"So Chengfeng is going to win?" Although Xia Bingbing and others can not understand it, they can understand the power of it, and they are naturally happy.

At the same time, Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er think of Zhao Chengfeng's smile, and the words of Zhao Chengfeng's smile still ring in their ears, "Bingbing, Yan'er, believe me!"

I didn't expect that he was stronger before I knew it.

They are both gratified and moved. They know that Zhao Chengfeng has made great efforts during this period.

And some of these efforts are for them, especially Xia Bingbing, who knows that Zhao Chengfeng must feel her pressure, so she makes silent efforts without knowing.

"Chengfeng ~" Xia Bingbing murmured, but then she thought of the huge pressure on her body, and could not help pursing her lips. Her heart was very complicated.

Seeing their expressions, Qingqiu's eyes flashed for a moment, but the girl seemed not to be proud of Zhao Chengfeng, and even less proud of Xia Bingbing.

With a cold snort, he sneered again: "if you win, it's not that easy. It's not easy to practice a set of third rate boxing and make it affect others' emotions. But third rate boxing is third rate boxing. It's so easy to win the secret skill of dunjia Dao."

Hearing her words, Xia Bingbing and other people's hearts sank again. Shangguan Yan'er didn't know what dunjia road was. She couldn't help saying, "elder martial sister Qing, didn't you say he was a heretic?"

"It's not bad. It's not only unorthodox, but also devious." There was still disdain in Qingqiu's tone, but then he changed his tone and said, "however, it's better to stay in the level of art than to stay in the level of heresy and heresy."

Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing are stunned, but they don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

Just want to ask what is Tao, what is Shu, but listen to green hill once again: "and the heresy or heresy, clearly is not the main road, can't directly point to the congenital, but also damage the root, such as this person's secret skill, if you want to practice success, you must lead the Qi of the armor into the body, let yourself and the armor into one."

"From then on, all his achievements will be limited by his own soldiers, and can no longer be surpassed. Moreover, when he reaches the agreement, if he meets the real successor of dunjia Taoism, he can easily be turned into a puppet who is completely controlled by others. What he does is to make wedding clothes for others! "

Hearing this, no matter Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing, or Xiaogui, Huisheng and others can't help staring, "so disgusting, then how can he practice? Does he want to be a puppet?"

"Well, it's just ignorance. It's nothing more than to be used by others, or to be eager for quick success and instant benefit, to take chances, and to think that this is a shortcut. " Qingqiu was always contemptuous, but then he frowned and said, "however, the most important reason why some people are willing to take risks is that it is really a shortcut in the short term, and it is very powerful and terrifying!"

"Younger martial sister, if you meet this kind of people in the future, don't provoke them if you don't provoke them. You can't avoid it, and you should never neglect it!" Her last words are a solemn admonition to Xia Bingbing.

But Xia Bingbing can't listen at this time. Her heart has been completely suspended on Zhao Chengfeng.

Next to Shangguan Yan'er and Huisheng are also nervous, pale, and worried.

Seeing this, Qingqiu said nothing more. After looking at Xia Bingbing, he sighed in his heart, "younger martial sister, don't blame me. Since you can't give up this boy anyway, his fate will be connected with you. If he can't even cross this small ridge, how can he share the wind and rain with you and keep up with you?"

Sigh, eyes also turned to the field.

At this time, there were only two figures flashing rapidly. From time to time, I heard Zhu Shangfeng roaring, laughing, whining and sobbing. It felt like a moody madman.

But his appearance only makes people feel cold, because they know that this person's emotions are not from his heart, but controlled by another person.

Such a powerful person, even without their own control of emotions in that boxing, how can the world have such a terrible boxing?

But although Zhu Shangfeng couldn't control his emotions, he didn't fall behind.

Although due to the influence of emotion, the reaction is often half a beat slower, or the original fierce and abnormal moves are suddenly disordered because of anger.

But at the next moment, this man made up for the previous flaw with faster speed and stronger attack. People really can't imagine how the speed of such a huge body could be so terrible.

It seems that his secret method has not only improved defense and strength, but also speed and reaction nerves.

The only thing that can't be improved is probably spiritual will.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng's boxing intention is aimed at this point, so he has been encouraging and supporting, but he has not been able to occupy the top.

"Ha ha ~!" All of a sudden, Zhu Shangfeng in the battle laughed. People thought he was influenced again, but he suddenly said, "Zhao Chengfeng, I'm familiar with your boxing, you can't influence me any more!"

"What?" The public hears speech not from of a surprised, this person already can not be affected by fist intention?

Some are happy, some are worried, some are afraid.

All of a sudden, Zhu Shangfeng's terrible huge figure appeared in the sky above Zhao Chengfeng's head, which seemed like a dark cloud pressing the city.

"The secret skill of armour, magic weapon and city breaking hammer!"

Others in the air, arms raised, the mouth suddenly burst to drink, "give me broken!"

With the sound of drinking, people were surprised to see that his hands suddenly inflated. His fist, which was twice as big as ordinary people, was twice as big again, and the original ancient color became even darker.

For a moment, it seemed as if it really turned into two hammers that broke the city. With his cheering, it crashed down.

"Dragon and Phoenix!"

Even when Zhao Chengfeng saw this scene, he could not help but suddenly change color, and he did not dare to accept it. The body method of Youlong Xifeng started in an instant, and his figure disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, I heard a loud bang.

That pair of broken hammer like iron fist, life hit on the ground, everyone felt at the foot of the earth for one of the shock.

Then I heard a "click, click" sound of fragmentation, gravel scattered splash!

When they looked at it, they saw that the ground, with his fists as the center, had been smashed into a big pit about one and a half meters. At the edge of the pit, the marble tiles were also covered with cobweb like cracks.

Even the people of guwu aristocratic family could not help shivering when they saw this.

"What terrible force is this? Is it still a human fist?"

Everyone can't imagine what it would be like if it was hit. Anyway, it must be better.

On the other side, although Zhao Chengfeng dodged the blow, he didn't look very good when he looked at the terrible pit and the crack like a cobweb.

At the same time, his breath was a little short, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his back clothes were completely wet with sweat.

It's not because of fear, but because of the rapid attack just now, he consumed a little physical strength.

Although it's only less than three minutes before and after, it's ten times more than he used to fight alone with dozens of people. No, it's dozens of times.

This monster is putting too much pressure on him.

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