As soon as Tang Jinhai opened his mouth, he heard the harsh sound of zizila radio wave. People could no longer hear the sound behind him. Then there was a sharp and harsh cry, and there was no sound.

They all looked at the direction of the voice blankly. After a moment, they came back to their senses, but there was a ray of hope in their eyes.

"Tang Jinhai? Isn't that old general Tang? Old general Tang is here. It seems that something really happened! "

"But Mr. Tang is here. The military must have sent out. With our people's soldiers to rescue us, we must be OK!"

"Yes, our Chinese military's response is quick, so fast we have action!"

"So, who always says that Huaxia is not good and that is not good? It's our people's soldiers at the critical moment."

"Who said that? We are talking about corrupt officials and unreasonable stereotypes!"

"Well, stop making noise and help those who are in trouble. Help them!"

"Yes, it's important to save people quickly. The military is quick to respond. We can't lose the chain and lose our Beihai people's face."

Knowing that the military personnel had arrived, many people felt relieved. Many people spontaneously began to rescue the surrounding accidents caused by the previous sudden chaos. Some people even help the surrounding police to maintain chaotic order.

At this time, Tang Jinhai did not know that although he did not finish his sentence, it had played a huge role. He looked at the microphone in his hand. His face was as gloomy as if it was going to rain. Other people around him were also not looking good.

"Everyone should act immediately. We must ensure the safe evacuation of the people. At the same time, we must be alert to people taking advantage of the fire and looting. Anyone who wants to fish in troubled waters will be severely punished." Tang Jinhai calmly put the microphone back on the table with a slap, and solemnly ordered.

"Yes All the people around had been ready to go. With one order, they immediately accepted the order!

"Report!" Tang Jinhai just finished his order. A soldier with a big sweat came in at the door. He came to the door and yelled at attention.

"Say it Tang Jinhai frowned slightly. He frowned not because he was dissatisfied with the soldier, but because he had some bad hunch.

No, at this moment, any news is likely to be bad news.

"Yes The soldier stood at attention and saluted again. Then he put down his hand and said solemnly, "report to the general. Someone from the police just contacted him and said that they had found the center of the disturbance, which was on the roof of century Tiancheng Building. Two suspicious people, one male and one female, were found, but because of..."

"Wait a minute!" Tang Jinhai raised his hand to interrupt him, frowned and asked: "you just said that Beihai police officers found out. When did I ask them to help me with this kind of thing? Do I want them to find out? Such a big beam of light, blind people can see! And who are the police at the scene? "

Then he waved his hand again, "forget it, no matter who it is, let them withdraw immediately, nonsense!"

He said so, but he couldn't help worrying.

In fact, I don't need to ask, but I know that the so-called "police officer" is probably her granddaughter Tang Wei.

"Why is this girl so careless?"

"Yes ~" the soldier was already sweating. When Tang Jinhai was angry, he was sweating more, but he didn't dare to wipe it.

Of course, he also knew why Tang Jinhai was angry and what he was worried about.


Guard heart a wry smile, because the body at the scene of the police personnel, it is Beihai City Criminal Police Brigade leader Tang Wei!

"What's the matter? Go As soon as Tang Jinhai saw the soldier standing there, he hesitated with the word "yes" and couldn't help staring.

"But now most of the communication equipment has broken down, especially near the science and Technology Park, almost all of them have been interrupted, and now they can't get in touch at all..." the soldier said bitterly.

Then he quickly proposed: "how about arranging a team of people to search nearby?"

Tang Jinhai hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and waved his hand, "no, everything should focus on arranging evacuation. Don't mess with the rhythm. In addition, someone should be sent to closely monitor the scene and report to me as soon as there is any abnormality, but don't act rashly, let alone approach the target!"

"Yes The guard instinctively stood at attention, then hesitated: "but..."

"Nothing but!" Tang Jinhai resolutely interrupted him. Immediately he said, "don't worry, she's my granddaughter. Can I not worry? But I can't ignore the overall situation and change my action without authorization because I'm worried. I know that the girl is impulsive, but she's not stupid. She won't really tease me. She ran forward and yelled, "I'm a policeman. You're arrested."

"As for those people, although I don't know what their purpose is, it's obvious that they are very scheming. As long as the girl doesn't seek her own death, she won't be ignored."

Although Tang Jinhai said so in his mouth, he didn't really worry about it in his heart, although it was exactly what he said.

But in today's situation, no one knows what will happen next.

It's not surprising that the sky falls down!


Tang Wei was on the roof of Yida Department Store Plaza building, less than 200 meters away from Shiji Tiancheng Building, the center of the accident.

From such a distance and from such an angle, the huge light column on the opposite side and the two people under the light column were particularly shocked.

"Captain, what is that? It's so shocking?! And who are those two people, the pillar of light and the whirlpool in the sky

Tang Wei's police were also shocked by the scene, and they were all stunned.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Tang Wei cold white hand one eye, and then again turned to see the opposite of the terrible light column, and the two people, lips pursed tightly.

That little policeman didn't care if he was white, but he was working under Tang Wei's hands. He had been used to the captain's knife mouth and bean curd heart for a long time!

And at this moment, no one is in the mood to care about these trivial things.

"So, Captain, what should we do now?" One of the policemen asked again.

At this time, the young man in the two opposite people, whether intentionally or unintentionally, suddenly turned his head and looked at them.

Just a glance, did not do anything, but I do not know why, a few people feel a contraction of the heart, quickly to hide behind the bunker.

The man's mouth slightly tilted, showing a smile like a snake and a fox, and then cold all over.

"He seems to have found us ~!" A policeman said nervously.

Other people are just as nervous and dare not come out.

Fortunately, soon, the man looked away again. Instead of looking here, he told the woman in red what he was talking about?

Tang Wei did not have a good look at them, "look at you this promising, found how, we are the police."

People can't help rolling their eyes, "Captain, can we stop teasing? What's the use of the police? Can those two human looking guys in the opposite make such a big stir? Can they be the ones we little policemen can make sure of? "

"And I don't know why, you say it's evil. That guy's eyes look at me, and I feel like I'm being watched by a beast!" One of them sighed.

Other people also showed a look of sadness when they heard the words.

At the same time, they are also a little angry. Normally, they are policemen or criminal policemen. They have not experienced anything before and should not be counselled like this. However, this feeling is just like the instinct of biology and can't be controlled.

Tang Wei snorted and said nothing. In fact, she doesn't show it on the surface, but she also has the feeling of other people.

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