Zhao family in Beijing.

Zhao Chengfeng tells Zhao Feilong about his discovery.

Zhao Feilong is not as surprised as he imagined, and even has no reaction. He is still ready to serve dishes from the kitchen to the restaurant under the command of Murong frost.

"Hello, hello... Did you hear me?" Zhao Chengfeng's hands are close to his mouth.

"Yes, you have aura, and then what?" Zhao Feilong casually agreed, and at the same time put a plate of kung pao chicken on the table. By the way, he reached for a piece of kung pao chicken and threw it into his mouth.

At the same time, Murong frost and Xia Bingbing, Shangguan Yan'er come out of the kitchen together. Seeing this scene, Murong frost puts out her hand and pats Zhao Feilong on the back of her hand. "What's wrong? In case Xiaotian learns from you, I can't spare you!"

With a smile, Zhao Feilong touched the back of his hand and said, "I can't wait to taste my daughter-in-law's craftsmanship."

Xia Bingbing, who is behind Murong frost, looks a little red after hearing the speech, and looks at Zhao Feilong nervously, as if she is waiting for the judges to comment in the cooking competition.

Until Zhao Feilong thumbs up, nods and praises: "it's good. It's all good. It's as good as your mother-in-law!"

Murong frost smell speech puff Chi a smile, and then Jiao Chen of stare one eye.

All the girls laughed and said, "Dad, don't make fun of us. We can't compare our craft with my mother-in-law."

However, I feel relieved, especially for those who come into our house for the first time today.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw that he had been talking for a long time, the old man said, "I heard that, and then what?"

Then I went to discuss whether the food was delicious or not. I'll give it to you. Are you too hearty?

"Hey, old man, did you hear me? Here, earth." Zhao Chengfeng pointed to the earth under his feet and couldn't help raising the volume.

"Yes, and then?" Zhao Feilong a face "pure" nod, looking at Zhao Chengfeng, a pair of wait for the following appearance.

Xia Bingbing and others have just come out. They don't know what happened. They all look at Zhao Chengfeng. They don't know why he is so anxious.

Yuan Shanshan, who accompanies Liu Shiyun in the corridor to do the stillbirth movement, also walks in with Liu Shiyun and her child. She sees Zhao Chengfeng grabbing his head and saying something about the earth.

Can't help but wonder: "Chengfeng, what's wrong with you? Why haven't you put on your shoes?"

Then he looked at Zhao Feilong and asked, "Dad, what's the matter with Chengfeng? What about the earth? It's not the earth. Is it Mars?"

Zhao Feilong put out his hand, "I don't know. I'm just wondering."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at Zhao Feilong, and then at other people. He was stunned. "Have I been in a coma for a few days, and all these guys have been switched? How can I feel like a chicken talking with a duck?"

All of a sudden, his eyes moved and he saw that the old guy was holding a bad smile in his eyes. He immediately responded, "feelings, this old guy is not not not understanding, but deliberately playing with me?"

Zhao Chengfeng heart that gas, heart said: "at this juncture, the old thing even have leisure to play with the young master."

"Forget it. Don't say it. Eat." In a fit of pique, Zhao Chengfeng stopped talking at all. He found a place to sit at the table, took a bowl of rice and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then he put a chopstick into his mouth and chewed it. He gave a thumbs up to Xia Bingbing and other women and said, "Oh, good! Bingbing, did you make this dish? I thought you could only make instant noodles? "

Everyone was stunned and looked at him. Hearing what he said, Xia Bingbing subconsciously said: "it's OK, but I didn't do it. I just started... Wait a minute, Zhao Chengfeng, what do you mean, what do you mean that I can only make instant noodles?"

As soon as she glared, other people were happy, and then she was also happy. She immediately asked Zhao Chengfeng with some worry, "Chengfeng, are you ok? Why just

"Me? What can I do... "Zhao Chengfeng craned his neck and swallowed the food in his mouth. Then he sneered at himself and said:" I'm ok. Just now, it's just a short circuit. I'm worried about learning to eat salty radish. "

Then he repeated and added: "it's OK. The sky is falling down and the tall man is carrying it. Let alone being in a coma for so many days, I'm really hungry. Don't all look at me and eat. "

All the women were at a loss, but Xia Bingbing and others nodded, and then courteously let Zhao Feilong and murongshuang take their seats, so did everyone.

However, everyone was full of doubts. While eating, they peeped at Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Feilong, who was full of profound laughter.

Zhao Feilong pretended to be invisible and always laughed as if nothing had happened.

Until dinner, Shangguan Yan'er finally asked, "Dad, Chengfeng, what are you talking about? How do you feel weird? "

"It's nothing, but the earth world without aura suddenly seems to have aura?" Zhao Chengfeng said carelessly while picking his teeth.

"Well... Aura? Is there aura in the earth world Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing are stunned, but they don't feel it.

I can't help looking at Zhao Feilong with some doubts.

Zhao Feilong laughs and talks. On the other side, there was not much talk, but Qingqiu, who was drinking tea, suddenly said, "there is a little aura indeed. This change has existed since three days ago, but it is very weak. Your cultivation is too low, and you can't easily feel it without cultivation."

Zhao Feilong laughs again. He doesn't deny it. He obviously admits Qingqiu's statement.

Hearing what Qingqiu said, but Zhao Feilong didn't deny it. They both moved in their hearts. They quickly turned on each other's skills. For a moment, they were both surprised.

"I really have aura, Dad, elder martial sister Qingqiu. Is that a good thing?" Shangguan Yan'er asked.

There was a strange uneasiness in his voice.

At first glance, it seems to be a good thing for these ancient warriors.

But looking at Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Feilong's father and son, she felt that it was not so simple.

So there are concerns.

Xia Bingbing, sitting next to her, had almost the same idea and look.

"It's hard to say if it's a good thing." Qingqiu was still speaking. While drinking tea, she said flatly: "whether there is aura in a world is not a simple matter, but the essential rules of the world of relationships. Under different rules, different energy situations are born, and different civilizations are bred at the same time. "

"In a world without aura, if it suddenly becomes aura, I don't know what will happen, because I haven't seen it. However, as far as I guess, great changes in the rules of heaven and earth are likely to take place. I'm afraid it's also a question that the civilization of the earth world is still not suitable for survival. "

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