"Who are these two people? And it happened to be so close to the perfume lily company that Zhao Chengfeng just happened to be away. If he's here, maybe he can find the clue earlier, or he can know something... "

Tang Wei frowned slightly, her mind turned quickly, and then asked, "have all the people in the building evacuated?"

"Xiao Wang and Xiao Li have been organizing the evacuation, and people have been arranged in other buildings around them. But now all the communication equipment seems to be paralyzed, and they can't contact the Bureau, and they can't find support. There's not enough manpower. Fortunately, there's not too much chaos. It's still very orderly at present!" A policeman replied.

"Well." Tang Wei nodded and put a little snack in her heart.

The reason why she came here at the first time was not only the police's duty, but also the perfume lily company in the building.

Although Xia Bingbing and Zhao Chengfeng are both in Beijing now, they don't need to worry about their safety, but since they are not there, she feels that she has the responsibility to help them take care of the people around them.

Is it a little selfish of her?

"Captain, what shall we do now?" A policeman asked again.

Tang Wei was silent for a moment, and then said: "after the people have evacuated, you should also withdraw. Although it's a little suspected that the police will not occupy the police, I'm afraid that the current situation is really not something we can intervene in."

Tang Wei is Tang Jinhai's granddaughter, and she has been with Zhao Chengfeng for so long. After all, she knows more than most people. At least she knows that there are still some things in the world, and even if they are police, they can't intervene.

When manpower is poor.

All the police were silent and unwilling, but there was no way.

Suddenly a policeman raised his head and asked, "Captain, you said we should withdraw, then you..."

When he asked, others were surprised to see Tang Wei.

Full of shock.

Although they don't know as much as Tang Wei, it's obvious that something bad will happen. It's not surprising that the sky is falling. Is the captain going to stay?

"Captain, you don't really want to go up and arrest them, do you?" A group of police imagine Tang Wei rushing to the opposite roof with a gun, shouting, "I'm a policeman, don't move!" It's a beautiful picture.

Well, I don't think our captain will be so tiger, will he?

Tang Wei white everyone a look, "a group of idiots, do you think we will be like you so stupid?"

The crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Tang Wei said, "but I'm a policeman. The crime is in front of me. Even if I can't stop it, I also want to know what the truth is. At least afterwards, I may tell the people who can intervene in this matter what I see!"

Speaking of this, Tang Wei can't help thinking of Zhao Chengfeng, "if the big sex wolf is there, can he stop it?"

Although she thinks so and trusts Zhao Chengfeng enough, she vaguely feels that Zhao Chengfeng may not be able to stop it here.


I'm a policeman!


"Is the entrance to the secret place right here?"

In the ancestral land of the Song family, Zhao Chengfeng holds a member of the Song family in his hand and forces him to ask.

The clansman's face was covered with blood. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, his eyes were filled with fear and resentment. He looked ferocious and sneered at the words, "yes, the entrance to the secret place of the Song family is in the ancestral place, but you are delusional to think about the secret place of the song family, and you don't have to think about what you know from me, Because no one knows about the secret place except the patriarch and the patriarch, and the patriarch and the patriarch have already entered the secret place, so you'd better give up? "


Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand is a slap in the face, "there's so much nonsense, I only ask you if the entrance is here, you're special, and you've got to answer, who let you answer!"

The man's face has been numb for a long time. He didn't feel much pain after being hit more, but his brain was buzzing and he felt a little fatter.

But for Zhao Chengfeng's fear and resentment, there is one more point.

"However, I didn't expect that the old ancestor was not dead, and he went to the secret space!" Regardless of his feelings, Zhao Chengfeng muttered to himself, then turned his head and took a look at Qingqiu.

The latter nodded, "I feel that there is a space wrinkle here, and the entrance should not be wrong near here!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was relieved, grinned and asked, "you don't know how to enter the secret place, but should you know the entrance position? And who else is there in the secret place besides the ancestor and patriarch? "

The man gritted his teeth and looked at Zhao Chengfeng. He didn't want to say anything, but he had already said almost everything before. Now it's too late to be a hero. He shivered when he thought of the means of extorting confessions before Zhao Chengfeng.

After biting, he finally pointed to a certain position and said with a hard face: "it's useless to tell you there. You can't open it. Moreover, I also tell you that not only the ancestors and clan leaders, but also most of the senior members of the twelve guwu families are in a secret place. As soon as heaven and earth change and the inner gate is born, my family will take advantage of the situation."

Finish saying, a twist neck, a pair of "I said, you can me how" expression.

Zhao Chengfeng almost no gas music, "NIMA all counsels to become like this, what to install?"

For this person, Zhao Chengfeng is also funny.

After he came to Linshan City, to his surprise, all the members of the guwu family, including the Song family, disappeared, and the Song family's property was not found.

Fortunately, I finally met such a sneaky guy in the ancestral land of the Song family. When I saw Zhao Chengfeng, I wanted to run, but where could I run.

Under the pressure, I knew that he was also an elder of the Song family.

What's more, I learned from him that Zhao Chengfeng had made such a scene before, and then he was killed by Qingqiu. All the ancient martial families were seriously hurt.

And because a lot of videos have been spread on the Internet, their reputation has been completely damaged. They all make up their minds and hide in the secret.

Originally, this man was going to enter the secret realm, but before entering the secret realm, he wanted to meet his old friends for a while. Unexpectedly, he drank a few more cups and got drunk. When he woke up and ran back, everyone was gone.

This just lingers in the ancestral land, and Zhao Chengfeng doesn't bump into it. It's also a bad luck.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel for him. When he got the answer, he immediately motioned to Qingqiu with his eyes.

The latter, understanding, immediately went to the position of the person, slowly stretched out a hand, and gently pressed in the void.

The void, which was originally empty, immediately appeared a ripple like water wave, and a vague shadow of heaven and earth could be seen.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng breathes a sigh. He has seen more than one secret place. He doesn't need Qingqiu to open his mouth. He knows where the entrance to the secret place is.

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