"Yes Hearing the old man's life, all the people of the Song family burst out a burst of fanatical light in their eyes. Then they responded to the voice and moved their bodies. They seemed to have practiced for countless times and landed in every corner of the inverted mountain.

Although it looks disorderly, there is something mysterious hidden.

At the same time, as soon as they stood still, they immediately pulled out their sharp blades and cut their wrists, dripping blood on the ground under their feet.

"Elder martial sister Qing, what are these people doing?"

This kind of action, not only each ancient martial family people are surprised, Zhao Chengfeng is also confused, turn to ask Qingqiu.

Qingqiu's eyebrows were slightly frowning, and she had not yet waited for an answer.

At the foot of the inverted mountain suddenly vibrated, and then a strange pattern and incomprehensible symbol lit up from the foot of those people, and quickly spread around, just like a dry artery suddenly injected blood.

Although Zhao Chengfeng was surprised at the self-confidence of the ancestors of the Song family and the strange behavior of the people of the Song family, he didn't pay special attention to it.

This time, he got a blessing in disguise, and his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds. Although he hasn't really tried his current fighting power, these aristocratic people are not in his eyes.

So even if he doesn't know what medicine these people sell in gourd, he also has a good idea.

But seeing this scene in front of him, he could not help but be surprised. It was so strange that he felt something bad and was about to make a move.

Suddenly I feel the collar of my back neck is tight. When I turn my head, I see that Qingqiu reaches for his collar. Before he speaks, Qingqiu has lifted him up.

At the same time, those strange patterns have spread to their feet. Seeing that they soar up, those patterns actually come out of the ground like the vines of some strange plants, and quickly entangle them.

This scene makes Zhao Chengfeng feel numb. It's not because he's afraid. It's just because the scene is so weird. It's like a person's resistance to a caterpillar or some kind of soft creature, or a cockroach's discomfort in your clothes.

The Xuanyuan sword in his hand came out of the scabbard. Even if he wanted to cut off these entangled mantras, a light drink from Qingqiu came out in his ear, "don't touch these mantras!"

Then he heard Qingqiu murmur, "get out of here!"

Those weird "vines" are like the antennae used by some creatures for hunting. They suddenly feel the danger of their prey. When she drinks them, they suddenly shake. Then they quickly go back to the ground and become runes and patterns again.

There was a sense of being "scared".

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng is more and more surprised. Are these "things" still conscious?

But before he could speak, Qingqiu had already taken him to the air. At the same time, all the people of the guwu family were shocked.

"Ah, what is it?"

"Damn it, get out of the way, don't be... Ah!"

"My spiritual power, my cultivation!"

The experts of the guwu family didn't care at first when they saw that the lines were shining, especially when they saw that Qingqiu and Zhao Chengfeng were "fleeing from the wilderness" and they gloated.

But soon they found that they were the same "attack" targets of those strange patterns.

As soon as those patterns met them, they immediately seemed to be alive, winding and spreading from their feet.

Then they were shocked to find that these patterns could absorb their accomplishments and even vitality.

This time, they could no longer gloat. Someone immediately pulled out their weapons and tried to cut off these strange "vine" patterns.

Unfortunately, it's useless at all. Although the patterns look like vines, they are not things and can't be cut off.

And whether it's weapons or human body, they can also climb and spread.

And they don't have the ability to walk in the air like Qingqiu, unless they also have the strength in the void or even above the void.

Unfortunately, they didn't.

"Song family, what do you mean?"

There is no escape for the masters of the aristocratic family. They can see that their accomplishments and vitality are constantly losing. They can even see that other companions around them are getting old and shriveled at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The one with low cultivation becomes like a mummy in a flash.

It made them panic and angry.

Then they immediately realized that the Song family had already calculated all this, and that the Song family should not only deal with Zhao Chengfeng, but also count them together.

They may even be "invited" to a secret place this time, and they are planning to do so.

Otherwise, the secret space of an aristocratic family is almost the core secret of a family. How can they let outsiders in so easily.

They thought that the Song family wanted to woo them, so they didn't hesitate to be so "courteous".

Now it seems that the Song family invited them in, but they didn't intend to let them out at all, so naturally they were not afraid of divulging any secrets.

It's just that they're still unbelievable.

"Song family, are you not afraid of being attacked by the crowd when you do this?"

Some high-ranking family members, angry, want to attack the Song family around them, but they are surprised to find that although the incantations are invisible, they have some strange binding force.

It's not their bodies that are bound, but their souls. They can't move at all.

What they can do, apart from drinking and scolding, is to question.

But at this time, they still could not believe why the Song family had such courage.

"Brother Liu, what do you mean? I have asked for your consent just now. Brother Liu, you said that our guwu family is united. You are duty bound. " The ancestor of the Song family looked at the speaker, surprised, as if he didn't understand why he was so surprised.

The speaker's expression was stagnant, and then he remembered what he had said before.

The ancestor of the Song family said to let him help. He said that the guwu family was united and duty bound.

But, do you call it a helping hand?

And that kind of scene, it was just a casual talk.

Although he also knew that the ancestor of the Song family had deliberately insulted him, he still couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the eyes of the ancestors of the Song family, they were almost split. The whole eyes were red, and anger and resentment could be seen.

He struggled and tried to rush to the ancestors of the Song family, but it didn't help. At last, he watched his body wither like other people around him, leaving his eyes still red with blood.

All of a sudden, he no longer struggled. He looked at the ancestors of the Song family and the Song family. They were already mummified, but he laughed, and his voice was like a night owl. "Well, what a song family. You have done such a vicious thing. Unfortunately, even if your organs are exhausted, you still can't deal with them. So, I'm dead, You're going to die, too! "

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