Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Chengfeng's cultivation today, if he wants to go further, is not simply absorbing aura can be useful.

However, among all the gains, Zhao Chengfeng valued most the Song family's ancestral records of core secrets, cultivation experiences and secrets.

This letter is respected as the ancestral Scripture in the Song family, which is precious and important. The Song family also obtained the contents of the ancestral God puppet and the blood sacrifice array from it.

But this time, unfortunately, because of their own greed, Zudian brought them disaster.

It can be seen that everything has its two sides, the good side and the bad side.

"But it's a pity that the ancestral God puppet can't be moved, and it can't be started even if it's moved. It's a pity! Forget it, I can only wait for a chance to come back later! " When Zhao Chengfeng thought of the demon like puppet, he couldn't help looking back at the secret place of the Song family and shaking his head with regret.

"I might be able to help Feng a little less if it's just to transport it away?" Just as Zhao Chenggong shook his head and sighed, a voice sounded not far away.

Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and saw a group of people standing not far from the exit of the secret place. The first one was about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, dressed in a straight military uniform and meticulous in cleaning up.

See this person, Zhao Chengfeng slightly a Leng, the first reaction in the heart is not like.

It's not for any other reason. The main reason is that this person is so beautiful.

Good is beautiful.

Although this person is obviously a man, because the position of his throat has obvious Adam's apple.

But his face is too soft, thin lips, delicate but straight nose.

Danfeng eyes, canthus slightly up, a soft long hair.

If all this is in a woman, she will be a beautiful woman with bright temperament.

But a man has all this, especially when he looks like a soldier, which is a bit unique.

It's a military uniform, but it doesn't make this person brave at all. On the contrary, it gives people a kind of demonic feeling of deliberately creating the temptation of uniform.

When Zhao Chengfeng was a soldier, although he was never a model of an orthodox soldier, he was too cynical.

But for this type of guy, they are in deep conflict.

So see this person, Zhao Chengfeng's first reaction is slightly frown, and then some coldly asked, "who are you?"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself." The visitors seem to feel Zhao Chengfeng's resistance, but they don't pay special attention to it. They smile very gently. In the eyes of ordinary people, they even feel a bit like a spring breeze.

"My surname is Nangong, and my single name is Yiyi. Now I work in the ninth special group under the Ministry of national security, code zero, and major rank!" Nangong Yi said, a military salute, and then said: "less wind, please take more care."

Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't like this person's appearance, he nodded in response to the other party's introduction and the military salute.

Of course, he didn't return the gift because he was no longer a soldier.

Nangong Yi didn't care. With a smile, he turned back and pointed to the people behind him: "seven, five, four, eleven, they are also members of the ninth group like me."

The dress of those people is totally different from that of nanmiyi. They are not wearing military uniform. Some are wearing suits, some are wearing Zhongshan suits, and some are even wearing very exaggerated punk clothes. The hairstyle is also an exaggerated moxigan.

Before nangongyi introduced them, they were scattered behind nangongyi, but Zhao Chengfeng noticed that their standing position was very ingenious, which just blocked all the passageways after Zhao Chengfeng left the secret place.

For this point, Zhao Chengfeng didn't express the slightest, as if he didn't see it at all, but he couldn't help but sneer.

No matter the other party is intentional or unintentional, from the perspective of Zhao Chengfeng, there is no doubt that this is either provocative or rude.

If it's intentional, it's provocative. If it's unintentional, it doesn't pay attention to such details. It's not careless. It's not rude. What is it?

However, no matter it is rude and provocative, it is too naive for Zhao Chengfeng.

However, what makes Zhao Chengfeng care is that these people all have illusory martial arts realm.

"I don't know when there is such a powerful ninth group under Guoan."

However, on second thought, this is what it should be.

Although he used to be a soldier, he is not now. Even if he was, he is not a high-level person. It's normal that he can't touch some things.

Moreover, as a national machine, it's normal to have some balance masters in hand. We can't rely on only one aspect.

However, it's a bit interesting that these people are still in this attitude at this juncture.

After Nangong Yi introduced them, these people did not salute like Nangong Yi, but Zhao Chengfeng, who had different attitudes, said hello.

So this time, Zhao Chengfeng just glanced back, and then asked, "so, what's the point of stopping Zhao

It seems that they are dissatisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's tone and attitude. When those people behind Nangong Yi hear Zhao Chengfeng's words, they all have a sharp flash in their eyes, and their eyes look at Zhao Chengfeng.

Nangong Yi raised his hand and stopped these people. He said with a smile on his face: "I think fengshao, you misunderstood. We are ordered to come to fengshao to discuss something. Knowing that Feng Shao has entered the secret place of the Song family, he just waits here. How dare he stop Feng Shao? "

"Oh, I see. I misunderstood that." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said with a smile, "in that case, goodbye!"

Then he turned to Qingqiu and said, "elder martial sister, it's getting dark. Let's speed up and catch up with the next family."

With that, regardless of Nangong Yi's reaction, he walked straight ahead.

Qingqiu followed him, with no expression from beginning to end. He could not get into her eyes even though he was just a few illusory martial arts.

If it wasn't for the earth, if it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, the ants would have been cold for 800 years.

Just two people this kind of reaction but let south palace Yi etc. be unprepared, south palace Yi eyebrow slightly a wrinkly, immediately hurriedly cry a way: "wind little, please wait a moment!"

Those figures also stood up at the same time, blocking the way of Zhao Chengfeng and Qingqiu.

But then they were surprised to find that there seemed to be an invisible wall near Zhao Chengfeng and Qingqiu. Before they got close, they could not help being pushed away.

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