"Can't you?" Looking at Zhao Feilong, Zhao Chengfeng is full of doubt.

Although many people have been talking about the old guy, Zhao Chengfeng always thinks that the old guy is just like this.

I'm afraid of my wife.

Even if I have been to the inner world before, it seems that I am still doing well, but I am still gray in the end, which shows that it is not so good.

"Why not?" Qingqiu looked at Zhao Feilong and said with a sneer.

However, she also knew in her heart that this kind of everything was important, and it was normal for Zhao Feilong not to say it.

However, Zhao Feilong said with a smile: "in fact, it's not inconvenient to talk about it. It's all from his own family. What's more inconvenient."

"Hum." Green hill heard a cold hum, and secretly despised in his heart. The two father and son, apart from other things, had the same ability of no face and no skin.

However, I do not know what the reason is, she did not refute this time.

On the other side, Xia Bingbing hears Zhao Feilong's words, but her heart is sweet.

Her father-in-law and her elder martial sister are not outsiders, let alone her.

But listen to Zhao Feilong sigh, suddenly showed a look back to that year, and then the quiet way: "this matter is actually very complex, but to be simple is also very simple."

"To put it simply, when I got something with my mother, I got this smelly boy. The process was quite beautiful. I don't think you young girls are suitable to listen to it, so I won't say it."

"And then because of this, Shuangshuang's clan and family couldn't tolerate her, so we offended a lot of people in the inner gate. Then we had a few fights, and then there was the evil animal thing. My school couldn't tolerate me any more. I had no choice but to run with my wife and children, and then I came to the earth."

When Zhao Feilong said this, he suddenly heard it. Everyone was fascinated by it, as if he understood something, and as if he didn't understand anything. No, the goods didn't say anything.

Green hill can't help but ask: "then what?"

"And then? Then our family will live happily together. Don't you see that? " Zhao Feilong looks surprised, as if to say, do you want to ask?

But other people's expression is all open mouth, blankly looking at him.

Happy life together, what ghost, fairy tale?

Qingqiu felt that he had been fooled and asked, "well, didn't those people come to you later, didn't they chase you? Those people are afraid that they will not let go of the existence that breeds eternal meaning? "

"Yes, can we not? Oh, you don't know those guys. They're annoying. They're like mad dogs. I had to fight again and kill several people. " When Zhao Feilong said this, his eyebrows fluttered. "I didn't blow it to you. Zhao Feilong was not as wise as he is now. Do you know what my name was? I'm afraid you don't believe it. Hehe, it's called invincible at the same level, invincible at the same generation. What's invincible? Do you understand? Sit down and I'll talk to you slowly..."

"Well, I have something else to do. Let's go first!"

"Dad, you talk to Chengfeng first. Let's go to the kitchen and see if mom wants help."

"Oh, don't go. You girls are so beautiful. But it doesn't matter, boy. They're gone. Let's keep talking. "

"All right." Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "those who should go are gone. Those who shouldn't go are gone. What else are you blowing?"

Zhao Feilong's face changed and he said angrily, "Stinky boy, how can you talk? What's blowing? Don't you believe it? If you don't believe me, ask your mother, and ask her if I was that bad. "

"True or false?" Seeing that the old man didn't look like a boaster, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help opening his eyes and asked.

"What is true or false? Of course, it's true. Hehe, when it comes to that year, forget it. When it comes to that year, you say I blow it. But you don't think about it. If I had been smart and handsome, your mother would have liked me and I would have given birth to you?" Zhao Feilong hummed. He was too lazy to tell you more.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw this, he couldn't help laughing, "you said the last sentence earlier. I've believed the last sentence earlier. It really means that you have a good gene to give birth to me. You must have been fiercer that year. I believe it. But here's the problem. You don't look so good now, or even a little counsellor? "

"Smelly boy, who said I counselled now? Did you see me counselling? No big, no small. " Zhao Feilong said with a smile, "I just counselled in front of your mother, but boy, you don't know what your mother has paid for us."

At this point, Zhao Feilong suddenly showed a trace of sadness.

"Boy, your mother seems to be an ordinary beautiful old woman now, but your mother was not like this at that time."

"Oh, what's that like?" Zhao Chengfeng seldom hears his parents talk about the past, especially about his mother. At this time, when he hears his father talk about it, he suddenly becomes energetic.

"Your mother was also a practitioner, and she was a very powerful practitioner." Zhao Feilong recalled.

"Did my mother practice, too?" Zhao Chengfeng is slightly surprised. Although he knows that his mother seems to have an extraordinary origin, he did not expect that Murong frost was also a practitioner.

"What is cultivation? You take that word out. No, it's not just a person who has practiced, but a person who really stands at the peak of the cultivator. "

Zhao Chengfeng was dazed and shocked, but Zhao Feilong said, "do you know that elder martial sister Bingbing is from Chiba world?"

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

"Then do you know why I can tell her origin and her apprenticeship?" Zhao Feilong asked again.

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, then surprised: "is my mother actually a person of Chiba world?"

"Yes, but not quite."

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Feilong hesitated for a while, and then said, "it's time to tell you something."

Zhao Chengfeng immediately breathless, but listen to Zhao Feilong said: "but I have to discuss with your mother."

Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't fall out of bed. "You're old, you're playing with me?"

This time, Zhao Feilong just glared, "what am I playing with you? It's your mother's business. Shouldn't I discuss it with her?"

"Don't talk about it. Go ahead." Murong frost didn't know when she came in from the outside. She was still wearing an apron on her waist. She came near and said with a smile, "your daughter-in-law has robbed my mother of all my work. I have no choice but to be laid off to accompany my son."

While talking, he took off his apron and sat by Zhao Chengfeng's bed. Then he took a look at Zhao Feilong and said, "say it, anyway, sooner or later, and now the power in Xiaofeng's body has been touched

Zhao Feilong looks at Murong frost and nods.

The solemnity of the two makes Zhao Chengfeng feel a little numb.

"Mom, Dad, you two are too serious to let me save the world, are you?"

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