Quiet, absolutely quiet.

In the whole garden, if a leaf falls to the ground at this time, it must be fake, even the sound of falling leaves can be heard clearly.

But the leaves seem to be solidified by some force at this moment.

"The master of inner door was killed so easily?"

Everyone's a little hard to believe.

In fact, it's acceptable to kill, but the key is that it's too easy to kill.

Three swords.

No, to be exact, it's the sword Qi of the Dao Zhi sword that breaks the sword in the hands of an expert at the beginning of the magic martial arts realm, and then forcibly blocks his throat!

Even the beautiful eyes of elder martial sister Qingqiu in the hall narrowed slightly, and her eyes to Zhao Chengfeng were slightly surprised.

Only Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er's eyes shine, no accident, only pride, as if the winner is themselves.

"Good sword technique, good sword to seal the throat!"

An exclamation broke the peace.

It was Zhu Shangfeng, the inner elite, who spoke.

At this time, the elite of Bingjia sect looked solemn.

But it's not like the shock and anger of the other elite inside.

Just a little more solemnity, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, a little more color, and a little more heat.

It seems that Zhao Chengfeng's sword has made him more interested in Zhao Chengfeng.

"Nephew Zhu, how can this man be so strong, otherwise..." the old man of the Song family's face was a little ugly at this time. He tightly wrinkled his old eyebrows and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with gloomy and resentful eyes. It seemed that his killing intention was going to turn into essence.

"No ~!" Zhu Shangfeng coldly interrupted him, then turned to a tall young man around him and said, "Xiongwu, you go and kill him!"

When Zhu Shangfeng's words were heard by the elites of inner door, their reactions were different. Some people's faces changed slightly, some were afraid, some were shocked.

Others gave a sneer of sarcasm.

When the experts of the ancient martial family heard that Zhu Shangfeng gave orders to the tall young man directly, they could not help but be surprised and frightened.

The tall young man kept his eyes closed from beginning to end. He didn't respond to Zhu Shangfeng's words for a long time, as if he didn't hear them at all.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little chilly.

Just when the masters of the aristocratic family were worried about whether the two would fight first, the tall young man finally slowly opened his eyes, but did not move. Instead, he turned to look at Zhu Shangfeng and said coldly, "you are not qualified to command me!"

Just this sentence, people feel that this person's Qi like a beast awakened to wake up, become violent and turbulent.

This one change, even before that a few sneer inside door elite also not from the facial expression tiny change.

A group of aristocratic experts are looking at them nervously.

On the contrary, Zhu Shangfeng didn't look the same. He just looked at the tall young man indifferently. Then he turned to Zhao Chengfeng and repeated, "go and kill him!"

The tall young man's eyes just opened narrowed slightly, and his breath suddenly changed from fierce and turbulent to cold and piercing, just like a thick back broadsword turned into a sharp broken blade.

Although it seems to be converging, it is more dangerous.

Zhu Shangfeng did not seem to feel the same, still looking at Zhao Chengfeng, the tall young cool air machine indifferent.

At the time when everyone thought that the tall young man was really going to run away, he unexpectedly withdrew his eyes, and then walked to Zhao Chengfeng without a glance.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng has been looking at the love line here. Seeing the strange reaction of the tall young man, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but smile.

When the tall young man came near, he just saw this smile. There was a trace of violence in his eyes. He asked coldly, "what are you laughing at?"

Just in a word, the whole person's ferocious spirit was released, as if suddenly from human into a fierce beast, to choose people and bite.

"Laugh at you!" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

Just this sentence, everyone's face is a change.

"This guy's brain is sick. He dares to challenge Xiongwu. Does he know who Xiongwu is?"

"Maybe he thought he had killed Zhang Che, so he was invincible?"

A murmur of schadenfreude from the inner elite.

Sure enough, when the tall young man heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, his originally small eyes suddenly narrowed into a line, but his pupils turned red.

"What did you say?" Asked the young man again.

"Ha ha." How can Zhao Chengfeng be afraid of him? He laughs and says again: "I'm laughing at you!"

"I'm going to tear you down and crush the bones all over you!" The tall young man opened his mouth coldly. At the same time, he threw his hands at Zhao Chengfeng.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng smiles. Instead of retreating, he shakes his body and bumps forward.

"To die!"

Tall youth see his action, ferocious smile, in his view, Zhao Chengfeng this action is a trap.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's figure is not particularly tall, his height of 1.8 meters is not short. However, the height of this tall young man is far different from that of ordinary people. He is more than two heads taller than Zhao Chengfeng and one point higher than a basketball star.

His strength and body's ability to carry and strike have always been his greatest strength and reliance.

Even if you don't use the slightest spirit power, just the brute force can be compared with the general magic martial arts realm master.

Standing there, the experts at the top of Lingwu realm are tickling.

If the earth boy uses the sword, even if he uses the sword Qi, he will have to fight with him. What is it?

In his mind, his fists turned into elbows, and he wanted to hit Zhao Chengfeng's back with an elbow hammer.

In his view, as long as this smash solid, can break Zhao Chengfeng spine, even internal organs are broken.

But then his face changed, and he was surprised to find that the raised arm could not move, and he could not drop it.

"What's going on?"

He was surprised and looked down. Zhao Chengfeng was hiding in his arms. One of his hands touched the outside of one of his elbow joints with a very strange step. His huge strength could not be used under this support, and even his spiritual power could not work.

He was horrified. "How is that possible?"

My arm is thicker than this boy's waist. This boy even holds my two arms with one hand without spiritual strength. How much physical strength is it.

He didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng was just a very simple fighting skill.

From his appearance, Zhao Chengfeng saw his weakness.

"The footwall is empty and floating, the muscles are stiff, the bones are strong but not tough, the movements are stiff but not effective, the body is strong but not uniform, the strength is strong but not firm, waste one!" Zhao Chengfeng sneered and pressed his other hand on his waist.

"Boil!" Xiongwu was about to burst out with a roar, but suddenly he felt that he was not stable. The strength he had just gathered was suddenly lax. He stepped back several steps, his arms were empty, and he wanted to keep his body steady.

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng stretched out a finger and flicked it on his forehead.


With a loud noise, Xiongwu's huge body fell to the ground.

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