But his consciousness fell into darkness.

In the dark, he felt as if he had become a starry sky, and as if he was just one of the stars in that starry sky.

He didn't know whether he was dead or alive, or he had lost the consciousness of being alive or dead.

He felt as if he was surrounded by a terrible force, which constantly tore him apart and made him feel miserable, but at the same time, it seemed that there was a force constantly healing him.

His existence seems to have become the battlefield of these two forces, two forces constantly tug of war.

This undoubtedly exacerbated his suffering.

And here, the concept of time seems to have disappeared, and the only proof that he can feel his existence is pain, the pain of pain.

A lot of times, he really wants that healing power to quickly disappear, so that it can stop.

But there seems to be another consciousness telling him.

"Don't give up, live!"

To be alive, what is to be alive? Why can't you give up? It's so painful?

But that consciousness is persistent in the depth of consciousness, constantly shouting, "alive, can't give up!"

I don't know how long, for a moment, or ten thousand years, finally those two forces seem to have got a wonderful balance, and they actually account for half of his conscious world, forming a wonderful existence like tai chi.

But it didn't make him sober. On the contrary, because of the disappearance of the pain, his final existence was blurred. The voice at the bottom of his heart seemed to be silent because of the disappearance of the pain, and the persistent cry became more and more confused.

Gradually, it seems that he really wants to become an unconscious existence, a balanced weird energy, or something else.

I don't know how long it took, even the whisper seemed to disappear

All of a sudden, he seemed to hear someone whispering

One person, no, a group of people, who is it?

"Who is it? Who's talking? What are they talking about? "

I can't hear clearly. Why can't I hear clearly.


What does it feel like, and why do these sounds make me feel strange.

I want to cry!

shed tears? What's that?

Why are these voices in my mind?

Who am I and what am I?

"Can't give up, can't give up..."

The murmur came back.

"Can't give up, can't give up, Zhao Chengfeng, you are a man, how can you leave your responsibility?"

Once again, the whisper became a cry, and it was clearer than before.

"Zhao Chengfeng? Me? I'm Zhao Chengfeng? " With the continuous repetition of this cry, the subtle consciousness body has self-consciousness again.

Then he felt that the voice of those who spoke became clear.

"Chengfeng, wake up, Chengfeng, please, wake up, as long as you wake up, I will promise you anything!"

"Zhao Chengfeng, you bastard, don't pretend to sleep. You bloody sex wolf, you cheated so many women's hearts. Are you going to leave me like this, bastard?"

"Zhao Chengfeng, do you want to open your eyes to me? Do you want us, even your son and daughter?"

"I've decided that if you don't wake up in ten days or today, I'll change Xiaotian's surname immediately. There are also girls and unborn kids. They all change their surnames. Zhao Chengfeng, did you hear that?"

"I said, daughter-in-law, let's go back to the same yard. I'm worried about this kid's advice, but is it a bit too much for Sun Tzu to change his surname?"

"Yes, daughter-in-law, I have something to discuss. I'll try to wake him up. Can we change our surname slowly? No, not slowly. Can we not mention it?"

"Elder martial sister, is Cheng Feng really OK?"

"I didn't say it's OK, but although his state is a little strange, his life should be saved. As for whether he can wake up or not, I can't care!"


Zhao Chengfeng listened to the words and said everything. He couldn't help a rush of horses in his heart. "Who are these nimas? They even threaten me. Can I wake up if they threaten me?"

But make complaints about Tucao, but in the heart make complaints about it. A tear drops down the corner of the eye.

The next moment he heard an angry voice.

"Bingbing, don't cry. This bastard has woken up. Do you think he still has tears in NIMA's eyes?"

Then Zhao Chengfeng felt that the soft meat around his waist was pinched, and then there was a 720 degree rotation.

"Ah, ah, ah, you son of a bitch murdering her husband. I'm like this. Do you still do it?" Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to pretend to be dead. He yelled like a pig in his mouth, but his eyebrows and eyes were smiling.

When I open my eyes, I see a room full of people. Everyone's face is full of joy, but there are still no dry tears and tears on the corner of eyes and face.

In the heart a burst of warmth, the tears do not strive to pour out again, but he was born and choked back, and then pretended to fierce stare to the people asked: "who was my just now, who is it?"

They all looked at each other, then they all shook their heads with a smile and said, "no, no one pinches you. It's becoming popular. Are you having a nightmare?"

"It must be that Chengfeng has some nightmares. Let's have a good time."

But they all talked and laughed, but tears could not help flowing out, and then quickly while others did not pay attention to turn and dry!

"My God, I believe your evil." Zhao Chengfeng looks at these people telling lies with their eyes open. He can't help laughing and scolding.



Then feel two small body into his arms, it is a pair of his little children.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart is soft, and he can no longer control his emotions. He embraces the two children, one on the left and one on the right.

Turning to see Beibei standing on one side, it seems that she also wants to come, but for some unknown reason, she hesitates.

Some surprised in the heart, the girl even learned to be reserved, so the boy waved, "Beibei, come here, let Godfather kiss me."

Beibei smell speech but put a small face aside, "I don't want it, I'm not a little boy, people but reserved lady."

"Don't pull me down, return the lady." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what the girl was up to. He laughed and scolded and ignored her.

When Beibei said that, Xiaotian began to feel uncomfortable. He seemed to want to shrink, but Zhao Chengfeng held him tightly in his arms. "Smelly boy, why do you want to be a lady?"

Small day a listen, originally only lady can't let old man kiss, think that I don't care, anyway I can't be a lady.

In addition, he was reluctant to give up the embrace of Zhao Chengfeng, so he twisted it and left it in Zhao Chengfeng's arms.

"Dad, it's great that you wake up so that mom and big mom won't cry again!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard that Yan was fretting in his heart, he looked at Jiangling and others with a smile and said, "Oh, really, your mother and big mother are crying."

Jiangling and others all blushed and glared at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, but he doesn't care. He asks Xiaotian, "what about you, do you cry?"

"I'm not. I'm a man. I don't shed tears. My sister always cries!" Xiaotian has some guilty thoughts.

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