"Why not?" Zhu Shangfeng moved his wrist and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in his spare time. The next second, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.

Zhao Chengfeng saw this look unchanged, and his feet also flashed.

At the same time, he heard a bang, and the place where he stood before was hit out of a big hole again.

"Magic soldier, broken city hammer!"

Before he could stand still, the roar on his head rang out again. At the same time, Zhu Shangfeng's figure appeared on his head like a black cloud, and his fists flashed like a broken city hammer, which was completely different from the human body.

"Dragon and Phoenix!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't think much about it, and he didn't have time to breathe. His figure flashed again, and he once again avoided the thunder.

"Magic soldier, broken city hammer!"

"Dragon and Phoenix!"


"Boy, can you only escape? Magic soldiers, broken hammer Zhu Shangfeng laughs sarcastically, but his subordinates are merciless.

The flash step is faster and faster, and the hammer is more and more fierce.

Zhao Chengfeng tightly pursed his lips and continued to dodge without saying a word.

The other side's move can't be hard connected at all, and the speed of the other side's flash step is no slower than that of his dragon and Phoenix. He doesn't even have a chance to breathe. What else can he do except dodge.

Of course, he was very depressed about this, but he couldn't help it.


"It's not the way to go on like this all the time!"

Ears listen to the top of the head from time to time in the burst of laughter and drinking, as well as behind the sound of explosion.

Zhao Chengfeng is also anxious.

But he didn't lose his cool.

This man is more powerful than he expected. In terms of combat power alone, he may not even be much worse than Yanshan old man. He can be said to be one of the strongest enemies he has met so far.

Fortunately, this man's realm is not as good as that of old man Yanshan after all, and some places can't make up for it. In addition, Zhao Chengfeng himself has made a lot of progress during this period of time, otherwise he would have been defeated and died long ago.

"It seems that's the only way!"

Zhao Chengfeng thought that his so-called move was the fifth move he had never used. Killing God and destroying Buddha!

This is the last and the strongest move of the lethal sword move, but it is also the most difficult move to use.

Because different from other moves, this move is pure destructive power, from the sword move, but the meaning of the sword, only two words, "destroy", complete destruction.

In a sense, destruction is the greatest power in the world next only to eternity and the purest power.

In essence, this kind of power should not be mastered by a martial artist in the realm of magic martial arts, even if it is only used a little.

However, the lethal sword move has been achieved, which is why it is called killing gods and killing Buddhas. However, if you want to use this kind of taboo power, you must pay a price.

The price is to kill yourself before you kill your opponent. Therefore, a prerequisite for using this move is that you must be able to withstand its backfire before you can hurt others with it.

This is also the reason why Zhao Chengfeng has been afraid to use this move.

Even though his current state is infinitely close to the later stage of magic martial arts, he is still not fully sure that he can control it.

But at this point, he has no choice.

Although he didn't look with his eyes, he could feel the worried eyes of Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er.

If he loses here and dies here, what will they do?

"So, I must not lose, I must not!"

But even if I use this move, it's only once, so I only have one chance. I have to wait until a suitable opportunity.

What Zhao Feilong said is right. People only want to use their brains when they can't easily grasp the situation.

At this time, although Zhao Chengfeng was under great pressure, his mind turned faster than ever. One plan after another was conceived in his mind and quickly rejected.

Finally he bit his teeth, and an adventurous plan appeared in his mind.

"Damn it

All of a sudden, when his heart suddenly turned, he heard the anxious voice of Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er, "Chengfeng, Chengfeng, be careful!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng looked up, he saw a pair of iron fists smashed down.

"My grass ~!" With a curse in his heart, Zhao Chengfeng didn't even have time to start the dragon and Phoenix game. He just had time to roll on the spot and managed to avoid the blow in a hurry.

But this time, because of the distance is too close, although not hit, but still affected, just to get up, but a mouth spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground again.

"Ha ha, boy, die!"

Zhu Shangfeng was overjoyed and laughed.

Body shape a flash, quickly appear in the top of Zhao Chengfeng, mouth light drink, "magic soldier, break Shendao!"

This time, it was no longer a hammer, but a hand turned into a black but extremely sharp sword.

When the head is cut, with only one knife, Zhao Chengfeng will be split in two.

At this moment, he was very happy.

Finally got rid of this damn boy.

He originally said that Zhao Chengfeng would be solved in ten moves, but at this time, there were more than one hundred moves. Moreover, he had been affected by this boy again and again. What a shame.

Fortunately, it's over, it's all over at last!

But the next moment, he was surprised to find that Zhao Chengfeng lying on the ground did not panic at all, and he had a sword in his hand.

The sword pointed at him in a strange gesture.

It feels like I've been prepared.

This made him a little surprised. He had no reason to have an idea in his heart, "is this boy intentional? Is he going to lay down and make a sword? It's impossible

"Who says it's impossible? Who says it's impossible to lay down with a sword?" With a sneer, Zhao Chengfeng stares at Zhu Shangfeng from the sky and whispers: "kill the gods, kill the Buddhas, kill me!"

Then, a force of destruction like taboo surged out of his body and rose to the sky with Xuanyuan sword.

At the same time, the ground under his body broke one after another, his clothes were torn to pieces in an instant, and his skin also cracked, and then his muscles, bones, viscera

All his orifices began to bleed, and the great pain made him almost unconscious.

"No, it's impossible. Your sword can't hurt me. It's impossible. Go to hell!" Zhu Shangfeng also felt the power of destruction like taboo, which made him heartbroken. His great fear made him roar angrily.

But his knife could not be cut off, and even the whole person was resisted by a terrible force and could not fall down, which made him roar in his mouth, desperately trying to cut the palm knife which was only one centimeter away from Zhao Chengfeng's throat into the enemy's throat.

But at this time, he heard that his eyes had already been decreed, and his pupils were all diffused. Zhao Chengfeng yelled hoarsely, "put it out for me?"

Then the power of taboo burst out.

"Ah ~"

Countless sword Qi, such as the torrent of destruction, mixed with the pure power of destruction.

In the shrill scream, Zhu Shangfeng's giant body was directly engulfed and torn up by this power, and then


In all people's panic eyes, the evaporation of life, even a residue did not stay.

Zhao Chengfeng's final consciousness has been confused, and his eyes have also become illusory. Vaguely, he can see that Zhu Shangfeng, who has been completely engulfed by the sword Qi, is finally relieved, and then grins.

"Damn, I won!"

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