When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he could not help but be silent, and then said resolutely, "OK, I'll go to clean up those guwu aristocratic families first. Old man, you have to be careful. I don't care, but I don't want my mother to be widowed early."

"Smelly boy, can you talk?" Zhao Feilong did not have the good spirit to knock him, the side Murong frost also gave Zhao Chengfeng a big chestnut, "nonsense."

But in her eyes, she was also deeply worried, not only about Zhao Feilong, but also about Zhao Chengfeng. After scolding, she couldn't help saying, "Xiaofeng, don't just talk about your father, and don't be careless yourself. Don't look down on those ancient martial families. "

"After all, they are hundreds or even thousands of years old. It's hard to guarantee that they don't have some means to press the bottom of the box."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't think so, but in order not to let Murong frost worry, he nodded and said with a smile: "Mom, you can rest assured that I still know the truth of lion fighting rabbit, and even if I can't, there is elder martial sister Qingqiu, right, elder martial sister Qingqiu."

He said, looking at Qingqiu with a smile, "you promised before. As long as I win the elite disciple of Bingjia sect, you will help me deal with the secret space of those ancient martial families."

Green hill smell speech looked at him, see Zhao Chengfeng a little guilty, because he said this is actually some steal concept. Before, Qingqiu promised to help him open the secret of those aristocratic families, rather than "deal with them.".

However, green hill sneered for a while, unexpectedly did not refute, but slightly nodded his head and said: "yes, but I want half of the resources inside."

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. Unexpectedly, this woman was suddenly interested in the resources of several earth forces, and she asked for half as soon as she opened her mouth. This is too

Qingqiu knew what he was thinking, and without waiting for him to speak, he sneered again: "I don't want this half myself, I want it for my younger martial sister."

Listen to her this say, Zhao Chengfeng is a Zheng again, subconsciously looked at green hill one eye, see her expression know what she said is not a lie. Can't help laughing, without hesitation way: "no problem."

If Qingqiu wants it himself, he must think about it. Even if he agrees, he has to bargain. If he gives Xia Bingbing half of it, it doesn't matter.

But Xia Bingbing is nearby, but even busy way: "I don't want, all..."

She was just about to say, I don't want to give it all. He needs it more than I do.

But the green hills waved their hands and has the final say: "I said," you have the power left by your master, but you can't go to any other month until you get enough power to go to the refinery. "

"But..." Xia Bingbing's heart moved. She naturally understood the meaning of Qingqiu, but she knew that it was more difficult and urgent for Zhao Chengfeng to obtain resources. She was about to speak when she was interrupted by Zhao Chengfeng again.

The latter pressed her shoulder and said, "Bingbing, don't talk about it. It's up to elder martial sister."

After that, Xia Bingbing said directly, "well, it's settled. Elder martial sister Qingqiu, it's not too late. Since it's settled, let's start early."

Then he said to Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er: "Bingbing, Yan'er, and Shuxian, I'll leave the capital home to you. Help me accompany my mother. If the imps and Huisheng contact you and tell them to gather in the capital, no matter what the situation is, they should never intervene. Now it is not the case that they can intervene. "

Although the girls wanted to be with him, they all nodded. Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er solemnly said, "don't worry, as long as we have a breath, we will never let anyone in our family have anything to do."

Murong frost is the same, although the heart is heavy, fortunately there is Qingqiu, Zhao Chengfeng side, she did not have to worry too much. Just a look at the husband.

The latter said with a smile: "well, don't say so heavy, although the situation is not good, but it's not life and death. Well, it's time for me to start, too. "

Then he took a look at Qingqiu and said to Zhao Cheng, "boy, be careful yourself."

Having said that, the figure of a flash, people have gone out.


As soon as Zhao Feilong left, Zhao Chengfeng and Qingqiu didn't stay much, so they went to Linshan city again.

At the same time, Beihai City, which used to be prosperous and peaceful, has now fallen into complete panic and chaos.

A huge black hole like whirlpool enveloped the whole city's sky, and in the center of the city, there was a thick, dazzling column of light on the top of a building that rushed into the whirlpool.

"What's that? What's wrong with the sky?"

"You ask me, who am I going to?"

"Look, look there, mom, why are so many mice running all over the street? And the tree, my God, grows so fast... "

People are shocked by the various visions in front of them. Some people subconsciously take out their mobile phones and want to take photos. This is almost the instinct of many people. The first thing they think about when they encounter something is not thinking or acting, but taking pictures of them and passing them on to their circle of friends.

But this time, people who want to take pictures are silly.

"Damn, the cell phone doesn't have a signal. What's the matter? The camera is broken. What's the ghost..."

"Stop patting, you idiot. You're still farting at this time. Let's run. I think it's a bit evil. It's not going to be a tsunami or an earthquake, is it? "

"I seem to have seen similar news on the Internet before, but nothing happened in the end."

Some are still taking chances.

Immediately in exchange for peer's white eyes, "don't talk about what bullshit online news, online things can trust, online news sky also has such a big whirlpool?"

"What the hell is going on? What's going on with the car's instruments?"

The speaker pulls his companion to drive away from the city, but as soon as he gets on the bus, he can't help covering his temple with his hands and staring at all kinds of instruments on the dashboard.

The companion also widened his eyes when he saw that all the instruments were spinning and trembling wildly.

The companion who was lucky to see this scene was engulfed by his inner fear.


Just at this moment, the car they were sitting in suddenly shocked, and there was a loud noise from the back of the car. You don't need to look at it to know that it was a hit from behind the car.

"Ah, West!" This knock down is to knock two people back to God, get off the car and want to find the troublemaker theory, but the scene in front of them are stunned on the spot.

Because the car and the butt of their car have been completely deformed, and the people in the cab are just like them, a man and a woman. The man is lying on the steering wheel, bleeding and motionless. It seems that he has been killed on the spot.

Women seem to be in a semi syncope state, people are tied to the seat by the seat belt, head leaning out of the window, just with their eyes, but the eyes are dull.

Two people stare at this scene, for a long time did not return to consciousness.

Suddenly one of them woke up and quickly pushed his companion, "don't look, the car is leaking oil, save people quickly!"

"Ah, oh, this..." another person also sobered up, a Zheng after, see in front of the situation, and see that is rushing to the accident vehicle to save the companion, some hesitation in the heart.

Want to stop companion, "don't mind that woman, run quickly, this thing is too evil?"

"Fellow citizens, fellow villagers, I am Tang Jinhai..." at this time, an old but sonorous voice sounded over the city. Everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

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