"Who is that man?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in a hurry.

"That man is your own uncle and your mother's own brother!" Zhao Feilong said.

"What?" Zhao Chengfeng was shocked by the news.

Although he had heard of it for a long time, people who practice are cold-blooded and ruthless, and they don't recognize each other for the sake of strength.

But after all, he did not see it with his own eyes. What he had seen in the past, whether it was the master, his parents, or Qingqiu, the apathetic elder martial sister, seemed to be very vicious though he kept saying that the law of the jungle prevailed.

But what Zhao Chengfeng sees is that she is willing to accompany Xia Bingbing, the younger martial sister, to protect her and help her.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is not pleased with him and always encourages Xia Bingbing to leave Zhao Chengfeng, he is sincere to Xia Bingbing.

He always thought that if the law of the jungle is like this, it doesn't seem to be the worst.

Who knows, today I finally saw what is callous and unscrupulous.

Even his own sister robbed things, and this man turned out to be his uncle, the victim turned out to be his mother.

Zhao Chengfeng only felt that the pressure in his chest could not be relieved.

Look up to see Zhao Feilong face muscle twitch, eyes unprecedented sharpness.

Zhao Chengfeng has never seen him like this.

The mind can't help shaking.

But Zhao Feilong said: "that person not only wants to take away your mother's eternal tree, even a tree that your mother just bred."

"But he didn't know that your mother had already transferred that seed into your body."

"Ah ~" Zhao Chengfeng exclaimed, looked up at his mother in surprise, and felt extremely shocked.

Murong frost just said with a smile: "fool, I'm your mother. Although parents in the world are partial, there are many mothers like me, so don't be surprised."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what to say, but held his mother's hand in silence.

But on the other side, Zhao Feilong continued in a low voice: "but those people didn't give up. Your mother had to peel off the body of the seed, but left the soul in your body. And turn all one's accomplishments into a false shell to contain the soul. "

"And with the help of your mother's adoptive parents, the Murong family's master and wife at that time, Li daitaojiang escaped."

"But we all underestimated the man's ruthlessness, and killed all the hundreds of people in Murong family. The escape may be only two or three."

"Xiaofeng, do you know why my mother's surname is Murong? It is because of the Murong clan leader and his wife that our family can survive. If you have a chance to go to Chiba world in the future, and if you meet the surviving Murong family, especially your mother's adoptive parents, you must remember to repay your kindness. "

Zhao Chengfeng nodded gently, "I won't forget."

In my heart, I secretly made up my mind that I should not only remember to repay kindness, but also revenge.

"And, Xiaofeng." Murong frost also warned: "in fact, the reason why I forced the soul of this seed to stay on you at the beginning may not be without the suspicion of loyalty. For you, I don't know whether it's good or bad. Over the years, your father has exhausted his heart and power to help you suppress the soul power all the time, which maintains the seal I planted in those years."

"I didn't expect to be touched now, but it's good, at least for the time being, it's good for you."

"But you can't use the fifth sword easily, even if you use it, you can't use it with all your strength. Otherwise, once the delicate balance is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Well, I see." For his mother's advice, Zhao Chengfeng never wanted to be so clever today. He nodded obediently every time he said a word.

It makes Murong frost very happy.

"Oh, one more thing, it's just in the earth world. If you go out in the future, you must remember not to easily reveal the power of the eternal tree species, otherwise it will lead to unimaginable disasters."

Zhao Chengfeng wanted to say that it doesn't matter. If I don't go out, it's over. Anyway, I don't have any ambition to be impossible at any level.

But when I think about it, I'm afraid it won't work. Not to mention Xia Bingbing, my mother's big enemy, she will return to Chiba world in the future. Can she not go out?

In addition, it seems that the earth world is also about to come. Staying in the earth world may not be able to be stable.

"Oh, by the way, Dad, during my coma, what's going on outside, what's going on in the guwu family?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly remembered this very important issue and asked.

"You have the face to ask." Zhao Feilong rolled his eyes and said, "if you make such a big noise, can you stop it? Good guy, dozens of experts in the guwu family and more than a dozen elites from the inner family are killed by you. The whole China has been frying up and down for a long time. Even the No.1 commander was alarmed. He called me before

"Poof, calling you? Dad, are you a Summoner? " Zhao Feilong said lively, but to Zhao Chengfeng here, the focus is inexplicably changed.

Zhao Feilong did not have the good spirit to pat his head to scold a way: "bastard, can you speak well?"

"Hey, old man, don't think I'm a bully if I'm seriously injured now." When Zhao Chengfeng is patted by him, he suddenly blows up his hair.

Zhao Feilong said with a smile, "ha, what if you don't get seriously injured, it's not easy to bully? I'm not afraid to tell you that now I don't have to work hard to suppress that bullshit in your body, and my strength has recovered to the peak of 7788. It's like playing with a little thumb to deal with you. "

Murong frost in the side to see two father and son did not have a moment of effort and solid germination, not angry rolled his eyes, "you two father and son can not be serious more than a minute?"

The father and son looked at each other with a smile, and then said with one voice: "we are talking about serious business now."

Murong frost rolled his eyes again, stood up speechless, "forget it, no matter you, I'll go to see how the daughter-in-law's food is, hey, it's cool to be a mother-in-law."

The father and son were also speechless.

After waiting for Murong frost to leave, Zhao Feilong asked again: "you killed all those people in the aristocratic family?"

"Not all. What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't elaborate. He probably guessed that the people behind must be the hands of Qingqiu, but the woman kept her word.

If one can't live, one can't live.

However, the impact is not small.

Although it is said that the inner world is ready to move, the earth world is in turmoil, and those aristocratic families had better be leveled, this is only Zhao Chengfeng's own idea after all. Whether other people think so or not, he can't control it.

The most important thing is that the guwu aristocratic family has been dormant for many years, and their influence is intertwined. The officials also have their power.

"It's nothing. I just want to ask. When I see the leaders, I always have something to say." Zhao Feilong doesn't care about Tao.

"Is it hard for you to explain?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile, but he didn't care at all.

Zhao Feilong couldn't help rolling his eyes, "do you care?"

"I don't care." Zhao Chengfeng is frank and laughs.

Zhao Feilong turned his mouth and looked as if he had known so well.

Then man said: "don't worry, it's no big deal. I've got the information and video that you asked those little guys to organize, which is enough for me to hand over."

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