"Damn, are these bastards in the inner world crazy? What a crazy thing to do

At this time, Zhao Feilong and others, who are galloping to Beihai City in the void, are also shocked, and then unconsciously look at the sky.

At this moment, Zhao Feilong finally understood the inner world's intentions and means.

"How can I feel the living mark of another plane?"

Chen Banxian and others who accompanied him also raised their heads in horror, which was worse than what Zhao Feilong knew, but it did not hinder their fear.

"What seems to be a plane!" Zhao Feilong, who had never been in the right direction, was full of anger. His hair and beard stood up and trembled.

"I thought that the conspiracy of the inner world was to change the rules of the world with some kind of array. I have been racking my brains to think about what kind of array in this universe can achieve this degree? How can the inner world have such a level of array? "

"Who knows, who knows they are so crazy!"

"Master, what are their means?" Fauber was equally shocked. He didn't remember how many years he had never seen the old master so angry and excited.

Especially after the young master grew up these years, the master has become more and more like an old urchin, sometimes more cynical than the young master.

But at this moment, the behavior of those people in the inner world made the master angry. He was shocked and even scared.

"What means, what means, these damned, they even want to push the trajectory of the earth world to that plane when the trajectory of the two planes is close. They want to pour the rules of another higher plane back into the earth plane, so as to forcibly change the change process of the rules of the earth world's planes!"

"What?" Hearing Zhao Feilong's explanation, both Fubo and Chen Banxian exclaimed, "but how can we do this?"

Chen Banxian and Fubo are not idle people. The plane is not static in the universe, but also moving. He knows that.

But the motion of the potential plane is more complicated than that of the stars.

Can manpower really change?

"Normally, it can't be changed. However, there will also be attraction between potential planes. Once they enter a certain range, and their force fields are in common, the attraction will be greater. "

"And the people in the inner gate must have figured out by some means that the orbit of the earth's plane will be very close to that of another plane in the near future."

"The experiments they did not listen to all over the world during this period were obviously to confirm the closest point between a certain time and that plane world."

"Their goal is to create a temporary force field at this point and that plane. Although there are not many such arrays, at least if they are temporary, they are not without them. It is not uncommon that the inner world has been planning for thousands of years and can do so."

"And they just use this temporary change of potential surface force field to add two potential surfaces in a certain world to attract each other directly."

Fubo and Chen Banxian finally understood the key, but their faces turned pale.

"They, they, this is a gamble?" Chen Banxian's voice is extremely dry.

Chen Banxian is also an illustrious master. He knows something about the plane rules.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if the trajectories of the two planes collided. Could he really do what people in the inner world expected, just because the rules poured back and the process of the change of the rules of heaven and earth was accelerated?

What if, in the process, the earth is completely broken?

If the earth space barrier is really broken, will yuxu cave be spared?

"They, they should not be so crazy. Maybe they just want to make the tracks of the two worlds close. Don't they dare to let the two planes collide?" Faulkner's way of self explanation.

Chen Banxian Zhang Zhang, and then also self understanding of the bitter smile: "I hope so!"

Zhao Feilong didn't speak, but he sighed in his heart, "how can it be so simple? Even if it's really well controlled, is it really safe? If it is really a higher plane, perhaps as long as a powerful creature breaks through the wall in this process, it can destroy the earth world, including the yuxu cave. "

Even if things are as they think, and everything goes well, can they control what kind of variation will occur when the rules of one plane are poured back into another?

But now it's too late to say anything.

"Lao Zhao, what should we do now? Is it too late to destroy that array? " Chen Banxian was silent for a moment, then asked Zhao Feilong.

Although they didn't make it clear who is the boss, they are still used to taking Zhao Feilong as the leader in case of great events.

Zhao Feilong sighed and shook his head.

Now even if they go to destroy the array, the result will not change much.

And even if they don't destroy it, the formation can't last long.

"Wait, wait till Yideng and Qingyi come." Then he said to the void, "who is there?"

With his voice, a figure slowly appeared, but it was a young man in suit and shoes.

After he appeared, the young man bowed to him and said, "Mr. Zhao!"

"Go back and report to the leaders above. Things are much more serious than they think. They have to arrange for people to evacuate all the people in the counties, districts and cities around Beihai city. It's better to evacuate all the people in Jiangnan province."

The young man's heart also sank when he heard that he had been following the crowd. Although he didn't show up, he heard some of the conversation.

But Zhao Feilong's words still made him feel tight in his heart. At the same time, he laughed bitterly, "how can it be so easy to evacuate the people of a province. How many people are there in a province? Even though Jiangnan province is not a province with a large population, there are tens of millions of people, not including the foreign population. "

With so many people evacuating, we don't know how long it will take just to mobilize. A little friction may cause trouble.

What's more, where are so many people going, where are they going to be resettled, what are they going to eat, what are they going to live in?

But it was not his turn to say more about these things, so although he had a bitter smile in his heart, he simply answered "yes" in his mouth.

Zhao Feilong didn't care what he thought. Of course, he also knew that evacuating a province was not a joke, but these things were not what he could think and manage.

His special identity is mainly due to his strength, rather than his power and decision-making ability.

So for him, it is just to state a fact and his own opinion.

There was a slight pause, and then he said in a deep voice, "at the same time, let the best prepare for the worst!"

Just as his voice was about to fall, the whole Beihai city was shocked again. Then there was a big bang. The huge light column on the top of the building in the distance, which seemed to connect the heaven and the earth, suddenly broke.

Light and rain all over the sky.

But the shock in his heart was never as indescribable as it was now.

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