Suddenly, the zushen puppet blows out again.

And the people were shocked that the figure in the smoke laughed again, and then it also came up with the same punch.

People see this, can not help but subconsciously grow up the mouth.

No matter the Song family or the dying members of the guwu family, they were all shocked.

Even Qingqiu, who had been watching coldly, was stunned to see the action of the figure in the smoke.

She asked Zhao Chengfeng to use the puppet as a sharpening stone in the hope that Zhao Chengfeng could sharpen his newly promoted accomplishments by fighting with the puppet of the ancestor god.

However, there is no plan that Zhao Chengfeng can really defeat the puppets of the ancestral God. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is just the realm of magic martial arts, even if it is the peak of magic martial arts.

But that's the realm of magic martial arts.

The zushen puppet, at least, is a respectable puppet. Even because the Song family has gone astray, the means are extremely inferior, and for other reasons, the zushen puppet's real strength may be less than one tenth of its original strength.

But it's also a puppet of Zun level, at least not lower than the fighting power of the general Dongxu realm.

How can a magic martial arts realm overcome the virtual realm? I never thought about Zhao Chengfeng and the puppet Rigang.

As long as you are a warrior and you are not stupid, you can understand that the greatest disadvantage of this kind of puppet is intelligence and the flexible use of martial arts.

It's not that puppets can't do martial arts. There are many puppets who can do martial arts, but there are few puppets who can use martial arts to their true meaning. At most, they are just in order.

This is something that puppets can never compare with people.

However, if you have the ability to fight hard and resist attacks, no one will compete with the puppets except the brain.

Isn't that common sense?

Well, even if you are a human on earth and don't understand these common sense, then it is dead, and you are flesh and blood, you should know that, right?

Do I have to say that?

Qingqiu had a headache and was thinking whether to stop it.

But I saw that one was like a huge hammer, and the other was like a match head. The two fists of the two fists had collided with each other.



Two roars, one dull mechanical, one crazy excited.

Two fists, one is like a hammer, the other is like a match head, but they collide together and make a dull loud sound.

Zhao Chengfeng felt that his whole body's bones were broken in this moment, and countless capillaries were torn at this moment. Because of corneal congestion, his eyes were blurred, and everything in front of him was bloody red.

But I don't know why, his heart was more powerful, and his body trembled violently because of excitement.

Because he could clearly feel that all his accomplishments, flesh and blood, bones, spiritual power, meridians and everything seemed to be on the edge of fragmentation.

At the same time, he felt that he could see the world in his body more clearly.

There is a kind of feeling that he can see all the details of the universe in his body, and even glimpse a new world.

The feeling excited him.

He had a feeling that when he could see the new world completely, he would really enter the virtual world.

What is the virtual realm? The virtual realm may be the realm of real insight into one's own universe.

Though it is very likely that before he saw clearly the new world, he himself was really shattered.

However, inexplicably, he still could not stop the excitement and desire from the depths of his body and soul.

Maybe that's not breaking or standing?

So come on, just a little bit, just a little bit, one more punch, one more punch!

But at this moment, he knew the sea, and the Tai Chi formed by the two mysterious forces suddenly trembled, and then he felt a strange force pouring into his body.

The two forces, one cold, one warm, mixed together, made him feel strange and comfortable.

Then the next second, he was surprised to find that the bones, meridians, spiritual power, cultivation, everything was completely repaired in an instant.

And it seems to be stronger and more perfect.

But he did not come and had the slightest joy, because at the same time, the invisible new world also disappeared.

"Wait a minute, hey, no, I'm in the void!" Zhao Chengfeng exclaimed in his heart, trying to seize something, but

Nothing came and caught him. A stronger barrier blocked his eyes and covered everything.

Zhao Chengfeng felt a burst of chagrin.

"How come?"

But all this happened in the universe inside him, but no one outside knew what happened.

In the eyes of the public, the scene presented is that he was hit by the puppet of zushen and could not stop retreating. His feet plowed two deep gullies on the ground.

But that matchstick and the big hammer like disparity fist unexpectedly living of obstruct, he didn't die, the arm also didn't break, although seven orifices are bleeding, but the next second but seem to have nothing in general.

This scene is undoubtedly a miracle in people's eyes.

Even Qingqiu was a little absent-minded.

However, she saw more than those of the Song family. Although she didn't know the specific situation, she at least vaguely sensed the power that poured into Zhao Chengfeng's body.

At the same time, she naturally thought of something immediately, but it shocked her even more. "I didn't expect that the two wonderful forces to reach a balance still had such a wonderful effect. I just don't know if this effect is an accident. "

She just thought about it. At the same time, the zushen puppet made a second punch.

Then he was surprised to find that the same process was repeated again.

Then the third punch, the fourth punch, the fifth punch, one punch after another, and that process repeats over and over again.

The strange sight completely shocked the green hill.

"Are those two forces so powerful? Although I can vaguely feel the artistic conception of eternity and destruction, it seems that the power itself is not strong, even weak. How can it have such a degree. If that kind of power is infinite, isn't this boy immortal? It's too... "

Qingqiu suddenly felt that he could not find an adjective.

Moreover, with her keen perception, she vaguely felt that Zhao Chengfeng was like a piece of stubborn iron at this time, but the power of zushen's puppet seemed to act as a blacksmith and hammer. Every beat seemed to make this piece of stubborn iron stronger, closer and more perfect.

Even in her heart, there was a strange jealousy.

"This kid's lucky!"

Where does she know that Zhao Chengfeng is suffering at this time.

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