"The military?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Well." Zhao Feilong put down his cell phone and nodded.

"Got a clue?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"Well." Zhao Feilong nodded again.

"Where?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in a deep voice.

"The North Sea." Zhao Feilong looks at Zhao Cheng.

"The North Sea, isn't it the North Pole?" Zhao Chengfeng heard a thump in his heart and asked subconsciously.

After reading the previous news, he thought that the plot should be in the Arctic.

But I didn't expect that it was the North Sea.

Zhao Feilong shook his head and said: "there have been changes in the Arctic circle before, but we have sent someone to investigate. Although the investigators found some remnants of some kind of array somewhere in the Arctic, the main body of the array has long been withdrawn, and the scale is not very large. So we guess it's because they're doing some kind of experiment, or to distract us

Zhao Feilong paused for a moment and then said: "just now, the military received a report that there was a large-scale anomaly somewhere over Beihai City, and all satellite signals around Beihai City were disturbed, and a large number of electronic equipment failed. Although the military has not yet found out the specific reasons, my intuition is that those eight achievements are related to them. "

Zhao Chengfeng takes a deep breath, subconsciously clenches his fist. Other Xia Bingbing and others also frown and purr their mouths tightly.

"So next I'm going to Beihai. You can rest assured that I will try my best to take care of your friends..." Zhao Feilong said.

"I'll go with you." Zhao Chengfeng where still can sit, urgently interrupted Zhao Feilong road.

Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er also scrambled with one voice: "let's go too!"

"I want to go too. I can't ignore the elderly and children in the welfare home." Chen Shuxian followed.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Liu Shiyun, Tian xiner and other girls could not sit down.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw this, he was not willing to agree. Before several girls spoke, he interrupted them and said, "no, you can't go! It's not just you. Bingbing and Yan'er can't go either. There's no one here in the capital. "

Good guy, who knows what's going on in Beihai at the moment? He doesn't know at all, but it must be better.

And who in the inner gate is engaged in this conspiracy, and what means are used to achieve this degree.

They know nothing about all this now.

How could he make some girls jump into the fire pit.

If he and Zhao Feilong and others can stop those guys, it's OK. If they can't, what will happen in the end.

"But..." a few women listen to immediately also anxious.

"Nothing but!" Zhao Chengfeng's attitude towards women is similar to his Laozi's in some aspects, but he refuses to give in at this critical moment.

"Well, Bingbing, Yan'er, Shuxian, Xiaofeng is right about this. The situation in Beihai is not clear now. You can't go."

Zhao Feilong opens his mouth to stop Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er, who still have to argue.

He is an elder. It's not easy for Xia Bingbing and other women to argue with him, but they are not at ease after all.

Xia Bingbing is worried about her mother, as well as her company employees and friends. Chen Shuxian is worried about the children and the elderly in the welfare home.

This time, they came to the capital because of Zhao Chengfeng's accident. Now there is an accident in Beihai, why don't they worry.

Zhao Feilong said with a smile: "you can rest assured that the military is now organizing the evacuation of Beihai citizens. Maybe they have already withdrawn before you go. You're not going to help. What's more, even if you want to go to Beihai now, you may not be able to go. The government has already cut off all traffic to Beihai city

A few women listen, can't help biting lips, but also know that Zhao Feilong said is the truth.

Zhao Chengfeng is relieved to see that several women are no longer arguing. He is about to speak, but Zhao Feilong suddenly says to him, "Chengfeng, you don't want to go to Beihai."

"What, why can't I go? I've been healthy for a long time. What's more, it's a blessing in disguise. I can't improve my level a little bit. If I meet the elite of the class A, I can easily deal with him even if I don't use the fifth sword." When Zhao Chengfeng hears that Zhao Feilong even refuses to let him go, he immediately says.

"I know these better than you, but do you think the person who can make such a big move can be compared with the elite disciple of Bing Jia sect?" Zhao Feilong asked.

Zhao Chengfeng was dumb for a moment, but he was not reconciled. He looked at Zhao Feilong anxiously and said, "of course, I also know that the person who makes such a big move must be not simple, but because of this, I can't help but go, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, ha ha, smelly boy, don't worry. I don't need you to worry about me." Zhao Feilong laughs with a high spirited way.

"Bah, the devil is worried about you, I am..." Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes, but he sighed in his heart and said: "idiot dad, you are my Lao Tzu. How can I not worry? Who knows who those people are and what means they have?"

He was interrupted by Zhao Feilong's laugh.

"Well, your friends, I'll try my best to take care of them for you. They're not stupid either. It seems that the situation is not right. Don't they know how to run?"

Zhao Feilong glanced at him and then stretched out his hand for fear of his shoulder. "Although the person in the inner door didn't know what means he used to make such a big stir, it's certain that his purpose would never be those ordinary citizens. At least now they have no energy to fight against ordinary people."

"As for Lao Tzu, you don't have to worry. The situation is not right. I know how to run. Besides, I'm not the only one who went. If I guess correctly, your master and the old monk Yideng should have started at this time. Do you think those Chinese leaders will put their treasure on Zhao Feilong alone? Do you think they really don't have the means and power to restrict us? "

Zhao Feilong then patted Zhao Chengfeng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "in addition, I don't want you to go now, and I don't mean to leave you idle. Didn't you just think about the secret places of those ancient martial families before?"

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, didn't expect Zhao Feilong this point up suddenly mention this stubble.

"Since we've already started, we can't have no end, can we?" Zhao Feilong said with a smile: "your situation is very delicate now, because the subtle power of eternal tree species and lethal sword makes you go a step further, but you haven't broken into the void after all. Normally speaking, it may be hard for you to break into the void for a long time."

"However, the secret places of those ancient martial families have been accumulated for thousands of years, among which you may have an opportunity to take this step as soon as possible. At that time, you are not qualified to take part in some serious scenes, otherwise you will have to have a little fight with some guys who are not on the stage."

"In addition, if you can break into the void, you will have more control over the energy balance of the eternal tree species and the sword of destruction in your body. Maybe you can use the fifth sword again."

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