Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng never felt that he was just a grass-roots person, nor did he feel that those inner class elites were any gold branch and jade leaf.

A moment later, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed, "what the old man said seems reasonable, but he forgot one thing. Grass mustard is natural life, and do you know that grass mustard in your eyes is not a big tree seed mixed in grass mustard? But your so-called Golden branches and jade leaves are just ornaments made by craftsmen. They are good for people to watch and grow into towering trees. Are you not crazy, old man? "

As soon as the old man of the Song family changed his face and was about to argue, Zhao Chengfeng sneered again: "however, you're right. If genius dies, it's also a dead genius. It will leave a legend. If waste dies, it's really dead. For example...!"

When Zhao Chengfeng said this, he suddenly moved. In an instant, he bullied Xiongwu to come near him. At the same time, the Xuanyuan sword, which had never come out of its sheath, came out with a clank.

"Take life sword move, sword out seal throat!"

Xiongwu didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng said it well. He said he would do it without warning.

Although his accomplishments are similar to Zhao Chengfeng's, because of the different living environment, his combat experience and skills are far from Zhao Chengfeng's, which has been proved by previous competitions.

He thought that if he didn't have to fight with brute force, he would win, but it turned out that he was wrong.

When Zhao Chengfeng's sword comes out, he can't even dodge. He usually relies on his strength and has no weapons. In a hurry, he can only raise his arm to block.

But Xuanyuan sword is a magic weapon. It's far more than cutting iron like mud. No matter how strong his arm is, how can it stop it.

It's just a wheeze, and my strong arm has been broken.

"No, don't kill me?"

Seeing that Jianguang was in front of him, Xiongwu was afraid and tried to beg for mercy.

"Well, since you are afraid of death, don't be strong." With a sneer, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like these inner world people who compare themselves to each other.

Since he is the enemy, he has no pity at all.

"Ah ~!"

A canopy of fresh blood splashed up, like a flower in full bloom, bright and dazzling, then fell dust, mixed with soil, and became dirty stains.

It turns out that Jinzhiyuye is just like this.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you dare!"

Seeing another inner door elite being killed in front of him, all the inner door elites were stimulated.

They all drank furiously.

Zhu Shangfeng's pupil shrinks, "Zhao Chengfeng, you dare to kill my inner elite again and again, you're dead!"

He finally can't help but do it himself. Before, he despised Zhao Chengfeng a little. He also wanted to make Xiong Wu and others yield through this opportunity, so that he could become the real leader of these people.

But it's a pity that although Xiongwu succumbed to him, he didn't come back. This will not only not increase his prestige, but also damage his prestige.

"No, absolutely no!"

Seeing him rush out, the old man of the Song family's face changed. He cried out: "don't be impulsive, nephew Zhu. Let's go up together and kill him together?"

If he had confidence in these inner elites before, he began to waver when he saw that the most powerful of the inner elites had been killed by one sword.

However, many aristocratic experts and other elites in the inner door were almost the same at this time. They all showed their weapons and were about to step forward.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also a coagulation. Although he has long been ready to be besieged, if these aristocratic masters and the inner elite really go together, he will have to be careful.

But Zhu Shangfeng, who was the leader, cheered coldly: "no! I can deal with him alone. You deal with other people around him. "


"Zhu Shao, this person can't be underestimated ~!"

"Nephew Zhu, this kind of person is insidious and despicable. There's no need to argue with him!"

Hearing this, the senior members of the aristocratic family and the elites of the inner family couldn't help smacking.

"When I say no, I don't. no one dares to come up. Don't blame me for not distinguishing between the enemy and me!" As soon as he saw that all the people had to step forward, Zhu Shangfeng put a long knife in his hand and stopped them with a cold hum. He looked coldly at Zhao Chengfeng in their unexpected eyes.

"I want this person to understand who is genius and who is trash!"

"Er..." this remark is not only the experts of the ancient martial family, but also Zhao Chengfeng.

I didn't expect that this person should care so much.

But some inner elite know more about this person's ideas.

In fact, this person is now persistent, but not all because of Zhao Chengfeng himself, there is another person who has hit their confidence once before.

But although Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand his idea, he didn't plan to fight with him immediately.

On the contrary, the figure is in a flash, pounce into other inner elite, these inner elite originally intended to Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er.

They did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng in the face of Zhu Shangfeng, also dare to attack them, also instantly angered.

Because they are not stupid, there is only one reason why Zhao Chengfeng does this. He intends to solve them quickly, and then fight with Zhu Shangfeng, so as to share the pressure with the people around him.

It's the biggest shame on them.

"Bastard, don't look down on people. Go to hell!"

But the next moment they know that they are really wrong, Zhao Chengfeng really did not intend to humiliate them, not to belittle them, but they are really too far away.

"Lethal sword move, the wind blows on my face!"

"Vajra boxing, Vajra subdues the devil!"

Zhao Chengfeng has a sword and a fist.

The right hand takes the life sword move, the left hand Vajra boxing technique, just like a tiger into a sheep, instantly put two inner elite to the ground.

This speed makes the elite of the inner door surprised and angry, but also a little chilly.

"Zhao Chengfeng, how dare you, we are all elite disciples of the major sects in the inner world. If you dare to kill us, you will offend the major sects!"

Even for a moment, they thought of a person at the same time, who was Yunqing yunshaozhu.

On that day, Yunqing left them. They tried to force Yunqing to tell the truth. When they started, the same thing happened to the man. They put all of them down.

At this moment, when they face Zhao Chengfeng, they feel that they are the same as the young master of qianjimen cloud, and even vaguely feel that they are even more terrible.

Because just as they were shouting, another inner elite and family master died under Zhao Chengfeng's sword.

"Zhao Chengfeng, don't kill me, don't kill me. I promise that I will never come to the earth again, and I will never be your enemy again!" People began to beg for mercy.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you son of a bitch, don't run. You have the guts to fight with me alone!" On the other hand, Zhu Shangfeng saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't fight with him at all, but he killed other elite and aristocratic experts with speed.

He was so busy that he couldn't catch up.

When it made him angry, he was surprised.

"How can it be, how can it be, this man is not a mere aborigine in the earth world, how can he have such high accomplishments, such powerful swordsmanship, even his body skill? How can it be?"

Is he really more talented than me?

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