Hearing this, everyone's face changed. Even Liu Shiyun, Tian xiner and others who could not cultivate themselves could not help pursing their lips subconsciously.

Even Zhao Chengfeng's action of picking his teeth could not help but stop. He thought that the emergence of spiritual power created the right conditions for people in the inner world to invade the earth.

But I didn't expect that there were some rules of the universe and the essence of the plane involved.

If it's really like Qingqiu's conjecture, then it's very likely that the existing order of the earth world will be in chaos before the people in the inner world have invaded.

If one day all the traffic lights in the world suddenly fail, what will the result be?

There are also communication systems, network systems.

If these things are paralyzed one day, then for today's civilized world, I am afraid it is no less than the disaster brought about by the first World War.

First of all, countless enterprises will be closed down, cities will be paralyzed, the economy will collapse, and countless people will be laid off.

Then there is public security, government, and even the whole human society.

Today, the whole world is built on the cornerstone of science and technology. Without this cornerstone, it is impossible for the earth civilization with billions of people to regress to the agricultural society.

Thinking of this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help fighting the cold war.

Then he took a look at Zhao Feilong, and saw that although the old man still had a smile on his face, his eyes were thick and dignified.

In an instant, he understood that Qingqiu's guess was not random.

And these things, the old guy must have thought of for a long time.

For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng was a little annoyed, "I've been there. Now that this old guy knows it, he's not worried. He's still eating and chatting here? Is this going to be crazy? "

But the next moment, he saw more things from Zhao Feilong's eyes, including anger, urgency, powerlessness and helplessness.

His heart suddenly seemed to be knocked by something, and then he calmed down, "the old guy must be more anxious than him now, just because there is no place to start, so he has to sit here, pretending to be calm."

Father and son's eyes collide, Zhao Chengfeng shows a trace of inquiry.

Zhao Feilong shook his head slightly.

At this time, Qingqiu said: "another point is what causes this change. If the rules of the plane world change naturally, no one can change it. Just as the end of the law era opened countless years ago, now it's just a change of era. There are always survivors who will open another era after this one. "

When Qingqiu said this, he stopped for a moment. Xiumei frowned slightly and then murmured: "but, although it's impossible, if it's human..."

She didn't go on, but the others all understood what she meant, and their hearts sank.

Especially Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er know the inside story a little, the heart is more tight, because they all think of the same idea.

I'm afraid it's not if, maybe 90% of them are human beings, and this "person" is probably the inner door.

It's obvious that Qingqiu herself has thought of this, but she still has some doubts in her heart. It's impossible for human beings to change the rules of a world.

If it can be done, people in the previous era of civilization in the earth world will not watch the arrival of the end of the law era.

Finally, he had to move to a small cave world, but he was still alive.

But if not, many things seem too coincidental.

"Don't worry about it. There's a 90% chance that it's all the ghosts in the inner world." Zhao Chengfeng said suddenly.

His opening broke the dignified atmosphere in the restaurant.

Shangguan Yan'er stands up and walks out.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Chengfeng stopped her and asked.

"I'll get in touch with my grandfather and ask him to reflect on it with him!" Shangguan Yan'er speaked up her pace.

Different from Xia Bingbing and others, she used to be an official and even an undercover. So when this happened, she was the first to think of it.

"Well, don't go." Zhao Chengfeng sneered, glanced at Zhao Feilong and said, "with this old guy, the leaders above will only know more than you. Moreover, the leaders of Huaxia are not dry eaters. In the old guy's words, bixiuwei may not be as good as us, but they are not as good as us in wisdom and insight. After all, they stand much higher than us, The source of information is thousands of times as much as ours. "

Shangguan Yan'er, who had already come to the door, was stunned, then turned around in confusion, "well, what shall we do? Is that how you sit here? "

"Don't worry, there's a tall man on top of the sky." Then he pointed to Zhao Feilong with his chin and said with a sneer, "the old guy is still sitting here with the old God. Maybe he has some music. Isn't that right, old man? "

Shangguan Yan'er, Xia Bingbing and others smell the speech. They move in their hearts and subconsciously look at Zhao Feilong. Although they are worried in their eyes, they still have a smile on their face. At least they are calm on the surface.

I can't help but feel infected and feel a little relieved.

Who knows, Zhao Feilong slowly sipped a sip of tea, even shook his head with a smile: "well, it's really not."

"Ha?" Zhao Chengfeng grew up and said, "no, what do you mean? Why don't you smile so brightly? "

"Don't laugh, do you cry?" Zhao Feilong rolled his eyes and hummed coldly: "although you look sad now, you are still alive. I haven't died my son. Why don't you smile?"

"Old man, you want to fight, don't you? Believe it or not, I'll tell you all about your bread and mistress. " When Zhao Chengfeng hears the speech, he starts to fight.

Zhao Feilong was originally in the old God, a listen to this also anxious, "nonsense, what mistress, I Zhao Feilong life only love your mother."

Immediately busy to Murong frost way: "frost frost, don't listen to this smelly boy nonsense, pure is planting frame up!"

Zhao Chengfeng sneered: "ha ha, planting and framing? There's a frame up, but there's no planting. I don't care if you're dirty. Mom, you hear me. This old man is dirty. "

"No, absolutely not. Frost, believe me, Zhao Feilong is clean from inside to outside." Hearing this, Zhao Feilong's face changed greatly. He waved his hand and swore to Murong frost.

Although the occasion is very wrong, Xia Bingbing and others can't help covering their faces for a while. They can't imagine whether they are lucky or unfortunate to be married into the Zhao family.

Murong frost is also full of black lines, unbearable slap the table, "you two enough, now is not in the discussion of very important issues, can there be a bit of tension?"

In the restaurant, everyone nodded silently, and even felt the urge to cry. There was a normal person in this family.

Who knows

"Don't worry, Dad, I believe you!" Murong frost suddenly affectionately looking at Zhao Feilong road.

Zhao Feilong was moved to tears, "frost, thank you, it's good to have you here!"

Others: "I'm not sure."

Hey, what about the tension?

All of a sudden, Zhao Feilong's mobile phone rings. There is a sudden silence in the restaurant. Everyone looks at Zhao Feilong's mobile phone, and Zhao Feilong's loose face also disappears.

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