It looks like they give way on their own initiative, but Zhao Chengfeng doesn't even look at them. He talks to the woman around him all the time.

As for that woman, she always looked cold and didn't respond to Zhao Chengfeng, but she didn't pay attention to them.

At that moment, they seemed to be strangers.

This kind of feeling is strange and incomparable. Several people are surprised and angry in their hearts. Among them, Mo Xigan is about to start, but he is pulled by Nangong Yi.

The latter immediately chased after Zhao Chengfeng, and then stopped in front of him with a flash, "Feng Shao, please wait a moment, I really have something to discuss with you!"

"Oh, really?" Zhao Chengfeng grinned, "but I'm sorry, I don't want to discuss anything with you. I don't know you!"

Then he walked around him again. As he walked, he asked Qingqiu, "elder martial sister, what happened to the puppet just now? Why did it suddenly stop moving? Do you really need another blood sacrifice to restart it? If so, isn't it too useless? By the way, you said that this kind of sacrifice with blood is called spirit injection, so is there any other way of spirit injection? "

"Zhao Chengfeng!" Being ignored again and again, there was a trace of anger on her face, and her tone changed from smiling to drinking.

Zhao Chengfeng was interrupted to ask a question. With a frown, he turned back and looked at the man impatiently. "What are you shouting about? What do you want to do?"

"What am I doing?" Nangong Yi was stunned when asked by Zhao Chengfeng, but then he still suppressed his anger. "Mr. Zhao, haven't I said that before? I'm under orders..."

"Wait a minute, what does it matter to me whether you are ordered or not?" Zhao Chengfeng impolitely interrupted this person, but sneered: "don't be so fancy, have words to say, what is ordered, discuss, no need, if it is to discuss, then I'm sorry, my answer is, I refuse!"

Nangong Yi has always felt that he is very elegant and good at controlling his emotions, but at this moment, he has an impulse to kill people.

However, in the end, he took a deep breath, stopped this strong impulse, and then waved his hand to stop Xiao Qi and others.

Coldly way: "I haven't said anything, you even said to refuse, excuse me, is there any place that offended Feng Shao? Otherwise, why are you so far away? "

"Offend?" Zhao Chengfeng laughs and looks at this person. He asks with interest, "do you know me, I mean before that?"

The south palace Yi Leng for a while, then way: "famous!"

"I see. It's an honor, but I'm sorry I haven't heard of you." Zhao Chengfeng nodded. Then he laughed, "I don't even know who you are. How can you offend me? As for saying that people are thousands of miles away, I'm sorry, isn't this the normal state between strangers? Do I have to respond to anyone who talks to me in the street and then talks to me about something? "

Nangong Yi frowns slightly. Although Zhao Chengfeng's words are completely unreasonable, he is speechless.

Zhao Chengfeng saw this, a sneer, "nothing to pay attention to, not to cheat or steal, traitor's words ~, I'm sorry I'm not good at this, if it's a thief, I'm full of treasure now, amazing value, of course, have to be careful, don't you say?"

Zhao Chengfeng also deliberately looked up and down at Nangong Yi. Although he was smiling, he was extremely obscene.

Nangong Yi's face turned black, but at the same time, he was embarrassed.

"Zero, what are you talking to him about?" After Nangong Yi, the moxigan head has already been unable to endure. Seeing that Nangong Yi is rejected by Zhao Chengfeng, he can't say a word. He can't bear it any more and jumps out.

The companion named Xiao Qi wanted to stop him, but another middle-aged uncle named 11 reached out to stop him and sneered: "let him go. Some people are polite to him, and he will be lucky!"

The second half of his sentence naturally said Chao Chengfeng. Although his voice was not loud, all the people present had excellent ears, including Zhao Chengfeng.

Nangong Yi is the same. After frowning, he is silent this time.

Only Xiaoqi opened his mouth. He was a little worried because before he came here, he had been told that Zhao Chengfeng was not easy to be provoked.

Not to mention his own fighting power, and he is also related to that one.

But on another thought, they represent the country, and the one who works for the country, and they are acting before the others. It seems that they are not too much to say.

As for combat power, no matter how powerful he is, he is only in his twenties. Can he surpass the members of nine groups or zero?

"You're welcome, hehe?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard the voice of the 11th National Day, he also gave a sneer in his heart. Thank you. I really need your politeness.

At the same time, the moxigan head had already made a stride in front of Zhao Chengfeng, with his head up. Although he was not as tall as Zhao Chengfeng, he squinted at Zhao Chengfeng with a hunk's condescending attitude.

"Zhao has been very polite to you all the time. Don't be disrespectful. We are here according to the above order, and the purpose is very simple. Hand over the materials you seized from the secret place of the Song family, otherwise... Ah, you?"

As soon as his words came to this point, he suddenly let out a cry of surprise and quickly backed back, but finally it turned into a scream.

One hand is holding the other hand's wrist tightly, and the front part of the other hand's wrist has been completely broken.

"Little five?" When Nangong Yi and others saw this scene, they were all surprised and angry. They immediately glared at Zhao Chengfeng, "Zhao Chengfeng, how dare you!"

But with a glance, the woman behind Zhao Chengfeng is shaking off the blood on the sword, and then taking the sword back to the scabbard.

Zhao Chengfeng also has a wry smile on his face and a slight shrug. He didn't expect that Qingqiu would do it without saying a word.

And cut off one of moxigan's hands.

This is also

Zhao Chengfeng was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Although he didn't like these people, he even resisted.

And he also guessed that the purpose of these people was also the harvest of the secret place of the ancient martial family, so he didn't care about them all the time.

Although Zhao Chengfeng can not say that he is unpatriotic, if necessary, and in line with his values, he is willing to shed his blood for the country.

But there is no reason for him to hand over his property to the state casually, right?

If the country wants it, it can trade the benefits.

After all, patriotic, business belongs to business.

Otherwise, any civil servant will tell you that you are needed by these countries and we need to take them away. What guarantee does that person have.

Moreover, he did not believe that the above leaders would really do so. It was obviously for some reason that these people revised the order themselves.

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