Now that the entrance to the secret place is confirmed, Zhao Chengfeng is relieved, and then he remembers what he said before.

Zhao Chengfeng is funny, but he has a keen sense of the four words "rise by taking advantage of the situation". It seems that these ancient martial families are ambitious.

At present, the entrance has been determined. How to open it is Qingqiu's business. In his leisure, he can't help laughing and saying: "what a guwu aristocratic family, you still want to take advantage of the situation. How do you plan to take advantage of the situation?"

When he asked this question, the hapless elder of the Song family also knew that he had let the slip of the tongue. Fortunately, his face was completely deformed, so he couldn't show any expression like panic.

I can't even see the change in my face.

It's just that my eyes don't stop rolling.

Zhao Chengfeng sneered, "why do you want to try my means?"

This person a listen to this words immediately pupil a shrink, eyes son also did not turn, just angry looking at Zhao Chengfeng, but also afraid of Zhao Chengfeng really start paragraph.

A moment later, a cold hum, proud way: "tell you why not, difficult you can change what?"

"Don't talk nonsense, answer whatever you ask, pretend to be a big tailed hawk. Next time, talk nonsense that has nothing to do with the problem, and say one more word to break your bones.".! Zhao Chengfeng's two eyes stare, cold voice way.

The elder of the Song family's teeth were creaking, but he didn't dare to talk any more. He snorted: "I'm not very clear about the specific plan. I just vaguely listen to the old ancestor and the patriarch say that they have been instructed by young master Yun that heaven and earth will change and the inner gate will be born..."

"Wait a minute, what world will change and what will it be like? Who is that little master Yun? " Zhao Chengfeng looks slightly solidified, vaguely feel like he heard something very important.

"Hey, hey..."

Elder song, with a smile, subconsciously wants to look at Zhao Chengfeng contemptuously and show his superiority by the way. But when he looks at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he immediately suppresses his words and expression.

Yankou watercourse: "I don't know about it. I only know that master Yun and Miss Yu are carrying out the plan of Baiyujing and qianjimen for a thousand years. Once the plan is completed, the whole earth world will become as full of aura as the inner world, and become a cradle of civilization again. What plane rules will the existing science and technology change, And be rejected by the world... "

Zhao Chengfeng can't help frowning.

"Hold on, hold on, you need to be clear about what is the Millennium event, what is it, how can the world be full of aura, what world rules change, why the existing technology is rejected, who is the cloud master, how can a Miss Yu emerge, and what is the Baiyu jingqianji gate?"

The elder of the Song family was a little confused about Zhao Chengfeng's series of questions. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were cold, he hurriedly said, "wait, wait, how can I answer so many questions? Besides, I don't know some things. I just heard the old ancestor and the patriarch say a few words."

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at him, but he didn't do anything this time. Instead, he nodded and said, "well, come one by one. I'll ask you first, who is the little master of cloud?"

"Yunshao master's name is Yunqing. He is the master of Qianji gate in Inner Door world!" The elder of the Song family did not dare to neglect him. He replied quickly.

"What about qianjimen? What's going on? " Zhao Chengfeng then asked.

"Qianji gate is a very mysterious sect in the inner gate world. There are not many people. Most of the time, it's even a single pass. Even the elite disciples from the inner gate world can't tell the specific situation. They only know that this sect is very proficient in calculation and array. At the same time, it seems that it can make some strange but very powerful war weapons! In other words, it seems that none of the followers of qianjimen are good at fighting, but this rumor must be false. " Song's parents are old-fashioned.

"Well? Why are you sure it's fake? " Zhao Chengfeng asked with a frown.

"Because I have seen him do it with my own eyes. With only one hand, he easily subdued a dozen elite disciples from the inner world, including Zhu Shangfeng, who was killed by you before!" When he said this, he took a look at Zhao Chengfeng. It seemed that he said, "compared with yunshaozhu, you are far behind!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about his look. He was also shocked in his heart. With only one hand, he easily subdued more than a dozen inner class elites including Zhu Shangfeng.

Not to defeat, but to subdue.

It's really scary.

By the way, it seems that Zhu Shangfeng mentioned this person before and said that his move to become a monster was originally prepared for this person.

In this way, at that time, Zhu Shangfeng should not have been transformed.

But even so, it's very powerful to easily subdue these people with one hand, and with only one hand, it shows that he is not serious. So we can't really refer to his strength.

"What kind of cultivation is he?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

The elder of the Song family shook his head and said he didn't know. But then he said, "however, I heard from Laozu that the most powerful one is not him, but Miss Yu. To be exact, her surname is not Yu, but Yu. It seems that she comes from Baiyujing!"

"Where is Baiyujing? Is it more powerful than qianjimen?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, more and more he found that he really knew little about the inner world.

And the more you understand, the more you feel that the inner world is not as simple as you think.

And these people may be unimaginable enemies of terror in the earth world in the future.

"Ha ha..." the elder of the Song family sneered at Zhao Chengfeng's ignorance. "You don't even know Baiyu Kyoto, and you dare to fight against the inner world and our guwu family?"

"It's nonsense. I don't want to teach you a lesson. You don't have a long memory. Why do I have to know the white jade capital?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw this guy again, he was no longer polite. As soon as he reached out, he crushed one of his joints.

The pain in his heart made the elder song cry. He didn't dare to show the slightest scorn and ridicule any more. He didn't dare to get angry, but the venom in his eyes couldn't be dissolved.

In the heart unceasing curse Zhao Chengfeng cannot die well.

"The white jade capital in the sky, the five cities on the twelfth floor, the immortal caresses my top and gives me longevity! Bai Yujing, I've heard of some of them. " It's not the hapless elder of the Song family or Zhao Chengfeng, but Qingqiu on one side.

The other two people smell speech all subconsciously look at her.

At this time, their faces changed slightly, but one was happy, the other was shocked.

Qingqiu's hand was still in the void, but strangely, one of her palms disappeared. No, it didn't disappear, but it seemed to fall into the void. It became indistinct, leaving only a lotus like jade arm exposed.

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