This is a very beautiful picture, but at this time, no one has the mind to appreciate.

Because at the moment when the light column disappeared, the whole city was unprepared to be involved in a terrible storm.

Then the sky was torn.

The sun and the moon are gone!

The blue sky disappeared.

Even the dark clouds that shrouded the sky were torn to pieces.

The whole world is dark

Is the world over?

"What's the matter? What is it?"

"Damn it, let's go

Just slightly restored order of the crowd, once again into chaos.

Teams of soldiers poured in, but they couldn't stop the chaos. Some even started attacking the soldiers who came to rescue them.

Under the great panic, all people are enveloped in fear, in this case, not many people can keep their heads.

"Captain, get out of here. If you don't leave, it's too late. This day is going to collapse!"

Tang Wei looked at the sky, her heart was entangled by a huge sense of powerlessness, she never felt like this moment if she was weak, so powerless.

I heard a colleague's cry. She wanted to say something, but she bit her teeth and finally had to nod.

"Wait a minute, I'll go. What's that?" At this time, another colleague suddenly issued a exclamation.

The policeman who advised Tang Wei to withdraw before, seeing that Tang Wei had agreed, was relieved to hear that a companion was still stirring up at this time. He burst into a rage and slapped the colleague on the back of the head. He scolded: "wait for your sister, wait, are you still waiting to die?"

"Damn, you are so special. Look at the sky The colleague was reeled and scolded, but his eyes raised again to look at the sky.

Other people see this, heart surprised, also not from curious look up.

And then they all opened their eyes.

I saw that a black wind swept the sky, at this time, there were even large masses of light from the sky.


"It's already the tenth." In two days, Zhao Chengfeng was almost on the move. He had swept away all the secrets of the twelve ancient martial families, including the Song family.

One on the right and the other on the back were crammed into the crowded carriage by him. The whole carriage was full. There were more than 100 books of ancient books and martial arts.

Tianzhu has reached more than 30, and Lingyu has accumulated 15. Unfortunately, there is still no chance for him to break through the void.

This makes Zhao Chengfeng a little worried, but what he is most worried about is not that the realm can not be improved.

The most anxious thing is that there are less and less news and information about Beihai City on the Internet these two days.

Even prestige and chat rooms don't have much similar news.

If there is, it's mostly speculation.

This is undoubtedly very abnormal. According to the truth, even if the communication in Beihai city is broken, many people in Beihai city should escape in two days.

How could there be no news?

Even if the official blockade for some reason, there should be some grapevine news, right?

In this era, is there any news that can be completely blocked for such a big event?

Zhao Chengfeng is very upset.

What's more, in the past two days, he felt that the concentration of aura in the air was more than ten times higher than before.

This degree is very close to some secret space. Mobile phones and electronic instruments are being interfered with more and more seriously, almost to the point of no communication at all.

All this undoubtedly shows that the situation is very bad.

"Elder martial sister, I'm not going to the remaining two secret spaces. I'm going to Beihai!" Zhao Chengfeng sat in the car, originally intended to go to the next target, but a palpitation made him immediately change his mind.

Qingqiu took a look at him, then nodded his head and said, "in your current situation, it's really hard for you to take a further chance in the secret space of the guwu family. Besides, your cultivation is very strange now. Although you haven't reached the void realm yet, your combat power is higher than that of the ordinary void realm, and you barely have a little combat power! "

"Do you plan to go back to the capital first or go directly to Beihai?"

Asked green hill.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't think much about it, so he said, "I'm going to go to Beihai directly. I always feel that the situation is a little bad, and I can't get through the phone. I'm a little worried about my brothers and other friends who stay in Beihai. Although the old guy said to take care of me, you know, the old guy is always unreliable!"

"Some other friends, some other women?" Green hill a sneer, disdain of looked at him one eye.

Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously wants to say, "elder martial sister, can't you be jealous?", But when the words came to his mouth, he felt Qingqiu's eyes, and immediately responded. He quickly stopped. In his heart, he secretly said that it was dangerous, and he laughed awkwardly, "how can it be all women, and there are also men."

After that, I realized that there was something wrong with what I said.

Once again, he coughed awkwardly, "well, in a word, these things will be given to elder martial sister. After going back, he told Bingbing that I would be careful and let them not worry."


Beihai City, at this time has been completely unable to see the face of the city before.

It was like a violent bombing. The whole city was full of ruins.

The dilapidated streets are full of abandoned cars, and some are still emitting black smoke.

There is also a body lying on the road, but no one cares.

What's more strange is that although most of these corpses are dressed in familiar clothes, their appearance is not normal human appearance.

There are huge babies, full of scales, a pair of bat like wings like a legendary vampire, and even a corpse, which is a giant with a height of five or six meters. The volume is no less than that of the puppet in the Song family's secret space.

The clothes on the corpse were also broken into pieces, but it can still be seen that they were ordinary clothes of human beings.

In addition, there are also grotesque and ferocious animal corpses and strange plant remains like exotic creatures.

There was hardly a single living creature in sight on the whole street.

If an outsider comes here, he must think that he is dreaming or crossing the ruins of a foreign world.

But the words on the shop signs left on the street tell people that this is the earth, and this is Beihai City, which was once stable and prosperous in China.

Two days later, the storm caused by regular downpour has weakened, but there are still large groups of aura falling from time to time in the sky.

They fall on the ground, like bubbles, like broken, splashing a gorgeous brilliance.

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