"Well, saving the world is nothing." Zhao Feilong's tone today seems surprisingly big, but he scoffs at Zhao Chengfeng's exaggerated joke.

Zhao Chengfeng is choked and speechless.

Zhao Feilong did not speak immediately. He seemed to sort out his thoughts for a moment. Then he said, "forget it, I'd better start from the beginning."

"Do you know that the universe has the highest level, the higher level, the middle level, the lower level and the half level?"

"Well, I've just heard about it. It seems that there is a secondary plane, a half plane, and I haven't heard about any higher plane, the supreme plane." Zhao Chengfeng was shocked because Zhao Feilong's opening remarks were too big.

"Well, that's what the girl named Qingqiu told you? She knows a fart. Although she is very successful here, in Chiba world, she is just a small declining school in the countryside. She is a little expert! If at that time, don't talk about your mother, even I can make her cry with one hand. " Zhao Feilong a pick eyebrow disdain of way.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but open his eyes, heart said my father today is a toad yawn, good big tone ah.

This pair of arrogance in the world, no, is the appearance of arrogance in the universe.

Murong frost is next to chuckle, to Zhao Cheng wind way: "that girl is not very good to you, your father has resentment in the heart."

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. He didn't expect that Zhao Feilong had this festival. He was moved slightly in his heart. It turned out that the old guy didn't care about me, but in a different way.

Zhao Feilong, however, ignored him and continued: "among the many worlds, such as Chiba world, it is a lower level plane, and the plane of the earth world is a middle level plane. As for yuxu cave, the so-called inner gate world, can only be regarded as cave, not plane, not even half plane. "

"Ah?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was very surprised, "why is Chiba world not as good as earth world?"

"Well, what's so strange about that?" Zhao Feilong sneered: "although people from Chiba world and even people from inner world feel superior after they come to the earth, it does not mean that they are in a higher plane. The only difference is that civilization starts sooner or later, and the types of civilization are different. "

"Remember that the difference in the level of plane is not the level of civilization in it, although the higher the plane, the easier it is to breed a higher civilization, because the higher the plane, the more constant and stable the time and space in it, and the longer the time it can exist."

"In this long process, it is more likely to breed higher civilization."

"But this is not absolute. For example, although the world today is a scientific and technological civilization, it has not developed to the peak. Who can be sure that it will not grow into a scientific and technological civilization far beyond the Chiba world in the future?"

Zhao Chengfeng can't help nodding when he hears the words.

He had always mistakenly thought that the so-called plane level represented how far the creatures could be cultivated, but he had forgotten that each plane civilization type was different and did not have to be cultivated.

Moreover, according to known intelligence, there should be an era of civilization before today's civilization in the earth world, such as today's inner gate world, in which human beings should have existed in the earth world.

Only later, the rules of the earth's world changed, and those talents moved away from the earth's world and went to live in a cave level world.

"But the place where your mother came from is a real higher plane, and the civilization there is also a cultivation civilization, but the level is higher than Chiba world."

"Your mother was originally the daughter of a very powerful family in that position, but she was sent to the Murong family of Chiba world and shangjiuye for foster care. That's why I said that your mother was a person of Chiba world, but not all of her."

"And the power in your body comes from a treasure of your mother's family, which is called the eternal tree!"

Zhao Chengfeng heard here, the whole person has been in a trance state, all this is too shocking.

He did not expect that his mother's life experience was beyond the Chiba world.

Especially when I heard that the most precious thing was a tree, which had something to do with myself, "is there a tree in my body?"

"Of course not." Zhao Feilong shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "if you really have an eternal tree in your body, do you think our family can live to the present?"

"What's that?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little confused.

"It's a seed, the seed of the eternal tree, or rather the soul of that seed." Zhao Feilong said in a deep voice.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but open his eyes.

"A seed has that kind of powerful power, and the seed has a soul?" Zhao Chengfeng feels that his cognition will be subverted.

"Not bad." Zhao Feilong nodded, then looked at Murong frost with some heartache and guilt, but the latter just smile, gentle eyes with a touch of comfort.

Zhao Feilong then said: "in those days, your mother was the legitimate daughter of that family, and she was gifted, so she was placed with high hopes from birth. That's why your mother's father put the eternal tree in her body and sent her to Chiba world. The purpose is to make the eternal tree bear a seed with the help of the nutrients of Chiba world, This seed will grow with your mother and eventually become her life tree. "

"But in the year your mother was nineteen, the year you were born, things changed. Your mother's father, your grandfather, was seriously injured in the first World War. In the end, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead

Zhao Feilong said here, once again look at you Murong frost, Zhao Chengfeng also look at her mother, see her face although still with a smile, but the sadness in the eyes can not hide.

Zhao Feilong silently holds his wife's hand, and Zhao Chengfeng also holds his mother's other hand.

They didn't say anything, but Murong frost felt warm in her heart.

She chuckled: "it doesn't matter, although my mother's life is a bit rough, but first you have your father's company, you are also very filial, now there are Xiaotian and xiaonang, and soon there will be a third grandson, too late for happiness, past things don't matter."

Then he said to Zhao Feilong: "his father, you continue to say that after so many years, it's time for Xiaofeng to know all about it."

"Well." Zhao Feilong nodded, and then went on to Zhao Chengfeng again: "your mother had planned to return to her hometown, but before she could leave, she was imprisoned by Murong family of Chiba world."

"What? Asshole, do they want to rob that eternal tree? Damn it When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was furious.

Although he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen when he heard that he didn't know his grandfather's life and death, he didn't expect that it was the Murong family that his mother had fostered.

Unexpectedly, Murong frost suddenly took his hand and said: "things are not what you think. On the contrary, it's not them who want to take that tree, but me..."

Zhao Chengfeng feel Murong Frost said here, counter grasp his hand suddenly force, and slightly tremble.

Seeing this, Zhao Feilong quickly pressed her hand and said, "let me talk."

The latter nodded and said nothing.

Zhao Feilong once again said, "the people who want to take away the tree are not from the Murong family. Although some people in the Murong family have become accomplices, the real killer is the man."

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