Green hill hears speech but a sneer, "do you know that aura still has five elements, light and dark, ice and thunder and lightning these ten attributes?"

Zhao Chengfeng felt that he was despised again. He could not help feeling his nose, but he nodded. Of course, he knew this. In fact, every ancient warrior would know it.

At the same time, he also raised his ears, because he knew that next Qingqiu would talk more about aura and aura.

Although this kind of problem does not necessarily increase his strength immediately, it can help him to have a better understanding of guwu and the great change that is about to happen or even is happening.

Seeing that he listened carefully and didn't have the usual cynicism, Qingqiu restrained his disdain and continued: "in addition, you should know that although you Chinese civilization also has some statements about the five elements, in terms of material level, the five elements should not be established in this plane, right?"

"For example, fire, in your world, is just a phenomenon of material burning, and so are light and dark, which are manifestations of phenomena!"

"Since it is a phenomenon, not a substance, how can you have the power of this attribute?"

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Qingqiu in surprise, and suddenly feels that his brain is not enough.

It's not surprising that these words came from a scholar or a scientist. He didn't expect that they came from Qingqiu.

"Well, what do you think martial arts is?" Qingqiu snorted coldly and glanced at him. "If martial arts is just like you, you can only bear the word" martial arts "at most. Why is it crowned with" martial arts "

He immediately withdrew his eyes and said calmly but seriously: "any civilization going to the deep is to pursue the nature of heaven and earth or the universe and itself. Without these thoughts, you can never go to the real high!"

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked in his heart, and then nodded seriously, "thank you, elder martial sister Qing, for your advice, I've been taught!"

At this moment, he suddenly realized that before that, he had always despised the word "martial arts".

Martial arts is not just a fighting skill.

Qingqiu looked at him again. He didn't belittle him again. After a pause, he continued: "go back to the previous question, fire and light, dark, ice and so on. In the earth world, they are all States or phenomena formed by other substances under specific conditions. But in some planes, they may not be like this, but a real element, energy, or something

"Let's also say fire. In the earth world, the cause of fire is the result of combustion of other substances. In other words, as long as you have combustible substances, oxygen and some combustion conditions, you can produce fire."

"But if fire itself is an element, then all these preconditions may not hold. As long as you can gather fire elements, even if there is nothing, you can produce a flame. If fire is an energy, such as psychic power, the result is the same

"On the contrary, in a plane world where fire is an element or energy, if you can empty these elements or energy within a certain range, then no one else can produce fire even if they have perfect combustion conditions."

When Qingqiu said this, he squinted at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "now you can understand why the technology made by today's civilization will be rejected if the rules of this plane are changed?"

"Well, I don't quite understand it, but I can understand it a little bit. In short, if the rules of the world change, a lighter may not light a cigarette, right Zhao Chengfeng nodded and subconsciously wanted to take out a cigarette and light it. But after touching his pocket, he finally let it go. After all, it was a bit out of date.

Qingqiu rolled her eyes and looked at Zhao Chengfeng's face. She seemed to have fully understood the expression. She knew that the goods probably didn't really understand. However, she didn't bother to say much. She turned her head and said, "whatever, you can understand it like this."

Seeing her expression, he knew that he was despised again, but what surprised him was that Qingqiu felt that he was still unfair and jealous when he despised her.

It's like a young man from a poor family looking at a second generation of rich people who feel that he's not promising and is waiting to die.

Zhao Chengfeng was very surprised and puzzled, "this woman should look at me with such a hatred of the rich. What's the matter? Although I am not a poor man now, the common wealth of the earth world should not be in this woman's eyes, right? Is it because I'm handsome? "

Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously touched his face and sighed with self pity, "ah, it's not good to be handsome. People hate him."

However, this woman seems a little strange today.

Not only honestly came to help me open the secret of the guwu family, but also patiently answered my questions.

It's not like falling in love with me. It's weird.

He took a look at the green hill where half of his arm had penetrated into the void, thinking whether to ask clearly, but after thinking about it, he let it go.

"In any case, this kind of aura of the protagonist, the charm bonus is also a common thing, or don't make a fuss, paint a snake to add feet, if you ask more, the aura will be broken."

Qingqiu doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng is thinking, but seeing his obscene smile, he feels uncomfortable.

I can't help but glare at him, hum, turn my head and ignore him.

But she no longer looks at Zhao Chengfeng on her face, but she is still observing Zhao Chengfeng from the corner of her eyes. The more she looks, the more complicated her heart becomes.

"Such an idiot, I really don't know why the younger martial sister takes a fancy to him, what's more, I don't know why he has that kind of dog luck and that kind of great power seed in his body. If there is a road dominating everything, then the road is really blind


"If, although it's very unlikely, if one day this person can really control those two forces, then the difficulties faced by the younger martial sister are likely to be solved by this person! Maybe even with the help of this person, I will take qinglianmen to a new height that has never been seen before. "

Think of here, green hill another hide in the sleeve of the hand can't help but slightly clench, heart more complex.

Even as Zhao Chengfeng felt, she was a little jealous and unfair.

If this kind of power is on me, I will be 100 times more perfect than this person, and I will be 100 times more helpful to my younger martial sister. No, it's 1000 times, 10000 times.

But she knew it was impossible.

Not only because she can't win from Zhao Chengfeng, but even if she can, she won't do it. First, Xia Bingbing will never allow her to do it. Secondly, Qingqiu has her own pride and bottom line.

Although she doesn't like Zhao Chengfeng, she can't do that kind of dirty work.

Since she can't, she has to change her attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng.

Even if it's just a glimmer of possibility, for qinglianmen, it's also a straw to save lives. As long as this possibility still exists, she can no longer look at Zhao Chengfeng with the same eyes as before.

Even if it made her feel uncomfortable, she could only bear it.

Just then, there was a shock in her palm.

Green hill look slightly move, and then showed a smile, suddenly in the mouth a Jiao drink, "open for me!"

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