"..." the masters of the aristocratic family were like ducks pinched by their necks, and there was no sound.

Before, they could not feel how powerful this woman was. At this time, Qingqiu showed a trace of killing intention and prestige intentionally or unintentionally, which made their heart tremble.

But then they comforted themselves, "it's OK, it's OK, how can Zhu Shao lose to this boy? Zhu Shao's secret skill is so powerful. He is invulnerable and the King Kong is not bad, so he will be in an invincible position first. "

"Yes, the boy is dead!"

Sure enough, as they expected, when Zhu Shangfeng heard Qingqiu's threat, he didn't care. He only looked at Zhao Chengfeng, and his killing intention became more intense. "Don't worry, master. He will die within ten moves!"

"Come on, Zhao Chengfeng, still let you do it first, don't say Ben Shao bullies you, ha ha ~!" Zhu Shangfeng has a funny smile.

"Ten moves?" With a noncommittal smile, Zhao Chengfeng holds his sword, points to the ground obliquely, and looks at Zhu Shangfeng from afar. Although he is dignified, he does not hesitate.

Although he couldn't pierce the palm of his opponent's hand with a sword just now, he didn't get discouraged.

Because that move was just a trial for him, and he didn't try his best.

Since he was defeated by old Yanshan before, and then by mixBy, he has been holding a breath in his heart. During this period of time, his cultivation is unprecedented hard. How can he not make any progress?

"I've been defeated again and again. How can I be defeated by such a monster with a little secret skill?"

"However, this man's secret skill is really powerful. Although the previous sword was just a trial, I used at least five parts of my strength to pierce only a little skin in his palm. What kind of abnormal defense is this. But as long as it is a secret skill, there must be limitations and weaknesses. What is his weakness? "

Continuous failure, eat flat is also good, began to let him learn to think calmly, no longer just rampage.

So even if Zhu Shangfeng was arrogant, he didn't do it easily. Instead, he was thinking about his weakness and countermeasures.

Suddenly, in everyone's surprised eyes, he returned the sword to the scabbard.

"What do you mean, this boy is going to give up, ha ha ~"

When they saw that he had put away the sword, they were puzzled, but they all laughed.

Zhu Shangfeng also grinned, "boy, just now the momentum is pretty good, this will not even dare to hand it? If that's the case, I'll do it! "

"Nothing. I've just tried my sword. I want to try my fist again." Zhao Chengfeng clenched his fist, moved his muscles and bones, and said calmly.

"Er..." all the people of the aristocratic family were shocked. "Isn't this boy stupid? He can't pierce his sword. He wants to try his fist. Is his fist sharper than his sword?"

But to their surprise, Zhu Shangfeng's face changed slightly when he heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, and then he said, "OK, you can try it!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't answer either. He stamped his feet on the ground, and the man shot out like a sharp arrow. He immediately jumped in front of Zhu Shangfeng, and then directly punched him in the chest.

Compared with his previous sword, the speed of this fist was not fast, and it didn't have the slightest power. It was just plain.

When people saw this, they felt a burst of joy in their hearts, and they didn't realize that the joy came suddenly and inexplicably.

I just feel happy when I see this punch.

Zhu Shangfeng also felt a joy in his heart. This joy, the whole person couldn't help but slack off. Originally, he planned to fight back with his fist, but he couldn't help but slow down one point.

Realizing this, he was suddenly surprised, and a trace of horror appeared on his face

The boy's fist was intended to affect people's mood.

But his mood at this time seemed to be split into two, one side was shocked, but the joy still stayed in his heart.

And this joy, even his reaction speed has been affected, suddenly that originally unpleasant punch has reached his chest.

"Asshole, it affects my mood, but do you think you can hit me? It's a long way off! "

"Step Zhu Shangfeng gave a light drink in his mouth, and the whole person suddenly disappeared.

The next moment Shua unexpectedly appeared behind Zhao Chengfeng, and then hit Zhao Chengfeng's head with a fist.

At this moment, he was really angry in his heart. His inner elite was controlled by the fist of a global boy. This is blasphemy.

Originally, he wanted to play cat and mouse with this boy, but now he is not in the mood. He wants to smash the boy's head with one punch to let him know what a big crime he has committed!

"Dragon and Phoenix!" Zhao Chengfeng punches in the air, but he doesn't panic at all. Instead, he is happy, because this shows that his guess is right. Although his secret skill is powerful, it's not invincible. Or he won't have to dodge!

I heard the wind behind my head, but I didn't look back. My feet also flashed, and people also disappeared, and then appeared above Zhu Shangfeng.

Looking directly at Zhu Shangfeng with cold eyes, I can clearly feel the anger of the other party, which is a kind of anger that seems to be blasphemed by mortals.

"Angry? Then make you more angry! " Zhao Chengfeng sneered in his heart and said, "Vajra boxing, angry boxing!"

With this violent drink, his whole body seems to have turned into angry King Kong, and his raised fist seems to have turned into a pestle to subdue demons, which he bombarded with boundless anger.

Everyone around him was very happy just now, but with his boxing, he suddenly felt inexplicable anger. Everyone felt that there was a huge anger in his heart, which could not be eliminated. Many people subconsciously raised their weapons and directly wanted to rush into the field to join the two men's fight.

Some people even think of all the irritations in their life. They just want to give a knife to their friends who have a holiday around them.

"Calm down!" All of a sudden, a master of high cultivation in the crowd realized that it was not right, and suddenly gave a sharp drink, "back up, everyone back up, don't be affected by this man's fist intention!"

"What, boxing intention? We are all influenced by this man's boxing intention!"

"What kind of boxing is it? How terrible is it?"

When they heard this, they finally woke up. Although the anger was still there, they were even more frightened and retreated.

Only when he retreated to the edge of the courtyard did he finally get rid of the inexplicable emotional influence. However, among the people with lower accomplishments, they all closed their eyes and did not dare to see Zhao Chengfeng's fist again.

On the other hand, around Xia Bingbing and others, Qingqiu sent out a faint light, which covered all the people, so they had little influence.

But on the other hand, the reaction of the aristocratic family was seen by them. Xia Bingbing and others were naturally surprised.

"Elder martial sister, what's the matter?" Xia Bingbing asked. It's not that they haven't seen Zhao Chengfeng use Vajra boxing before, but it seems that there is no such phenomenon.

"It's a kind of boxing with emotion. Not only does it infuse one's own emotion, but also it can influence the opponent's emotion to a certain extent with one's own boxing." At this time, Qingqiu's eyes toward Zhao Chengfeng were a little bit more appreciative or surprised. "This boy can actually practice this kind of third rate boxing, but it's not so useless!"

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