"Single choice? Hehe, your so-called single challenge is that you a group of people choose me, and then I can't move, just stand there and let you fight, right? " Zhao Cheng sneers sarcastically in his tuyere, but his figure flashes again. You long Yinfeng's body method starts. Several aristocratic masters who want to block his way only feel that a flower in front of him has lost his trace.

And Zhu Shangfeng, who followed closely, also threw himself into the air.

A few people in the heart a surprised, secret way a not good, hear "Oh" a pain cry, a aristocratic master directly by Zhao Chengfeng a sword off an arm.

And after Zhao Chengfeng's attack, he didn't love fighting. No matter the world Master who had his arm cut off was alive or dead, once again, it was a flash that people had already appeared in another position on the battlefield.

A family expert is about to attack Xia Bingbing, but he doesn't know that Zhao Chengfeng is standing behind him with a sharp sword.

Seeing this, other aristocratic experts suddenly changed their faces and yelled, "be careful, he is..."

"Behind" two words did not have time to export, that person has already fallen under the sword.

Zhu Shangfeng has become an expert in his family. Seeing this, he can't help but feel ashamed and angry.

"You all step back and let me fight with him alone!" Zhu Shangfeng drinks coldly.

After listening to this, the other elite members of the inner family and the experts of the aristocratic family, though they are extremely afraid of Zhao Chengfeng and want to retire, they are hesitant.

"So many people can't do it. Can you be stronger without us?"

"If you want to step down, just step down. Don't let Ben get in the way." Zhu Shangfeng snorted coldly and said again, "can't you see a group of rubbish? He's the best at group warfare. He's especially good at making use of the surrounding environment. If you're there, it'll hinder my hands and feet and get back to me!"

"Zhu Shangfeng, what do you say, asshole? Who do you say is rubbish?" After hearing Zhu Shangfeng's words, Zhao Chengfeng hasn't done much, but some of the inner elite quit.

One of them yelled angrily, as if he was going to rush forward, but he was stopped by his companion. "Elder martial brother Zhu has a point. This person's body method can really use us to hinder each other. In the group war, he can do well with his body method. On the contrary, we are constrained by our companions everywhere. We are so powerful that we can't even give full play to five or six points. "

"Everyone step back and seal off the surroundings. Don't let them escape. Let's give this man to elder martial brother Zhu, so as not to say that our inner door people have to bully more and less against him as an aborigine."

When he said this, the man snorted before, then slowly retreated, and others also retreated. At the same time, they surrounded Zhao Chengfeng and others together with the villa, leaving an open space in the center of the courtyard for Zhao Chengfeng and Zhu Shangfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng see this mouth up, also do not stop. Zhu Shangfeng is closely staring at Zhao Chengfeng, until all the people retreat, just grin.

"I can't imagine that there are masters like you in such a rubbish place as the earth world, who have such body and sword skills, but..."

When Zhu Shangfeng said this, his face and smile instantly disappeared. Then he suddenly raised his voice and cheered: "if you think you are not a frog in the well, and you think you can be the enemy of Ben Shao, I will tell you how ignorant you are!"

Before his voice fell, Zhu Shangfeng's momentum suddenly changed.


With him as the center, a whirlwind rises from the ground, and then quickly spreads around. The strength of this popularity machine is like substance.

"Ha ~"

All of a sudden, Zhu Shangfeng made a sound like huffing. He squatted and stood up, and pushed his palms forward slowly. Then everyone was surprised to find that his naked skin seemed to be cooked. It was red, his hair was erect, and there was a metallic color in the light.

Seeing this scene, people's faces changed, especially the elite of the inner door.

But many aristocratic experts and Zhao Chengfeng and others are not only slightly surprised, but also more confused.

"What kind of skill is this? Do you want to cook yourself?"

Everyone was surprised.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little more dignified, but he doesn't act rashly. He also wants to see the secrets of the inner door's true elite disciples.

At that moment, all the people heard was "Dong ~", which was slightly dull, like a heart beating sound. What the naked eye could see was that the muscles of Zhu Shangfeng's whole body swelled with the beating sound.

"Dong Dong ~"

When the crowd was stunned, the pulsating sound sounded again, and the rhythm became faster and faster, and the sound became louder and louder. The heavy sound made people feel as if their hearts had been hit. It felt like a heavy subwoofer playing drums.

Thirteen times in a row, the voice suddenly stopped, and everyone felt light hearted. At this time, Zhu Shangfeng on the other side had a big circle, his muscles were swollen, and his meridians appeared. The whole person was no longer a cooked red, but completely turned into a dark, black and red color like bronze, which looked terrible.

"Hoo ~!"

Zhu Shangfeng breathes out a breath, two white smoke flows from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes look coldly at Zhao Chengfeng.

"You didn't interrupt me, you think highly of yourself, or you know you can't do it?" As soon as Zhu Shangfeng opened his mouth, his voice changed, deep, hoarse and mechanical.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and said no.

But his performance made Zhu Shangfeng look colder. He said indifferently: "just any way, it won't make any difference to you, but as a reward, Ben Shao will allow you to do it first, otherwise... You won't have the chance to do it!"

Although Zhao Chengfeng was very upset with the commanding attitude of the goods, he didn't despise the battle in front of him. No matter whether the other party pretended to force or not, the selling and strange process alone made people feel very different. Of course, he didn't dare to be careless.

Since the other party asked him to do it first, he would not be polite. Anyway, it's not a treat.

He didn't speak at once. He nodded his head, pointed his toes to the ground, and then swept his body.

"The first move of lethal sword move: seal the throat with the sword!"

It can be said that Zhao Chengfeng's three greatest skills are lethal sword move, Vajra boxing and Youlong Xifeng body skill, among which lethal sword move has the strongest attack power.

Zhao Chengfeng a hand directly is to take life sword move, visible in his heart is really don't dare to neglect.

Among them, the sword out of the throat is only the first move, which can be used in the Lingwu realm, but the strength of the lethal sword lies in its growth. The higher the realm is, the stronger the Lingli is, and the power of the same move is also different.

And this move Zhao Chengfeng used the most, practiced the most, and was the most handy, so although it was the first move, it was absolutely powerful.

Compared with other moves, they just have their own characteristics.

The core of this move is the three words, "fast, accurate and ruthless". If you can't make a sword move, you must seal your throat.

The others around him only felt that at the moment when Zhao Chengfeng handed out his sword, his people had disappeared, and everything else around him had disappeared. The whole world seemed to be just a cold sword light.

It's really two words fast as lightning and sharp as thunder.

When everyone saw this sword, they couldn't help changing their faces and exclaiming, "what a fast and cruel sword

I can't help thinking about how much I can grasp if I face this sword.

In the end, the answer from their heart made everyone's face a little uneasy, especially the inner elite.

They can't imagine that such a sword was made by a native of the earth world.

Even Qingqiu, who had been staying in the living room, did not know when he was standing beside Xia Bingbing. When he saw this sword, Xiumei could not help frowning slightly. He was a little surprised and said in secret: "I didn't expect that I underestimated this boy in the past."

What surprised people even more was that Zhu Shangfeng, who was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, did not move at all when he saw the stab, and even had a cruel sneer floating around his mouth.

And he didn't have any intention to dodge, but slowly stretched out a palm

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