"No, what is he going to do? Is he going to block the sword with his palm?"

"Are you crazy?"

A group of elite and aristocratic experts in the inner door stare at this scene. On the other side, Xia Bingbing and Xiaogui are also surprised to grow up.

I don't understand what this so-called inner elite wants to do?

Don't mention others, even Zhao Chengfeng, the other side of the field, is also surprised by this man's behavior.

"This man wants to block my sword with his palm?"

But in addition to his surprise, there was also a trace of uneasiness.

Although he never believed that a warrior in the magic martial arts realm could hold his sword with his palm, but

Is this man xiudou? No, although this person does not look normal, but he did not do so simply, he must have absolute confidence to dare so big.

"In that case, I'll see if your palm is strong or my sword is sharp!"

Although the heart is uneasy, but the hand of the sword did not hesitate, even faster, more ruthless a point.


All this is slow to say, but the so-called time is just between lightning and flint. Just a few ideas flashed in people's hearts. Zhao Chengfeng's sword has hit Zhu Shangfeng's palm.

And then


The sword stopped.

The world seems to have stopped!

It's been a long time.

People can't help but stare big eyes!


The invincible Xuanyuan sword, the extremely fast and lethal sword move, was resisted by that palm.

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are also wide open. Although he had expected that the other party's posture would not be simple, he couldn't help but believe that the other party could resist his Xuanyuan sword with one hand.

The spirit power infuses, Xuan Yuan sword Leng is arrived into a bow arc, but just can't pierce that palm.

It's the first time he's met this situation since he's practiced the deadly sword move. No, he's met it since he got the Xuanyuan sword.

If the opponent can evade his sword, or block his move with other weapons, or even use more powerful moves to counter him faster, he can accept it.


One hand

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's surprised and shocked expression, Zhu Shangfeng felt very happy and proud, but at the same time, he had some pity.

"It's a pity that this man is not Yunqing. Originally, I practiced this skill to deal with Yunqing. Now it's a waste to use it on the aborigines of such an earth world. Just think it's an experiment?"

Zhu Shangfeng thought of this and looked up at Zhao Chengfeng cruelly.

The eyes of both sides touch each other, and Zhao Chengfeng suddenly wakes up with a fright in his heart. The secret way is not good. Then the spirit power is released, and the Xuanyuan sword is straight in an instant. With the rebound force, he turns over and exits a few meters away, and at the same time makes a defensive posture, so as to prevent the opponent's counterattack.

But what surprised him was that Zhu Shangfeng didn't move. Instead, he looked at the palm of his hand.

Then he looked up at Zhao Chengfeng jokingly and said with a smile, "you can pierce my palm. That's good. That's good. You can be proud of yourself!"

When they heard his words, they noticed that there was a red dot in the palm of his hand. It seemed that there was a little blood flowing out.

But after hearing his words and looking at the negligible red dot, people's expressions became more and more strange.

But then, the experts of the ancient martial family couldn't help cheering up.

"It's too strong. It's really worthy of being the elite of a big sect like the inner gate. Zhu Shao is really too strong!"

"Ha ha, now the boy named Zhao is dead!"

On the other side of the family, the inner elites look more complicated. They are happy to see that the inner elites can kill Zhao Chengfeng, a native of the earth.

As the elite disciples of all the major schools in the inner world, which one of them is not very proud, which one is willing to stay behind.

But Tong is also an elite in the inner door. Before, Yun Qing had suppressed all of them by himself, which made them feel very subdued. Now Zhu Shangfeng has shown such a powerful secret skill, and even has a tendency to suppress them, which makes them a little hard to accept.

On the other hand, Xia Bingbing and others are more shocked and worried.

He could catch Zhao Chengfeng's Xuanyuan sword with his palm, leaving only a red dot, which is beyond their understanding to some extent.

"Is this man still human? How can there be such a powerful skill in the world? "

When they were shocked, they suddenly heard Qingqiu youyou saying: "it's not a skill, it's just a secret skill of dunjia. It seems that it should have spread from Chiba world. No wonder I feel so familiar!"

"Secret skill, elder martial sister, what secret skill is he? How can he be so strong?" Xia Bingbing heard Qingqiu open his mouth and asked.

"Strong? This is also called "strong?" Green hill disdains of a sneer, "but is to use the war puppet secret method on oneself, heresy, do not know life or death!"

Her voice is not small, but also not small, so not only Xia Bingbing and others, almost everyone in the field can hear clearly.

Most of the people in guwu aristocratic family were stunned, then laughed and sniffed.

But this word fell in Zhu Shangfeng's ear, but it was a fright, and he drank, "who, who's talking nonsense?"

As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately fell on Qingqiu. Then he was surprised to find that the woman he had not noticed before had made him completely unable to see the depth. His perception of this woman was like a mud ox going into the sea without any reaction.

This accident made him feel a little bit frozen in his heart. He was not the kind of guy with shallow knowledge. Naturally, he would not think that Qingqiu was an ordinary man.

Can have this kind of situation, can only explain this person's cultivation and strength to surpass him too many too many, even not in an order of magnitude.

"This woman is likely to be a virtual state, no, maybe even the peak of virtual state, absolutely the peak of virtual state, otherwise I can't have such a feeling."

"It shouldn't be a peerless person at the congenital level... No, it's impossible. At the congenital level, it's rare to be born in yuxu cave, not to mention the earth world!"

"It's just that how can there be such a powerful figure around Zhao Chengfeng? Is that the peerless figure mentioned by the people of those aristocratic families before?"

In his mind, he suddenly saw the woman looking coldly at him.

A woman next to the woman glared at her and said coldly, "how dare you say that my elder martial sister talks nonsense. She killed him!"

Zhu Shangfeng was shocked and immediately wanted to explain. But on the other hand, many experts of the aristocratic family didn't know what kind of existence Qingqiu was. Seeing Zhu Shangfeng's great power, he was proud of himself.

Hearing that Xia Bingbing let the cold faced woman kill Zhu Shangfeng, he sneered and said: "ha ha, where is the ignorant yellow haired girl? You dare to shout and kill Zhu Shao. I think it's you who want to die."

"That is, you are all dead today, Zhu Shao. Kill all these people quickly. By the way, these women look good when they keep them. If Zhu Shao is interested, he can enjoy them and then sell them abroad for a good price!"

"Ha ha, Zhao Chengfeng, this is what you end up against our guwu family and the inner world!"

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