"Not enough?" Xiongwu laughed angrily, "how can you tell me that it's not enough?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak. He let go of his momentum. Then he slowly said, "it's just the middle stage of the magic martial arts realm, so do I. besides, the magic martial arts realm and the magic martial arts realm, genius and waste are different."

"Son of a bitch, who do you say is rubbish?" Everyone was surprised to see that Zhao Chengfeng was in the middle stage of magic martial arts, and so was Xiongwu. However, when they heard that Zhao Chengfeng claimed to be a genius and called him a waste, they were immediately angry.

It's unreasonable that he is called waste by the aborigines of the earth world.

"Why, don't you agree?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a sneer.

"Hum ~!" Xiongwu snorted coldly, and the other elites of inner door also sneered.

It's impossible.

It's just a remote native who calls himself a genius, calls us waste, and asks us if we are convinced. Are you crazy?

Zhao Chengfeng chuckled and said slowly, "since you don't agree, I'll ask you a few questions? It's just three simple questions. "

"How can he promise that.

As for Zhao Chengfeng's words, although he was shocked by Zhao Chengfeng's strength, the more so, the more he could not let the boy escape today.

As for other

"Ha ha, you martial nephews, although he is eloquent and has some accomplishments, you don't have to care at all. First of all, although the earth's environment is not good, there are also some secret places, and some unorthodox ways can also temporarily improve cultivation. " Although the Song family's old people are all guessing, they make a lot of inner elites look better.

A lot of people nodded slightly.

"What uncle Song said is right. This kind of situation really exists!"

"This man can cultivate this kind of cultivation in the earth world by means of devious ways. He should be able to claim that he is a genius. We were almost shocked by him. Thank you for waking up, martial uncle!"

In the past, none of these inner disciples was willing to call these aristocratic masters martial uncle. Even if this is just a polite name, even if these people are dozens of years older than them, it's enough to be their grandfather.

But at this time, the old man of the Song family almost broke the knot, but everyone changed their name.

The old man of the Song family is not on the face, but he is happy in the heart. He laughs and continues to say: "in fact, it's not wrong to say that this man has some talents, even if he is a heretic. If he can make such achievements at his age, even if he is an enemy, he has to admit that he has some abilities."

"But he is not qualified to compare with you. The road of martial arts is not in the immediate, but in the long run. All of you have a bright future, and he is nothing but grass mustard. Even though it is flourishing for a while, it even covers the seedlings of big trees, but the seedlings can grow into towering trees. Does grass mustard still have a chance to grow into towering trees? "

With this person's words, the demoralized morale of the elite members of the inner door was suddenly boosted by Zhao Chengfeng's attack, and they even felt suddenly cheerful.

Even Zhu Shangfeng couldn't help showing a sudden look, and then openly saluted the old man of the Song family, "thank you, martial uncle, wake up, I've been taught!"

"Ha ha, dare not, dare not?" The old man of the Song family laughed and waved his hand, but he was very proud. Then he turned to Zhao Chengfeng with a smile and said with a sneer, "what's more, a dead man, even a genius, is just a dead genius! Mr. Zhao, what do you think? "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak at once. Instead, he gave the old man a lot of eyes.

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. It seems that it's not a matter of words, but it's actually about confidence and morale.

Zhao Chengfeng just hit those inner class elites, but the old guy immediately found his words. Although they were all unreasonable, at least on the surface they were reasonable. He not only raised the morale of those inner class elites, but also wanted to hit Zhao Chengfeng's confidence.

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