Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, Qingqiu didn't change much, but the faces of the people of guwu family around him became more ugly.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you deceive people too much!" The father of the Song family was especially ugly. He was gnashing his teeth. He hated Zhao Chengfeng to the extreme.

Their guwu aristocratic families have endured for thousands of years, especially his song family. They are different from other guwu aristocratic families. They are originally from the inner world, just because they wait for this talent to lurk to the earth.

Originally, when the world is about to change greatly, it seems that they are born with great achievements, but they don't want to be destroyed by Zhao Chengfeng.

First, he used public opinion to induce them to make a high-profile appearance, and then he personally pushed them into the abyss. He almost lost his life.

Anyway, he saved his life. Although he had to hide in the secret space, as long as he survived, his song family could still wait until the inner gate was born, and then take advantage of the situation.

At that time, the inner world will definitely need them to enslave the human beings in the earth world. Even if they are just puppets, they don't care. On the contrary, they can make profits from them.

At that time, his song family will no longer be an ordinary guwu family. Maybe one day, he will become a real first-class force.

Who knows has been hiding in the secret space, this person even chased the door.

This is no way to live!

"Well, if you don't give me a way to live, you can't think about it. Although you are really strong, this is the secret space of our song family for thousands of years. You dare to break in. Ha ha, there's a way in heaven. You can't break in if you don't go to hell!"

With the new hatred and the old hatred, the old faces of the ancestors of the Song family were distorted. With a strange smile, they said bitterly, "Today my guwu family will die with you!"

"That's right. Don't deceive people too much, Zhao. Don't do things too well. Otherwise, it's a big deal." The rest of the guwu family and the Song family also clamored, gnashing their teeth, as if they wanted to swallow Zhao Chengfeng alive.

But no matter the Song family or other people of various families, no one really went to the front to fight for it.

They have seen Zhao Chengfeng's power for a long time. Even the talented elites like Zhu Shangfeng, who are in the inner world, have used such a terrible secret method.

I thought that both sides died together, but I didn't think that this man appeared here again. It seems that he has become stronger. How can they deal with such a person.

What's more, the woman beside him. No one can forget the survivors of that night's war. No one can forget the horror that this woman showed in the end.

Hundreds of people on the scene were almost slaughtered. That kind of terror is unforgettable.

Even if they have no personal experience, they have heard from the people around them that they dare not act rashly.

Can only stare at Zhao Chengfeng.

Unfortunately, eyes can't kill people after all.

So in these murderous eyes glare, Zhao Chengfeng but the wind light cloud light, for these people's angry also just a smile.

"Too much deception? Don't do it all? Ladies and gentlemen, isn't it too late to say that? "

The aristocratic family's expression changed slightly, so they were naturally unconvinced, but they could not refute it.

Some of them have their own problems with Zhao Chengfeng, but most of them have not met before. However, for the sake of interests, they do not hesitate to put Zhao Chengfeng to death.

Even when Yunqing of qianjimen asked them to deal with Zhao Chengfeng, they didn't do much investigation on who Zhao Chengfeng was or what his background was.

In their opinion, there is no need for that.

Anyway, in their eyes, there are only two kinds of people in this world, one is from the ancient martial family, the other is secular.

What is it to sacrifice one or two secular people for the needs of the guwu family?

In their opinion, this is a matter of course. Who they are, the ancient martial family, is very different from ordinary people. They are superior to the ancient martial people, and have great strength and thousands of years of accumulation.

Do they still need to care about the life and death of a mere secular person and consider the feelings of a mere mortal?

Of course not.

As long as it is necessary, what is the sacrifice of a mere secular person? What's wrong with that?

On the contrary, if that secular person dares to rebel against them and disobey them, it is a great treason.

This is their consistent idea, and it's not the first time they have done something similar.

It's just that they didn't expect to kick on the iron this time.

This time, it's their turn to be the meat of the jungle. At this time, they finally thought that they should not do everything completely or bully others too much.

But unfortunately, it's too late.

They resented, but could not refute.

This makes them finally understand their reluctance as "meat".

This kind of "unwilling" and "powerless" has been imposed on people countless times, never thought that one day it would fall on them.

"Don't panic, everyone." At this time, the song's ancestor suddenly exclaimed.

A group of aristocratic people were slightly stunned and looked at this person.

"Don't panic. Although these two people are really strong, the reason why our song family dare to be called the first in the family is not for nothing. However, Zhao is nothing, but the woman around him is not easy to deal with. So later, we need your help to capture and kill this thief, so as to teach the world that the inside information of our guwu family is not a false name! " Once again, the ancestor of the Song family repeats that his face is full of confidence.

The experts of the ancient martial family thought that they would not be spared today, but they were secretly surprised to hear that. They didn't know what hidden means the Song family had.

In the face of the enigmatic Zhao Chengfeng, and even more enigmatic, at least the mysterious woman at the top of the virtual realm, dare to say such big words.

However, looking at the confident and calm face of the Song family's ancestor, his face did not look like a bluff, and his heart suddenly lit up a glimmer of hope.

One of the elder level masters of the Liu family said: "brother song, this is very polite. Our guwu family should have supported each other. What's more, we share a common hatred. We are duty bound to help if there is anything we need. It's just that these two men and women are not simple, especially the woman can tear the barrier of the secret space, I'm afraid I'm at least a master of virtual environment. I don't know what kind of means the Song family has. How can they grasp it? "

Other aristocratic families also looked at the Song family ancestors with inquiry. The latter laughed, but did not answer directly, "ha ha, you will know later."

"Zhao, if it's somewhere else, we're not your rivals, but you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't come to the secret space of the Song family. The thousand year accumulation of the Song family is beyond your imagination." The second half of his sentence is naturally said to Zhao Chengfeng. There is a deep hatred in his words, but there is a trace of excitement in his eyes, and even a flash of fanatical light.

After that, without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak or act, he suddenly drank to a large number of Song family members and said, "Song family members listen to the order, sacrifice to the blood array, and invite the ancestral God!"

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