"What if, was Xiao Wu's hand cut off in vain? When was our ninth group so despised and humiliated? "


"Shut up Nangong Yi drinks softly and stops the quarrel. His eyes take a look at the direction of Zhao Chengfeng and Qingqiu's departure.

Then he took a deep breath and said, "this is not the end of the matter. The people in my ninth group are not able to move freely, even if they don't agree like this. This is the world of the earth, and not just any warrior can run rampant! "

"However, Xiao Wu's injury must be treated first, otherwise her hand will be really useless, and the woman must find out her origin. Such a master can't jump out of the stone."

Nangong Yi said here, a little meal, and then take a breath again, clapped: "go back first!"

Obviously, he is very authoritative among these people. As soon as he opens his mouth, others will not say more.

Only that Mo Xi Gan tou's small five, hate looked at his broken wrist, unwilling and annoyed a roar, like a wounded wolf.


For those people's thoughts and reactions, Zhao Chengfeng did not care.

Although Qingqiu cut off the head of Mohican, it was not a big deal.

It's also the provocation of those people.

More importantly, Zhao Chengfeng believes that as long as they know what kind of existence Qingqiu is, they will never provoke such a strong man at this juncture.

So Zhao Chengfeng didn't have time to spend more time on such trivial things. He left Linshan city and went straight to the next goal.

Now the most important thing for him is to finish the matter of guwu family and see if he can find an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

However, even if he couldn't, he would go to Beihai after finishing the guwu family. That's his hometown. In a sense, it's another home for him.

Many of his relatives and friends are also there. Is it true that he will not be in charge because of his lack of strength?

Zhao Chengfeng can't do it.

"Just, I don't know what's going on in the North Sea now. The kids should have pulled out, right? And those of the perfume lily who hope they don't have an accident! "


Beihai city.

"It's amazing that an ordinary person who has no accomplishments and is not powerful can change a city from disorder to order in a word! Is that what different civilizations say about power? "

Yunqing stood at the edge of the building, looking down at the next line of people, but there is no very chaotic crowd, is slowly and orderly evacuation. A look of interest.

However, his exploration is like a naughty boy observing the moving ants.

But not far away from him, Miss Yu, who was still dressed in red, just said scornfully, "what about order and disorder? Can we still rely on these mortals to fight against the general trend of heaven and earth?"

"Civilization? In this universe, no matter which plane, the most important thing is its own power. As for the others, just like these so-called guns in this earth world, they are just toys! "

She said, looking at the hand of a sniper rifle that has lost its effectiveness, even pulled the trigger several times, but there was no response.

Although it's just the beginning, the rules of heaven and earth have changed in the most central place.

"It's a pity that there are many interesting toys in the world. It's so boring that they just don't work." With a sneer, the woman threw her sniper rifle on the ground and didn't look at it any more.

Seeing this, Yun Qing said with a smile, "Xiao Yu, you are so heartless! Before Ming Ming, he regarded it as a treasure, but now he just threw it away. What's more, civilization is not as bad as you say. It's just that they are not lucky. If you give them thousands of years, they may not be able to invent something that can resist the general trend. "

"Confrontation, hehe, before the general trend of heaven and earth, which civilization have you seen that can be spared?" Miss Yu sneered, then turned her eyes and glared at Yunqing fiercely. She said in a cold voice, "and I warn you, Xiaoyu is not what you can call!"

"Oh, Xiaoyu, you are so cold. If it's not Xiaoyu, what's it called, Dayu? Anyway, people don't like Miss Yu's name. It's too personal. Well, Miss Yu, it's OK. Ah... "

Under the fierce gaze of the woman in red, Yunqing finally had to compromise.

But in my heart, I sighed and looked at my feet again.


"Is the general trend of heaven and earth irresistible? However, when any civilization develops to the extreme, what it pursues is to be beyond the rules? The warrior pursues the innate, the innate, in order not to be bound by the plane, control, or even surpass the rules? "

"If it's possible, I'd like to see what a scientific and technological civilization looks like when it reaches its peak. Unfortunately, it's a pity... What a good sample, but I have to destroy it."

All of a sudden, his eyes moved and he turned to look in a certain direction. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly, showing a trace of joking smile, "Oh, no, I've been found!"

That direction is where Tang Wei is.

"Hum, only when such a big movement is not found can there be a ghost." As soon as the woman in red rolled her eyes, she also glanced at the location of Tang Wei, but immediately took it back.

Tang Wei didn't care because she was a woman or a policeman.

All of a sudden, she looked up at the sky, and her beautiful eyes suddenly became more fierce.

"Here it is

Almost at the same time, Yun Qing also looked up at the sky and whispered, "coming."

Although the tone is very light, but some shaking, I do not know whether it is fear or excitement.

As soon as they spoke, it seemed that the tracks of two planets collided with each other in the sky. At this moment, the heaven and earth suddenly vibrated in distance.

"What's that?" Tang Wei and several police officers also looked at the sky at this moment.

Then they couldn't help but open their eyes in horror.

I can't believe my eyes.

The sky even split, like glass, and outside the glass, there was a world.

Different from the earth world, that world seems to be filled with endless darkness, in which there are countless unimaginable monsters running, flying, hunting and fighting.

The pictures are both illusory and real.

It seems to see, but more like, the illusions are imprinted in the heart of the world.

One moment, two worlds.

True and false.

The virtual and the real seem to overlap.

So that those things that should not exist actually appear in people's mind.

Even if people don't look up at the sky, as long as they are still within a hundred Li radius of the city, the horrible and soul stirring images will still appear in their hearts.

It's not what they see, it's another world. Those powerful creatures are too powerful, and they still project into the hearts of the creatures in this world through a heavy world.

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