Among these people, the most ferocious and greedy one is song Ke, besides the ancestors and patriarchs of the Song family.

For Zhao Chengfeng's hatred, it can be said that he is the most prosperous. At the same time, my heart is filled with a strong greed for the puppet God who exudes a sense of terror.

"If only I could control this power. If the zushen puppet could be completely controlled by me, who else should I be afraid of in this world?"

However, he also knew that with the ancestors and patriarchs, the ancestral God puppets could not be controlled by him. Even without the elders and patriarchs, there were several surviving elders and elders, and several elite disciples among the peers were still alive.

All of a sudden, an idea flashed in his heart, if only these people were dead!

At this time, the zushen puppet has been completely awakened, and the demon's eyes are completely open, shooting blood red light.

Seeing this scene, the Song family became more excited and their eyes became more fanatical.

"Please kill the enemy The head of the song clan shrieked.

Other clansmen echoed.

"Please kill the enemy

"Please kill the enemy

The demonic puppet seemed to feel the thoughts of the Song family. His eyes moved slowly, and then suddenly fixed on Zhao Chengfeng.

For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng felt the invisible pressure increase sharply. He even vaguely heard a click from his body, as if something was breaking.


The next moment, the zushen puppet suddenly roared. Although it was not clear, it vaguely recognized that it was a killing word.

Then the huge puppet body instantly disappeared in the public's field of vision, and Zhao Chengfeng immediately felt a strong danger coming.

At the same time, I heard the "click" sound again, which seemed to be auditory hallucination, and some kind of crack in the universe inside me was even bigger.

This kind of feeling makes Zhao Chengfeng's pores shrink, and he can even feel the sweat and hair standing up one by one, which is an animal's instinctive response to a powerful enemy.

But at the same time, there is a kind of adrenaline like tremor, which is a kind of expectation and excitement.

Although his vision also lost the existence of the zushen puppet, his body was instinctive, no, not instinctive, exactly opposite to instinct.

Because at that moment, his body was almost out of control to escape, to dodge, to retreat, but another stronger will stopped this behavior, and forced a step forward.

And then

One punch!

There's no fancy, no moves, just fight as hard as you can

But he just hit, a meteorite impact on the earth general force has been the head down.


There was a bang like the shaking of the earth and mountains.

People then found that the huge ancestor god puppet appeared again in their field of vision, the position is just where Zhao Chengfeng stood.

Meteorite like fists, hard, violent, raindrop like crazy hammers hit the ground, some mechanical, some vague roar in the mouth.

There is only one syllable, "kill ~!"

With the violent fist, people just feel the ground shaking, smoke and gravel everywhere, the earth is cracking.

The Song family was excited and worried. What was exciting was that the puppets of the ancestor god were as powerful as they expected, no, even stronger.

He was also worried that because of the haste, coupled with the lack of strength and sacrifice, the puppets of the ancestral God would not be able to exert the power recorded in ancient books.

Now it seems that this worry is unnecessary.

The zushen puppet is really powerful.

This powerful, no, is the power of terror, not to mention that Zhao, even if he is a virtual realm master, is absolutely unable to resist.

In other words, in today's earth world, the Song family no longer need to be afraid of anyone. After the birth of Neimen in the future, the Song family will surely have a place.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, those people who died for this, they can't enjoy the glory!"

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng is dead, and the mysterious woman with Zhao Chengfeng will also die.

The great feud of the people is revenge.

And they can't help but worry that Zhao Chengfeng won't die.

Under such a powerful attack, Zhao Chengfeng is absolutely dead. I'm afraid that he has already been beaten into meat mud.

They are worried that the secret space will not be able to withstand such a violent attack.

It would be a pity if the secret space was damaged.

The patriarch of the Song family and the ancestor of the Song family looked at each other, and the latter sneered and said, "let the ancestral God stop, so that the boy surnamed Zhao won't be beaten too broken to clean up!"

The head of the Song family also laughed, "good."

Then he cried out, "please stop

In fact, there is no need to make such a call to control the puppet. It is the idea, the power of blood and the specific secret method that controls the puppet, not the sound.

Although the zushen puppet was activated, his intelligence was not high, and his understanding of language was far less direct than his idea.

It's just that he thinks it's more powerful. In addition, according to the records of the Song family, the main material of this puppet is nothing else. It's the remains of his song family's ancestors. Although looking at the image of the puppet, I feel that this record is somewhat unreliable.

But at this time, the head of the Song family did not want to doubt this, which made the puppet have a sacred taste in the eyes of the head of the Song family and other song people.

Therefore, his calling is also a way to rally people's hearts.

This time, in order to activate the zushen puppet, the Song family had to sacrifice so many people. Now there is no one in the whole song family. It is also his clan leader's consideration to unite people.

Sure enough, all the people of the Song family subconsciously followed the cry, "please stop

Although the number of people is small, but there is a sense of uniformity, echoing, the song patriarch is deeply satisfied.

But at this time, the zushen puppet's action was just a meal.

There was a burst of excited laughter in the smoke and dust, "ha ha, cool, cool, cool. Hey, don't stop. It's far from that? "

"What, he didn't die!"

"How could that be?"

"How can it be, that kind of terrorist attack, even if the King Kong is not broken!"

Hearing the laughter, all the people in the Song family were shocked and lost their voice.

The ancestors of the Song family and the head of the Song family were equally appalled and unbelievable.

"Attack, come on, continue to attack!" After being stunned, the Song family immediately responded, and immediately sent out an idea to order the puppet to continue to attack. However, as soon as his idea moved, the huge puppet's body was suddenly shocked.

Then I saw the huge body of the puppet retreating!

"Dong ~ Dong ~ Dong ~!"

Every step sounds like the God of heaven. The giant drum is hammered on the ground, and the ground is cracked in every step.

After seven or eight steps in a row, the puppet of Pang ran finally stopped, and then stepped forward.

Then they saw a figure standing in the smoke. The figure was tall and straight for ordinary people, but it was almost like a mole ant compared with the giant puppet which was more than six meters high.

As if the puppet of the ancestral God would completely crush him if he stepped on the figure carelessly.

But I don't know why, at this moment, people all have the illusion that the shadow in the smoke is extremely tall and powerful.

As if there is an eternal power, let the figure always stand between heaven and earth.

In an instant, people thought of four words.

of indomitable spirit!

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