Although he also felt that his cultivation, spiritual power, including the physical body, had become more cohesive and powerful under the action of the mysterious power, the barrier that seemed to block his eyes was also becoming stronger and stronger.

And gradually, he found that the power of the zushen puppet was less and less.

"Once again, once again, a little harder, hey, come on, puppet big brother!" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help shouting.

A group of Song family members had been stunned by the battle between him and the puppet of the ancestral God. When they heard his cry, they immediately felt a sharp arrow into their heart.

The ancestor of the Song family even spewed out blood directly, "Zhao Chengfeng, you, you deceive people too much!"

However, Zhao Chengfeng can take care of him at this time. At this time, he really hopes that the ancestral God puppet can be a little stronger, as long as it is a little stronger and can work harder.

But the God didn't follow his wishes. In his cheering voice, the zushen puppet didn't become stronger. On the contrary, in a burst of creaking sound, it suddenly became extremely rigid, and felt like rust.

Zhao Chengfeng was about to ask what was going on, but after a little creaking, the puppet stopped completely, and the red light in his eyes finally went out.

"Fuck, no, there's no electricity!"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, and then scolded angrily.

Immediately, he turned his head and glared angrily at all the people in the Song family, "asshole, what's the matter? How can I have no electricity?"

The people of the Song family are really angry and angry, but they are also a little stunned, because they did not expect that the puppet would have such a situation. It seems that there is no similar record in their ancestral scriptures.

"Does this puppet really need to be recharged?"

However, compared with them, they are more angry and frustrated.

In their opinion, Zhao Chengfeng's words are clearly intended to humiliate them.

There is also despair and reluctance.

They bet everything on the zushen puppet. Now the zushen puppet can't even kill Zhao Chengfeng, let alone the stronger woman than Zhao Chengfeng.

What's more, at this point, the ancestral God puppet failed.

The head of the Song family tried to communicate with the zushen puppet with his mind, but there was no reaction. The zushen puppet seemed to have died completely.

This undoubtedly let the song clan leader and the people's heart thoroughly sink into the abyss.

"How can it be like this? How can it be like this? There is no similar record in the ancestral Scripture?" The head of the Song family whispered in despair, trying to get the answer from the ancestors of the Song family.

But when he turned his head, he saw that his eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and his mouth couldn't stop murmuring.

Look at that. It's crazy.

Seeing this, the Song family sank into despair again. With a bitter smile, they said, "it's over, it's over, the Song family is over!"

Other people of the Song family also fell into complete despair when they heard that, and they were all stunned on the spot. Until this time, they still couldn't believe how things suddenly turned out like this.

It seems that just a second ago, they were still excited and crazy to wake up the puppets of the ancestral God, and they were still dreaming of the rise of a new world.

All of a sudden, it's going down.

This kind of sudden change makes them extremely desperate.

Those people of the guwu aristocratic family, who were dying, were so tenacious that they didn't die by this time.

Although some people's eyes have been turbid and dim, but seeing this scene, they even become lively again.

Among them, the old man of the Liu family laughed wildly, "ha ha, good, good, retribution, retribution, good, I can see the retribution of the Song family, ha ha ~"

In this person's laughter, one of the Song family suddenly roared, "blood, blood, ancestor, patriarch, I know, there must be blood, as long as there is the power of blood, the ancestor god will move!"

It was no one else. It was song Ke, the elite disciple of the Song family. He was also red eyed at this time, but he was more crazy than other people's despair.

As if he had discovered the secret of the whole world, he yelled.

The patriarch of the Song family and the old ancestor were already pale. When they heard this, their eyes lit up.

The lost eyes are also dyed with crazy color.

"Yes, blood, blood sacrifice, just one more blood sacrifice!"

The ancestor of the Song family nodded and murmured. He looked down, as if he wanted to choose someone.

Then he glanced at the old man of the Liu family who was laughing wildly. He immediately rushed forward with an arrow, grabbed each other, shook his sword in his hand, and cut off the man's head.

The old man of the Liu family had no fear in the face of all this. Even when his head fell to the ground, he was still laughing wildly. His voice was like a vicious bird from hell.

"It's no use, it's no use. Your song family is doomed to die. They will have no children and no grandchildren. Ha ha ~!"

Until the head completely fell, the voice suddenly came, but the face is still a ferocious smile.

But the ancestor of the Song family turned a blind eye to this, and just kept saying, "blood, blood, as long as blood!"

It's a pity that the vitality and flesh of the old man of the Liu family have been drained long ago. It's just hatred in his heart that he can stick to this moment.

There was no blood in his body. Although his head was cut off, his body was like a mummy without a drop of blood flowing out. The scene was extremely strange and terrifying.

The ancestor of the Song family was slightly stunned, but he refused to be reconciled. He turned his head and aimed at another person of the guwu family who had not completely died.

There was another knife, but there was still no blood.

And then there's another one, and the scene is still there.

Another one.


Another one.

The heads were cut off one by one, each with a vicious grin, but no blood came out.

All of a sudden, the ancestor of the Song family swept his eyes and found that the target was gone.

This made him slightly stunned for a while, and then his eyes slowly turned to a group of Song family members.

At this moment, those people of the Song family were shocked by the crazy behavior of their ancestors and almost forgot their despair.

All of a sudden, seeing Lao Zu looking at them, they stepped back involuntarily.

The ancestor of the Song family suddenly showed a smile on his face. He looked at Song Ke standing in front of the crowd and said with a kind smile, "Ke'er, come here!"

At this time, the madness in Song Ke's eyes has completely faded. Hearing his grandfather's "Ke Er", he can't help shivering, "grandfather, I, I don't want to ~!"

Not only him, but also Zhao Chengfeng, who had been watching, could not help fighting a cold war when he heard the old man's "Ke Er".

In fact, the old man's look and tone are too strange.

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