"You, how can you?" The elder of the Song family was shocked and lost his voice. He even forgot Zhao Chengfeng's threat. "Break, break the void. Are you a congenital strong man?"


What is congenital?

It's not what ordinary martial arts people say that to reach the state of congenital fetal rest is called congenital.

For the ancient martial arts, the realm of Lingwu can also achieve fetal death, which is called congenital. It is just a simulation of the "unborn" state.

The real congenital meaning is that man is before heaven.

It can break the void and get rid of the bondage of plane to a certain extent.

Born before heaven and earth!

For example, there is no spiritual power in the earth world. When the ancient martial arts come to this world, they can not only absorb spiritual power by themselves, but also their strength will be suppressed, because they can't draw strength from heaven and earth. By borrowing the power of heaven and earth, they can only rely on their own strength, and their recovery can only depend on eating.

But the inborn strong are different. They can draw strength from the void without being bound by the plane.

Although theoretically speaking, the master of virtual environment can also understand the void to a certain extent, it is not reasonable to compare with the congenital strong.

Otherwise, how can one be called break away and the other be called enlightenment?

Only when we have a thorough understanding can we get rid of it.

So tearing the plane void is also the patent of the congenital strong.

Zhao Chengfeng was also surprised by Qingqiu's power, but he knew that Qingqiu was not born. The master of Qingqiu and Xia Bingbing, the old nun, was probably born.

However, it seems that Qingqiu is not far away from congenitally.

"Can't such a strong woman bear the inheritance of the clan? Why does that old nun still want to make a decision on Xia Bingbing? How strong are their enemies to give them such a great pressure! "

Zhao Chengfeng's mind flashed, and he could not help worrying about Xia Bingbing.

At the same time, I swear that I must be stronger. Only in this way can I share the pressure for Bingbing. No, I want to be able to stand in front of Bingbing and carry the pressure down for her. A man can't shield a woman from the wind and rain. It's no man.

My brother Xiaofeng is so romantic that he can't even protect his own women. It's a waste of my reputation.

No one knows that this guy is at this moment, but his thinking is flying to another thing.

But listen to green hill look insipid again way: "for yuxu cave I don't know much, but the name of white jade capital is heard some."

Zhao Chengfeng thought that he was pulled back. He looked serious and asked, "elder martial sister Qing, is Baiyujing very strong?"

"Very strong!" Green hill road.

Just two simple words.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart is a burst of lingran, even Qingqiu said that it is very strong, it is absolutely not weak.

"However, Baiyujing may not be the same as you think. It is not a clan or force in the general sense." Green hill road.

"Well, how do you say that?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned.

Qingqiu's hand continued to sink into the void at a very slow speed. He replied, "Baiyujing is a weapon first."


"Second, it's a city!"


"Secondly, it's a force, a force that faintly dominates yuxu cave!"

Every time Qingqiu said a word, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help asking, but at the last sentence, he was silent instead.

Vaguely in their own thinking to build the impression called Baiyujing.

A city that can be used as a weapon, or a weapon that can be used as a city, lives in this group of people, who are the actual rulers of the inner world.

All of a sudden, he was really interested in something called Baiyujing, or the place.

"If possible, I'd like to see the city that can be used as a weapon!"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

Qingqiu took a look at him, and then said again, "the last point is that it's not in yuxu cave, or the inner world!"

"Ah?" This time, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, "doesn't it rule yuxu cave? Why isn't it in yuxu cave? Where is it? Earth world? Chiba world? Or which higher plane? "

If so, doesn't it mean that the current enemies of the earth world may also include the higher plane?

"No, it's not accurate. In fact, it's not on any plane." Qingqiu shook his head and said, "it's in the sky, or it's out of the plane."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng is a little cute.

heavenly? Beyond the plane? What the hell is that?

"Just like my hand now and the secret place in front of me, do you think it's still on earth?" Qingqiu's patience seems to be inexplicably good today. He explained patiently.

Zhao Chengfeng thought for a moment and said, "I think it should be OK. Although it is hidden in the void and has a barrier, I think the void should also be a part of the plane?"

"Well?" Hearing this, Qingqiu took a surprised look at Zhao Chengfeng. "It's not easy for you to understand this level. Yes, you're right. My hands and this secret place are still on the plane of the earth world, and the void is indeed a part of the plane. But Baiyujing is free from the void. In short, if you have a chance to see it in the future, you will understand it. "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that Qingqiu was so talkative today, and he answered his questions so seriously. Is it because he promised half of her resources?

Anyway, it's a good thing. It's very rare to have the opportunity to ask questions from people of this level. Even Laozi and Shifu don't have such patience.

He is often perfunctory with a sentence, "you should observe and think for yourself".

So since elder martial sister Qingqiu is in a good mood today, of course we should seize the opportunity.

However, Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, but he didn't ask Bai Yujing any more. Then he thought of another question, and asked: "the last question, elder martial sister Qing, what are the rules of the world plane, and why are the forces of science and technology excluded and interfered after they have the power of spirit?"

"Well," Qingqiu thought for a moment, and said, "your question is a little too deep, and I may not be able to answer it. In short, the so-called rules are the essence of the world?"

"Like aura, aura, what is aura?" Asked green hill.

"Aura? Isn't it a more advanced air? " Zhao Chengfeng answers suspiciously.

"Who told you that?" Green hill white he one eye, "I really don't understand your father and mother should all know nothing about this aspect, how can you be such an idiot?"

Zhao Chengfeng wants to cry without tears. Can I say that they don't care about me at all?

But he didn't think it was wrong. Shouldn't aura be a kind of higher air?

Just like the air in this world, oxygen can make people's blood run smoothly, make people clear headed and active.

Other gases can poison and even kill people.

Isn't it strange that another kind of advanced air can contain spiritual power?

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