Qingqiu didn't say a word, but with a simple action, he woke all the Song family up from their dreams, telling them a fact.

"The puppets of the God of ancestors, the great array of blood sacrifice are all jokes in the face of absolute strength!"

If Qingqiu wants to, he can kill all the people of the Song family with one sword. They don't even have the chance to urge the puppet.

What they had done before, what conspiracy, in this woman's eyes, was just futile.

But she didn't do that. After cutting off those sources, she didn't mean to start any more. Instead, she immediately put down Zhao Chengfeng.

At a glance of the horrible demon puppet, she said indifferently: "although it's bright, it's a good thing, but it's a pity that it falls into the hands of a group of ants, and even one tenth of its power hasn't been stimulated. It's a good grindstone for you now!"

After hearing that, Zhao Chengfeng moved his hands and feet and looked at Qingqiu in surprise. Only then did he realize that Qingqiu had not destroyed the Song family's blood sacrifice array before, except that the blood sacrifice array's restraint of flesh and blood life was a little troublesome.

It has this meaning.

This surprised him a lot.

"I didn't expect you to be so kind to me, elder martial sister. I'm so moved. But don't fall in love with me, elder martial sister, or I'm afraid I'm sorry for Bingbing!" Zhao Chengfeng was moved to tears, but he was afraid that because he was too good, he would get into trouble.

But before he finished his words, he felt a cold air passing through his throat, and then he saw Qingqiu's sword returning to its sheath.

"Speak to me again in such a tone and kill you!"

Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously touched his neck, feeling a little wet, a look at the fingertips, turned out to be blood.

Zhao Chengfeng swallowed his saliva and was afraid. At that moment, he really felt murderous.

"Is this woman really special... Just a joke?"

But he was very sensible shut up, this woman can absolutely say it.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is very brave, he never wants to take advantage of a joke to kill himself.

What's more, he didn't really have any plans and ideas for this woman. On the one hand, he was Bingbing's elder martial sister. On the other hand, he didn't like this type of woman.

At this point, Zhao Chengfeng has no idea that "such a woman is very conquering". He is not a woman.

It's just a habit.

In other words, it's cheap.

But if you give up your life because of your cheap mouth, it's not worth it.

"Well, it's better for brother Feng to stay away from this woman. Otherwise, brother Feng, I have the character of opening a dyeing shop with three colors. I'll be killed by this woman if I'm careful!"

Zhao Chengfeng felt his neck and made up his mind to cherish his life and stay away from the elder martial sister.

Then he turned his eyes to the demon like puppet, and a strange light burst out in his eyes.

"Grindstone? Well, I really want to see how much I've increased my fighting power."

Zhao Chengfeng thought about this, and then turned his head to song's ancestors who were still shocked by Qingqiu's sword and called out: "Hey, you've managed to get this thing out. Don't you let it move?"

The Song family was shocked by the speech, and then they came back to their senses. They were afraid and angry.

They were afraid because they could not imagine whether they would have the chance to launch the puppets of the ancestral God if Qingqiu had directly attacked them just now.

The anger is that the people who acted as the source of the array sacrificed everything to activate the zushen puppet, but they didn't even see the scene of the zushen puppet's great power, so they were lightly killed in front of them.

What a shame.

What's more angry is that Zhao Chengfeng took such a contemptuous attitude and let them launch the zushen puppet.

The other side wants to use their sacrifice and hope for thousands of years as a grindstone.

"Deceiving too much is deceiving too much!"

The patriarch of the Song family was furious. He turned around and knelt down on one knee in front of the puppet of the ancestor god. He pointed at Zhao Chengfeng in a fierce voice and said, "please kill the evil enemy!"

With his words, the demon like puppet seemed to have a sense. Originally half sitting on the altar, his motionless body slowly stood up in a creaking sound of mechanical friction.

The fear of introverted also broke out.

Zhao Chengfeng, who was oppressed by an invisible force, had a feeling that he could not stand.

"Is this the power of the void level?" Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't really fight with the virtual world experts, the original Yanshan old man was just the peak of magic martial arts, but Zhao Chengfeng can be sure that this is the power of the virtual world level.

I just don't know whether it's empty or broken. It's not likely to be broken.

"Should it be dong Xu?" Zhao Chengfeng is judging in his heart.

Otherwise, Qingqiu would not let him use it as a grindstone.

After all, although his accomplishments have greatly increased, he has not yet reached the virtual realm. If he is too high, he can not be used as a grindstone, because he will definitely be killed.

And he felt that although the power was terrible, it was not irresistible.

However, to his surprise, he had already felt that there was a gap in his cultivation of martial arts, which was flawless and perfect.

It's like a piece of rubber skin. It seems to be intact in a relaxed state. It's better than airtight. However, when it was pulled to the maximum, it was found that airtight was just an illusion, which was full of holes and slight fractures.

At first glance, it seems that this phenomenon is not a good thing. Perfection and perfection are better than imperfections and flaws.

But for a warrior, perfection is not a good word, whether it is cultivation, body or martial arts.

Because perfect, complete, that means the loss of space for progress and progress direction.


"It doesn't seem to be enough. If only this puppet had a stronger sense of oppression!" Although Zhao Chengfeng has been pressed by the invisible pressure, and even the puppet has not been formally moved, he has such a ridiculous idea in his heart.

If his idea is known by the Song family, I'm afraid he will be mad.

At the same time, it's bound to be ridiculed.

Because the scene at this time in their eyes, it is clear that the ancestor god puppet, just the breath leakage has completely oppressed Zhao Chengfeng.

So Zhao Chengfeng is dead in their eyes!

This idea makes them want to laugh.

"You deserve it, you deserve it. You're so arrogant

"Ha ha, I'll die if I fight against the Song family!"

"Kill, kill the beast!"

"All the enemies against the Song family are bound to become the nutrients for the rise of the Song family."

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