It was quiet again and everyone was stunned.

Especially the elite of inner door, they can't believe their eyes.

Among them, Zhang Che, the most skillful swordsman, was killed with his finger sword.

Among them, the person with the strongest physical strength fell to the ground by this person somehow.

"Am I dreaming? Damn, how can you have such a ridiculous dream? It's impossible

"What's the matter? How did I fall?" Xiongwu fell to the ground. Although he didn't get hurt, he just fell a little, but his eyes were at a loss.

Then he looked up at Zhao Chengfeng.

Heart secretly shocked: "this person a hand to hold my arms, casually I do not know how, put me down, and he is as clear as I did not use spiritual power, how can he do it."

"Is he gifted and powerful?"

"No, it's impossible. How can there be anyone in the world who is more gifted than me in the flesh? No, no! But just now... Was it me who was careless? Yes, it must be me

Thinking that he had figured out the key, Xiongwu jumped up and said angrily, "asshole, I was not careful just now. Come again!"

After drinking, he pours on Zhao Chengfeng again, like a fierce bullfight!

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw that the goods didn't use the spirit power, he still seemed to plan to defeat himself with the brute force. He couldn't help laughing, "you're the same trash several times!"

After that, he shook his side slightly and let him jump. At the same time, he put his hand on one side of the person's shoulder and pushed the other one on the person's waist again.

Xiongwu suddenly felt that he couldn't stand fighting again, "pa", but this time he fell a piece of shit.

And this time, he really fell a little painful. Even he could not help showing his teeth.

But as soon as he gritted his teeth, he jumped up again, eyes wide open, and another roar, "if I'm not careful, I don't believe that my strength can't match you!"

All the elites of the inner door looked a little ugly when they heard the words. One just now, another now.

One careless, two careless, if you

"Pa ~!"

All of you: --

"I'm not careful, come again ~!"

"Pa ~!"

"I'm not careful again. I don't believe it. I don't believe my power can't match the bean sprouts of the earth world like you!"

"Bang ~!"


"Bang ~!"


"It's me, it's me..." Xiong Wu clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. I was not careful, but he couldn't say it any more.

Fall and get up again.

Fall again, get up again.

I don't know how many times I fell, how many times I fell.

Even if Xiong Wu is such a magic martial arts master, this kind of ordinary fall won't be hurt, but the number of times, some can't bear it.

Even the eyes feel a little fuzzy, and the head is dizzy.

What's more, he is violent and has no brain, but he has a little brain. After falling so many times, he knows something about it.

It's not a matter of strength, it's a matter of skill.

And this kind of skill, he fell so many times, every time he thought he already knew some, but next time Zhao Chengfeng fell down in a more straightforward way, almost not the same, just in this way, wrestling is impossible to learn.

It's meaningless to try to be brave again. If you don't say it, your face is too ugly.

"What's the matter? Why don't you continue to be careless?" Zhao Chengfeng laughs in the air, but his heart is also a bit empty. After falling so many times, he is not tired, but Zhao Chengfeng himself feels a little tired.

Fortunately, this time, Xiongwu gritted his teeth. Although he was not reconciled, he finally shook his head. "No, you don't beat me in strength at all. You're just deceiving me!"

"Well, what's the trick? It's called skill Zhao Chengfeng claps his hands, shakes his head and sighs“ Although the power is strong, but do not know how to use, and bull what difference! It seems that you are not only counsellor, but also useless! "

Xiongwu's eyes suddenly opened, "although I can't beat you, it doesn't mean I can't kill you! Your tricks, as long as I don't compare brute force with you, don't work at all! "

"Ha ha, you are not too stupid." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and does not deny it.

In fact, what Zhao Chengfeng did was very simple. He just took advantage of this man's weakness and used some fighting skills that ordinary ancient martial arts would not practice.

Because these fighting skills are basically unnecessary for the ancient martial arts.

But there is no absolute, generally do not need, not generally when it is difficult to say.

If this person directly attacks with spiritual power, Zhao Chengfeng can't use this kind of fighting skill even if he knows his shortcomings, but this person is going to "bully" people with physical power.

It's clear that the footwall is unstable, and the fighting skills, even the most basic joint skills, have to fight with him closely. Who will he fall if he doesn't fall?

"But there is one problem, and you are mistaken!" Zhao Chengfeng said again.

"What's the problem?" Xiongwu's eyes brighten, thinking that Zhao Chengfeng would say why he always falls.

Although he has understood the key of the matter, and also understood that as long as he does not have to use brute force close combat, then Zhao Chengfeng will not be able to use those evil methods to throw himself.

However, he has always regarded brute force as his strongest point. In the past, he used to fight with people. Many times, he deliberately used brute force to defeat the enemy without using spiritual power, so as to humiliate his opponent. He felt very comfortable.

But this time he suffered a loss in his strongest item. How could he be reconciled? Even if he killed Zhao Chengfeng today, he would not be able to wash away the shame.

But if you can understand the key, then he may be better in the strongest, so of course he is also very interested.

But Zhao Chengfeng said with a joking smile: "the question is, why do you think you can defeat me with your spiritual power?"

"What? Ha ha ~! " Xiongwu was stunned, and then he burst out laughing. The laughter was not really funny, but angry.

"Why do I think I can beat you? I'll tell you now." Xiongwu said that, his whole body Qi soared, and his cultivation limits kept climbing until the middle stage of magic martial arts.

Then he looked at Zhao Chengfeng jokingly and asked, "how about this?"

Not only him, but also the inner elites who had no face because of Xiongwu also laughed.

In the middle stage of magic martial arts, if not invincible, it should be extremely strong in this world of spiritual exhaustion.

Even if there are one or two of them, they are all hidden forces.

Moreover, the gap between the middle and the middle stages of magic martial arts is not comparable. As the elite disciples of the inner world, they still have this confidence.

But to their surprise, Zhao Chengfeng smiles and shakes his head, "not enough!"

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