"Then the question is, how can I use only its shape and not its meaning, and in this way, this move is not only fancy, but also powerful?" Zhao Chengfeng no longer pays attention to Zhao Feilong's nonsense and forcibly gives the building to Banzheng.

But when they heard about him, they all looked strange except Xia Bingbing.

In the past, I only heard that people could use the form, but they could not understand the true meaning. For the first time, I heard that someone would not only use the form, but also keep the meaning.

"What do you mean, you think I'm an idiot?" Seeing this kind of look in people's eyes, I was annoyed.

But the people's eyes were like, "aren't you?"

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng's state is not difficult to understand. It's like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you learn to ride a bicycle, you tell him that you have to ride a bicycle in a state you haven't learned yet. You can't even kill him.

Because that's the instinct of his body.

"How did you get the meaning of this move?" Qingqiu, who has never opened her mouth, asks. In fact, she is also curious about Zhao Chengfeng's current state.

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and said, "I just keep practicing this move in my heart, and then I feel that I should use it like this?"

"Er..." people were shocked. There are still such people in the world. They practice in their hearts and then save their lives. They feel that they should be used in this way.

It's called something.

It's said that if you practice boxing a thousand times, you'll have to practice it a thousand times, boss.

"So you used to do the same with other martial arts?" Qingqiu looked at him strangely. Is this guy still a genius with amazing understanding?

"Yes." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, then asked the crowd strangely, "don't you usually like this?"

Finish saying but see people a face strange and dislike, can't help surprised ask, "what's the matter, is there anything hard to hide?"

"I don't want to answer you!" Everyone said together.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng.

"How did your master teach you before?" This time the question is Shangguan Yan'er.

However, several other people were obviously curious about this and looked at him.

"How?" Zhao Chengfeng blinked, "it's just to lose a Book of martial arts or fist score, and then tell me something to pay attention to."

"And then?" Zhao Feilong asked.

"Then, then there is no more. Oh, by the way, every once in a while, when he thinks about it, he will ask, "how are you doing? I say it's OK, but he says it's OK." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and added.

"That's it?"

"What else?"

After a while, Zhao Feilong gritted his teeth and said, "well, you're Chen Banxian. I'm looking for you to settle the accounts. I'll give you my son. You're so wrong."

At this time, in an ancient mountain temple, the chess player who was playing chess with a big monk suddenly gave a loud sneeze for no reason. His nose and tears sprayed on the bright head on the opposite side.

The big monk glared.

Chen Banxian waved his hand with an expression of nothing on his face and said, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's not a cold. I'm in good health. Maybe it's my unfortunate apprentice who talks about me."

The big monk wiped his head with his cassock, but he was not angry. "Who asked you?"

In the room, Zhao Chengfeng watched Zhao Feilong blow his beard and stare, but he was puzzled, "what's the matter, what's wrong? By the way, haven't you always been like this? What did you do after you gave me that sword manual? "

Zhao Feilong was embarrassed and hesitated: "well, I'm mainly too busy. Besides, I have a little time. Don't I have to accompany your mother, right? Ah, I said, why are you so unfilial? I've found a master for you. Why should I take care of your affairs?"

"..." Zhao Chengfeng bit his teeth and glared at him, but he did not speak.

Next to Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing, they turned their faces to one side, while Qingqiu rarely patted Zhao Chengfeng on the shoulder, which means, "boy, I misunderstood you before. You are not a waste. It's not easy to live such a big life. It's secondary to what kind of martial arts you can achieve."

But Zhao Chengfeng was comforted by him, but he felt that the taste of a hundred thousand was in his heart. It was a strange thing.

So he changed the topic and asked, "elder martial sister Qingqiu, after I was in a coma that day, you should have saved me. I haven't said thank you yet. What happened after that? "

"Thank you very much." Green hill shook his head.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "that's right. I'll be a family in the future. I don't know if I'll thank you

"It doesn't matter whether it's a family or not. It's because I didn't do anything. It's your own business that you can survive. All I've done is to reconcile the two forces and follow the trend. Even without me, you can't die. " Qingqiu looks indifferent.

But then he said: "I didn't expect that there was such a force in your body. This kind of thing even appeared in the earth world. It seems that you should have some adventures, but what I don't understand is how the earth world gave birth to this kind of power."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng is at a loss.

"Why, don't you know?" This time it's Qingqiu's turn to be surprised. He looks at him in surprise. Seeing that his expression doesn't seem to be fake, he can't help but frown, "it seems that you really don't know. That's really interesting..."

When she said this, she said with a smile: "in short, you used that move forcibly before, although it evaporated the guy who practised the evil way of the outer gate. But you are also corrupted by the true meaning of destruction. "

"Originally, with the current cultivation state, this weak body will follow the boy's footsteps and turn into ashes completely. Even I can't save you. But stupid people are blessed with stupidity. Even I didn't expect that there is another powerful force in your body. If I'm not wrong, it should be another great force tit for tat with the power of destruction, eternity! "

"Shouldn't the opposite of destruction be birth? Shouldn't the power opposite destruction be the power of life?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he couldn't help interrupting.

"Hum, isn't the acme of life eternal? Don't ask if you don't understand. " Although Qingqiu seems to have changed his view on Zhao Chengfeng after this, otherwise he would not have said so much to him, but his attitude is still bad.

Zhao Chengfeng was used to it. He turned his lips and said, "if you don't understand and don't ask, how can you understand?"

However, Qingqiu ignored him and continued: "however, how can you have such a rare power in your body, and how can a set of swordsmanship give birth to the opposite true meaning of destruction? If you don't know this, I'm afraid you'll have to ask him."

When she said this, she looked at Zhao Feilong.

The latter look rare Shen Ning.

Zhao Chengfeng is slightly surprised. He suddenly remembers that he was in a coma before. He vaguely feels that there are two forces in his body fighting against each other. One constantly destroys his body and consciousness, the other constantly repairs and consolidates, and finally forms a balance that is too extreme.

He thought that it was just an illusion in a coma, but when he heard this, he already knew that it was not an illusion, but it really had something to do with his Laozi?

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