With the continuous influx of those evil and strange incantations, the weird smell of the demon puppets is becoming more and more strong. From a distance of tens of meters, we can also feel that there is a force of terror in the air.


Just when Zhao Chengfeng's mind was shaking, the demon puppet suddenly opened his eyes, and two evil red lights came out. Zhao Chengfeng's mind could not help shaking.

All the members of the Song family, including those who were dying, seemed to have a look of morbid fanaticism.

"Zu Shen, Zu Shen is awake!"

"Ha ha, it turns out that what is recorded in the ancestral scriptures is true. In the upside down mountain of the secret space, there is a ancestral God who can make the Song family rise up!"

"Heaven and earth will change, and my song family will finally be born. With the help of this ancestor god, my song family will surely have a place in the future world!"

"Blessed by our ancestors, the thousand year's forbearance of the Song family has finally come to this day!"

The ancestors and patriarchs of the Song family were also excited and trembling, as if they had seen the beautiful scene of the Song family rising in the future.

At this time, most of the other guwu aristocratic families were silent, and their lives had been completely drained by the blood sacrifice array.

Only a few strong men with high accomplishments still have some meaning, but they are also dying, and they can't even move a little finger.

Only dull eyes, scared and venomous looking at the pangran devil.

"Damn Song family, it's so hidden that we summon such a monster with our cultivation and life!"

"No, no! Damn Song family, I'm not willing! "

"Song family, you can't die well. I curse that all the sons and daughters of Song family will die, and you will never be able to survive!"

Dying curse, venomous but weak cry, filled with strong unwilling and resentment.

But the Song family didn't care at all. The ancestor of the Song family scornfully swept away these dying "allies" and sneered, "ha ha, brother Liu, brother Ouyang, brother Ge, why do you need to do this? Our ancient martial family is united. Although you have sacrificed today, your life has supported the rise of the world's first ancient martial family, You should be honored for that! "

"Oh, by the way, in order to express my gratitude, I will invite all the descendants of your families to our song family's secret space later. Their flesh and blood will surely make our song family's ancestral God more perfect, and you can get together in the Jiuquan. Ha ha, how about it? Am I very understanding, ha ha..."

The ancestor of the Song family laughed, then looked up at Zhao Chengfeng and Qingqiu, who were standing in the air. His eyes were crazy for senhan and malice. "Zhao Chengfeng, do you know how many good things you have done to the Song family. So many martial artists from all over the world, so many ancient martial arts masters, they should have been the nutrition of our ancestors. "

"And if it wasn't for you, you wouldn't have been in such a hurry."

"It's all because of your obstruction that the Song family has to change their plans again and again, and that I have to sacrifice so many people!"

The ancestor of the Song family said, glancing at the people of the Song family who were regarded as the source of the battle. Although many of them are still barely alive, they all look like old people in their twilight years, and their lives are all dying.

These were the elites and future of the Song family.

Nowadays, all these people have become old people, and their breath of life will be cut off at any time.

The ancestors and patriarchs of the Song family are bleeding.

The eyes of the ancestors of the Song family suddenly turned to Zhao Chengfeng again, "they didn't have to sacrifice, because of you, because of you!"

With a sneer, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about this brain damaged old pervert.

However, I was shocked by the ruthlessness of the Song family. It turned out that the so-called challenge was also in the old man's plot.

The old man even planned to offer sacrifices to all the ancient martial arts who were attracted by the challenge of the challenge arena, just like the people of the ancient martial arts family.

But I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng's sudden thrust not only destroyed the so-called challenge arena, but also killed hundreds of ancient martial family experts by Zhao Chengfeng's Qingqiu, which was equivalent to the loss of more than half of the Song family's sacrifice.

However, if the Song family failed to make a plan, another plan came into being. In the name of the imminent change of heaven and earth, they invited all the remaining experts of the ancient martial families to the secret space.

Experts of all ethnic groups thought that they would form an alliance, and then they would unite to gain benefits after the great changes of the earth world and the invasion of the inner world. But they didn't expect that the Song family invited them, just wanted them as sacrifices.

For this plan, the Song family must have a follow-up plan. For example, there are some ways to avoid the need for their own family members to do the planning of the array source.

Or there may be some way to deceive the people of all ethnic groups who have not come to the secret space, and so on.

But once again, they did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng and Qingqiu appeared again, again disrupting their plans, forcing them to start the blood sacrifice battle in advance.

This is why we have to use our own people as the source to start the blood sacrifice array.

At this moment, how much they hate Zhao Chengfeng is also conceivable.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's sarcasm, the ancestor of the Song family immediately clenched his teeth.

"But it doesn't matter!"

In a flash, the man grinned again, but the color of resentment in his eyes remained unchanged. "Because of your flesh and blood, your cultivation will also become the nutrient of the zushen puppet. With your strong cultivation and vitality, you can make the zushen puppet stronger, right?"

"What's more, you are only a native of the earth, but you must have a lot of secrets if you can have such a powerful cultivation at a young age?"

"The mysterious lady around you is the same. Although I don't know your origin, there must be secrets. As long as I kill you, your skills and secrets will become the nutrition of the rise of the Song family!"

The man said with a greedy look in his eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help laughing when he hears the speech. "The old man is really ambitious. He still wants our skills and secrets. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you don't have the ability to take them!"

A trace of scorn flashed in Qingqiu's eyes. He didn't even bother to speak.

With a flash of body shape, Zhao Chengfeng falls on the ground again. Because of the exhaustion of the array source, the blood sacrifice array on the ground is very weak, and even their breath can't break through.

At the same time of landing, the sword in Qingqiu's hand trembled, and a sword flew out. In an instant, the group of array sources who were still trying to survive and urge the big array were cut clean.

The Song family didn't even have time to react.

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