But even so, he didn't want to do it. Even if he did it, it would be a small punishment at most.

Who knows that Qingqiu, who has always looked on coldly, is so fierce this time that he doesn't even make a big call.

These people are also official people.

However, Qingqiu did not have the slightest consciousness in this respect. He slowly put away his sword and turned a blind eye to Zhao Chengfeng's helplessness and the anger of those people.

Just light vomit out a, "these things have me half!"

In a simple word, it is equivalent to explaining to Zhao Chengfeng.

The meaning is very simple, just a sentence, "I don't care about your things, but who dares to rob my things? This time is to give you face, only cut his hand, the next time is to die

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng can say nothing but smile bitterly.

Nangong Yi and others obviously didn't understand Qingqiu's meaning. They were slightly stunned when they heard Qingqiu's words, but their anger and chill didn't diminish.

However, through the sword just now, these people also saw that the woman was not simple. They didn't even see a trace of the sword. Even later, if they didn't see the man put the sword back to the scabbard, they didn't know who moved her hand.

This speed, this sword.

No matter how poor their eyesight is, they know it's not easy to be provoked.

But just a word, their companion was cut off a hand, how can their anger suppress.

And who they are, especially group nine, even officially they are in a fairly high order.

Although they have the highest rank of major, even the general major generals dare not ignore them.

If they get to the place, as long as they show their certificates at random, the feudal officials will have to be vague.

Now their companion was beheaded in front of them.

It's too much deception.

"What kind of person are you? Do you think about the consequences

Nangong Yi stares at Qingqiu coldly. Although he doesn't dare to act rashly, his tone is much stronger than before.

The words are full of threatening meaning.

Just his words, but let originally some apology, some wry smile Zhao Chengfeng face instantly cold down.

"Consequence, what consequence? A group of idiots, I don't think it's you who have thought about the consequences! " Zhao Chengfeng hums coldly.

"What, Zhao Chengfeng, you..." Nangong Yi didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would turn over when he said, and his tone was so arrogant.

"What do you say? You're an idiot, but you don't accept it!" Zhao Chengfeng once again a cold hum, interrupted this person, immediately a sneer, "don't think you that dirty mind I don't know, I ask you, you above people really say let me from the Song family secret place in all resources to you?"

"If that's true, then I have to doubt that your orders, even you are the running dogs of some guwu family!"

Nangong Yi and others smell speech face a change, look a little unnatural.

Of course, the orders they received were different. In fact, they just asked them to come and try to communicate with Zhao Chengfeng. If possible, they hoped that the officials could copy the ancient books from the secret places of those aristocratic families, and they would not copy them in vain. The officials would give corresponding compensation.

In addition, if Zhao Chengfeng is willing to sell other resources, the government is also willing to exchange them.

Moreover, he repeatedly explained that they should have an attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng.

However, as members of the ninth group of the most mysterious organizations, Nangong Yi and others all have the strength of magic martial arts, and they are also arrogant.

It is precisely because of the above repeated explanation, but let them have a trace of displeasure, even can be said to be rebellious.

Moreover, although they are loyal to the country at ordinary times, they can't help thinking when they hear about the resources in the secret place of guwu family.

They don't dare to embezzle these things, but if they can take them all from Zhao Chengfeng, can they return them? At most, they will criticize them verbally. In the end, most of these things will be allocated to them.

It is for these reasons that they violated the above instructions, first to test and then to provoke.

But Zhao Chengfeng's attitude further angered them.

So he just gave Zhao Chengfeng some color to see, at the same time, he also wanted to see what was so great about the guy who cared so much.

All this they want Zhao Chengfeng can not know, who knows is Zhao Chengfeng a word to break.

Nangong Yi and others can't hang on their faces.

But then they became angry, especially when Zhao Chengfeng said, "the running dog of the guwu family" made them pale.

Regardless of their thoughts and feelings, Zhao Chengfeng said with a sneer, "why don't you go away, or do you want me to continue to hand over resources? If so, I will tell you that I haven't seen you at all!"

Zhao Chengfeng's last sentence is very light, but his intention of killing is vertical and horizontal. The Xuanyuan sword even jumps out of the scabbard, showing a cold light.

And Nangong Yi and others are also cold in heart. In a moment, they really feel that Zhao Cheng's heart has been killed.

With that, Zhao Chengfeng snorted, then turned around and walked away with Qingqiu.

Although Nangong Yi and others are unwilling, they still don't dare to act rashly after all.

Just at that moment, they have realized that Zhao Chengfeng is more terrible than they imagined, not to mention the woman. They feel more terrible than Zhao Chengfeng.

However, after Zhao Chengfeng took a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and said with a smile, "Oh, by the way, from now on, this secret place of the Song family is my personal property. Although you can't get in even if you want to, I still want to warn you that this secret place is my personal property, every plant is mine, If someone dares to make up his mind, no matter what organization, he can't be protected! "

Zhao Chengfeng said this just hey smile, really turned away.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng's words are not warning these people, but telling some of them to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although the possibility is not great, because now this secret place has been completely closed, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter unless they know the secret method.

In this way, it's more for the sake of insurance.

But Nangong Yi and others are trembling with his anger.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you have gone too far!"

"Zero, what shall we do? Shall we just let it go?"

"I don't think we can be impulsive. After all, our previous practice has violated the above order, and now it causes the mission to fail. If..."

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