But if it happens to fall on the animals and plants, strange things will happen. Almost immediately, those animals and plants will grow and mutate strangely at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Some of them burst into pieces in a flash.

The rest of them will bear the process of mutation, but they will become extremely fierce and violent. They will rush to all the visible same or different kinds around without hesitation.

Even if a few of them still keep this sense, it is difficult to escape being attacked by other variants, and finally they are different.

In the desolate scene, I don't know where there will be one or two wild animal like roars, which makes people more and more frightened.

It's a picture of a doomsday movie, but now it's a reality.

But these are not the most terrible. The most terrible danger still comes from the sky.

At this time, the sky of Beihai city is like a broken mirror, with cracks everywhere. Through those cracks, you can see the shadows of unimaginable monsters from time to time.

For example, a terrible eye is so huge that it is beyond human cognition. Just one eye occupies the whole crack.

Occasionally, even a tongue or claw would squeeze through the cracks, and every time, the wreckage of the city would suffer a new blow.

Outside the city, the army has cordoned off the whole city by pulling up a chain of iron nets and cordons.

These troops were all wearing bulky protective clothing, but it was just a consolation. Occasionally, a light group fell outside the city, which would still cause a riot.

If someone is not careful, the end is often very miserable.

On the other hand, countless urban refugees are also isolated in the isolation area by the iron net.

Cruel as it is, they have to be observed here.

Because many of them have been hit by the light ball.

But I don't know why these people did not have any strange variation. Although the body seems to be changing to some extent, it still maintains the normal human form in appearance, and there is no variation in intelligence and rationality.

If there is any difference, it is that as time goes on, these people's bodies become more and more superior to ordinary people. Some of them are more and more powerful, and some even seem to have super abilities.

A few of them are practicing martial arts, and their strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Tang Wei and a group of her colleagues are among them. At this time, they still remember the thrilling scene of that time, watching a human, animals and plants around constantly mutate, crazy and kill.

Even if they were police, they were scared.

Fortunately, only Tang Wei among them was hit by guangtuan in order to save one of her colleagues. Fortunately, Tang Wei didn't explode and didn't become a monster.

And after that, they were found by Zhao Feilong, who arrived in time, and escaped out of the city safely.

However, at this time, people are still very worried about Tang Wei. Almost all the time, people stare at Tang Wei with big eyes and small eyes.

From time to time, he would ask, "Captain, sister Wei, are you sure there is nothing unusual?"

Or suddenly he put out a finger and asked, "Captain, what's this?"

When Tang Wei was asked, she looked at the colleague who pointed her finger and rolled her eyes

The colleague sniffed Yan's eyes, looked at his fingers, looked at Tang Wei, and swallowed his breath, "sister Wei, what do you say this is?"

Tang Wei Bai glanced at him and ignored him, so he called to other colleagues: "Hello, is the captain going to mutate? She even said that this is the second one."

Other people couldn't help laughing, "idiot, what the captain said is not your finger, it's you!"

"You put up a finger, you ask the number of people, you say you are not two?"

That person a Leng, immediately feel embarrassed of grasp a head, "I this is also out of a sincere concern?"

"But, Captain, are you really all right?"

"Why, are you afraid that I will suddenly mutate and eat you?"

"How, how can it be? I'm worried that captain, if you have a situation, you will be sliced by those scientists!"

"Bang!" This person's words are said to be kicked in the buttocks by Tang Wei, on the spot kicked a dog eat excrement.

Other colleagues see this but no compassion, gloating, "the cheapest, deserve to be beaten!"

"It's true what I'm talking about. Recently, it's spread in the refugee area that several people who are not in the right situation have been pulled out for slicing."

"Cut you big head, you'll know nonsense!" As soon as Tang Wei reached out her hand, she gave the goods a shudder again, and then said: "don't say it's useless. My situation doesn't need you to worry. What I'm worried about now is whether there are survivors in the urban area!"

When she said this, she flashed a few figures in her mind, and then immediately couldn't sit still. She jumped up and said, "no, I can't just waste my time here. I want to apply to the above for returning to the city to rescue the survivors!"

"Ha?" People smell speech not from frighten, "Captain, you don't say really?"

"What is true or false? We are the police and it is our responsibility to protect the public!" Tang Wei said, and immediately walked to the iron net. At the same time, she yelled to the soldier who passed the protective suit in the distance: "Hello, comrade, please contact my grandfather Tang Jinhai for me!"

But the other party didn't pay attention to her at all, and Tang Wei couldn't help but get angry.

I said, team leader, sister Wei, aunt, you can live in peace. It's not easy for you to escape and return. And you think about our current situation. Can you let us out

"That's right, sister Wei. Although we are police, the police are human. If it's a common gangster, even if it's an earthquake or even a war, we have nothing to say. But at the moment... "

When a policeman said this, everyone could not help shivering.

Then, with a sigh, they all said: "yes, sister Wei, we are not afraid of your scolding us for being timid. This time, we are really afraid. This is the end of the world. If we didn't happen to meet your father-in-law at that time, we would all be finished. Where would we have life to say such nonsense here?"

"We also want to help those citizens, but this kind of thing is beyond the control of ordinary human beings."

Then they sighed again.

Tang Wei is also silent. She rarely refutes that people call Zhao Feilong her father-in-law.

But they didn't really give up, even if it wasn't the police or the rescue of ordinary citizens, but what about their friends and colleagues?

And the employees of the perfume lily company, the old people and the children of the Beihai Welfare Institute, the nursing workers.

Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing are not here. Should I ignore their friends and relatives?

"Right..." suddenly from Zhao Feilong, she thought of something.

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