your sword and let me see if your sword is as sharp as your mouth

After that, he took off the long sword at his waist, and in front of him, with a flick of his finger on the hilt, the edge of the sword popped up instantly, and a cold light reflected his face with a chill.

Originally, when people heard the satire of Zhao Chengfeng and others, they all looked down on him. But at this moment, it seemed that they were also cold by the sword seal, and the dignity that had been dispelled seemed to gather again.

Even Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help admiring this life.

"No matter what this guy's accomplishments are, whether he's strong or not, he really has some skill in pretending to force."

If you don't say anything else, you can see that you have practiced in front of the mirror for more than a thousand times, not only in your posture, but also in your eyes.

This person seems to be very satisfied with his forced act, and the reaction of people around him is just right.

And this person is also good at learning lessons. Just now, because he gave Zhao Chengfeng the opportunity to speak, he turned a force into a slap in the face.

So this time, one forced to install, and without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak, the other forced to follow.

I saw a sneer in the corner of his mouth, then quickly pulled out his sword, and drank softly, "remember, the man who killed you, the inner world qingminshan zhangche!"

The long sword has been handed out before the sound of cheering. It stabs Zhao Chengfeng in the throat.

It's like lightning.

Even Zhao Chengfeng was unprepared and scolded in his heart, "your uncle said that I would pull out my sword?"

However, this kind of sword can only make him unprepared, not to make him flustered.

It's just a slight mistake. It's already past the edge of the sword, but it doesn't pull the Xuanyuan sword. A warrior in the early stage of fantasy martial arts, even the so-called elite in the inner world, is not qualified to let him pull the sword.

At the moment of side passing, the spirit power infuses the fingers, and the fingers bend to the sword body.

"Presumptuous!" Zhang Che didn't plan to stab Zhao Chengfeng to death with one sword. His sword was more of a trial.

But after Zhao Chengfeng flashed by, he even planned to play his sword body with empty hands, which was too contemptuous of his powerful inner door master.

In his fury, his wrist shook slightly, and the body of the long sword was shocked. Under this shock, Qingfeng's long sword clanged and chanted, just like the sound of Guqin.

Sonorous clear cut.

The air around the sword body produced some wonderful distortion under his shock, which made his sword power blurred.

Originally, because of the forced behavior of this man just now, some people who looked down on this man were not able to help but sank. Even the inner elites also had a little more emphasis.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, there is a trace of irony and pity.

"This guy can't be looked down on sometimes, but his strength is not strong enough. He even used his strength in his sword moves. He has two skills. Hum, the boy of the earth world even used his empty hand to play Zhang Che's sword. It's arrogant!"

"Ha ha, the frog in the well has some skills, so it's hard to avoid doing things like watching the sky from the well!"

Zhao Chengfeng see his hand, look also slightly flashed a little surprised, but he did not avoid, the corner of the mouth slightly a hook, stretched out a finger without hesitation.

"Zheng ~!"

With a sound of light chanting, people can see that the illusory shadow of the sword is suddenly fixed, becomes a clear sword body again, and is immediately swung away.

Zhang Che felt numb in the palm of his hand. He almost didn't hold the sword. He quickly increased his spiritual power, which didn't let the sword go.

But the sword was bounced away. He screamed in his heart that it was not good, and he jumped back in spite of the shock in his heart.

At the same time, he felt the "Chi" wind in his ear, but Zhao Chengfeng pointed to it like a sword, and still stabbed it like a sharp sword. A sword gas rubbed his cheek. If it wasn't for his good fortune, one side of his head would have been stabbed.

But Rao was so. He still felt the pain of splitting on his cheek. A moment later, he felt the blood flowing through his cheek. Needless to say, he knew that his cheek had been cut by sword Qi.

"Take life sword move, sword out seal throat!"

Before he gets angry, he hears another low drink from Zhao Chengfeng. Then he feels his scalp numb. Although he doesn't hear any sound of breaking the air, he intuitively knows that Zhao Chengfeng's second finger sword is coming again.

The reason why there is no sound of breaking the air indicates that the opponent's sword Qi is faster than the previous one, or even faster than the sound. If he waits for the sound of breaking the air again, he will be dead when he hears the sound of breaking the air.

I can't care about anything else immediately. With intuition, the horizontal sword is a block.


There was another sound of gold and iron, and he felt a greater shock of the sword, and a huge force came.

Zhang Che was extremely shocked. "What kind of strange force is this? How can a sword Qi have such a strong impact? It's still the sword Qi sent out by fingers. If it's a real sword, you can still get it?"

However, he was shocked in his heart, but he did not dare to neglect it in his hand. He quickly put his other hand against the body of the sword, and his body slipped back more than two meters involuntarily under the impact, which stabilized his body.

But before he was lucky, he heard another "Zheng" sound, followed by another crack of Qingyue.

He was very familiar with the sound, because he had heard it more than once in his past life.

It's the sound of a long sword breaking. It's also the sound of a good sword breaking. He can't be unfamiliar with the most swordsman.

But in the past, this voice often represented victory and killing, because it was usually someone else's sword.

But at this moment, the sound that used to sound more and more beautiful made his heart crack. His eyes were wide open in horror. His body wanted to move, but he couldn't move. Moreover, he felt as if his neck was leaking. Every breath made a wheezing sound.

He subconsciously covered his neck, and warm liquid gushed out from his fingers.

At this time, he heard a sound that seemed very far away, some vague and some unreal.

"Take life sword move, sword out seal throat!"

Zhang Che has some vague consciousness, can't help but flash an angry thought, "really special what is the sword out of the throat, but you are special, since you still shout sword move, then can you shout before the sword, now what is it?"

Then, even the idea of anger blurred

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