After saving her, Zhao Feilong once gave her a piece of cultivation method, and helped her clean up the power of the light group with spiritual power. She vaguely felt that she could be safe without any variation, which was probably related to that method.

"Is it true that as long as you are a practitioner, you can not be afraid of the mysterious light group, if so..."

Tang Wei is a little excited. She goes to the door again and wants to call the soldiers to help her find Tang Jinhai.

But all of a sudden, my step was another one, "Uncle Zhao gave me this skill. Is it wrong for me to do this? Maybe I should discuss it with Zhao Chengfeng or uncle Zhao and get their consent!"

"Ah, sister-in-law, sister-in-law Wei, it's so nice of you to be here too!" Just as Tang Wei hesitates, she suddenly hears a cry of surprise coming from the iron net next door. She turns to see that it's a kid.

Tang Wei is also a surprise, "kid, you're OK, what about the others?"

"Nothing, nothing, and some benefits. A few of them are OK. They were just called by your grandfather. " The kid said.

"Asked by my grandfather, what's the matter?" Tang Wei asked unexpectedly.

"Ah, don't you know? Here comes the boss The kid subconsciously said, and then realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.

Sure enough, Tang Wei heard the kid say that Zhao Chengfeng was coming. Her face turned black, and she gnashed her teeth in her heart. "Bastard Zhao Chengfeng, since she's here, she's hiding it from me. Hum..."

But inexplicably, I felt at ease.

But he didn't show it on his face, just hummed coldly, "Oh, the dead sex wolf is coming!"

Finish saying but see all colleagues around smile of very ambiguous, not from Liu Mei a vertical, "smile what smile, seek death ah!"

A group of colleagues looked up at the sky and pretended not to know who she was scolding.

"Hum!" Tang Wei gave a cold hum and didn't bother to pursue them.

I'm talking to some asshole.

All of a sudden, I heard a smiley voice outside, "ah, my dear, I didn't expect that we wanted to see each other through the iron window. Did you miss me?"

As soon as she heard the sound, Tang Wei suddenly felt her teeth itch. Then she said with a smile, "I want to...!"

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, did not expect a period of time did not see, small Weiwei unexpectedly so candid, is indeed in need to see the truth ah.

But before he could laugh, Tang Wei spat out the second half of the sentence, "I think how can you not die? Four color wolf, even if we really meet across the iron window, it must be you inside the iron window and I outside the iron window. Don't let me out yet

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng's smile was stiff, and he felt his nose awkwardly, "ah, Weiwei is still so dishonest! However, I still trust you. I know brother Feng has the ability to release you. "

Then he waved to the soldiers in protective clothing in the distance.

The latter obviously had received the order, so without any hesitation, he immediately came over and opened the door of the isolation area.

The policemen saw that their eyes were all bright. They immediately came up and cried warmly, "well, brother-in-law, what about us?"

Hate Tang Wei kicked one of the guys in the ass.

Zhao Chengfeng was called by his brother-in-law. He laughed and said with a wave of his hand, "come out if you want to, but I don't care if it mutates after you come out!"

The soldier hesitated. Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand with a smile and said, "it doesn't matter. Let it go. I'll give it to Mr. Tang."

The soldier took orders and opened the iron door.

All of a sudden cheered, swarmed out of the iron gate, mouth have a pile of voice way: "or brother-in-law cow force, brother-in-law, we mix with you in the future!"

"Ha ha, OK, I'm going to the city to rescue the survivors. If you want to go, just sign up!"

A group of people suddenly froze.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and doesn't go to investigate.

Tang Wei just walked out of the iron gate. She was ready to step on Zhao Chengfeng. When she heard that, she immediately called, "I'll go too!"

But in a moment of excitement, his feet were seized and he fell into Zhao Chengfeng's arms. His pretty face turned red and immediately wanted to stand up.

However, Zhao Chengfeng had already grasped her waist and her lips were still on her forehead. Then he said with a smile, "OK, but you have to be obedient!"

The curtain fell in everyone's eyes, and all the eyes glared out. Especially the police colleagues, they felt that there was another crack in the sky, and they were even shocked.

Their team leader, the heroine, even acts like a coqueter.

Oh, my God. I must have seen the fake captain?

Seeing the people's eyes and expressions, Tang Wei instantly understood the people's thoughts. She was ashamed and angry. She raised her head and glared at Zhao Chengfeng fiercely. "This bastard deliberately misled people with that disgusting language."

But at this time, even if she wanted to explain, she could not argue. Instead, she would describe the scene more and more darkly.

In spite of his anger, he had to crush Zhao Chengfeng's instep with his toes. Then he saw Zhao Chengfeng's exaggerated grin, and knew that he was just pretending.

"Asshole, you have to pretend to be such a bad actor!" Annoyed, knowing that it was useless, he stepped on it again. Then he was satisfied and broke free from Zhao Chengfeng's arms. Then he repeated, "I want to go, too!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and didn't say much. He just said, "go to your grandfather first and have a fight with them. By the way, I heard that you met my father and my master. Tell me about the situation at that time!"

"Good!" When Tang Wei saw that he was serious, she restrained her expression and told Zhao Chengfeng what happened that day and what she had seen.


Two days ago, Yida Department Store Plaza building rooftop.

Tang Wei looks up to the sky in the eyes of her colleagues.

Then they saw a scene that made them dumbfounded. It was not terrible, on the contrary, it was too beautiful.

I saw that the original gray sky suddenly lit up a piece of brilliance, and then a closer look, those brilliance actually fell.

Group after group, colorful, colorful.

Against the backdrop of a dark, cracked sky, it's like a fantasy painting.

Full of strange contrast beauty.

Even those people who escaped from chaos could not help but subconsciously stop and look up at the sky.

Some even subconsciously reach for it.

Then the amazing scene happened again. Once the light fell on the animals or plants, it would melt into the bodies of these objects like boiling water snowflakes.

What's more, it gives people a feeling of warmth and comfort, as well as an indescribable power.

An old man with white hair, after integrating a group of brilliance into his body, unexpectedly became younger and younger under the gaze of people.

But in the blink of an eye, even the white hair became black and bright, and the old man with white hair turned into a young man.

A group of brilliance fell on a naughty stray dog, and then the depressed stray dog, in a flash, became tall and big, and the hair was extremely soft. It's 100 times more than any famous dog in the world.

This scene, people from panic into a frenzy.

This is not a disaster, this is the beginning of heaven, this is the gospel of heaven.

Countless people cheered to welcome the falling light.

But just then, there was a cry of pain in the crowd.

This howling is out of season, and many people don't notice it, or pay attention to it.

But some people recognized the howler, who was the "lucky one" who had changed from an old man to a young man.

At this time, the lucky man was holding his head in pain, squatting on the ground, and uttering a cry that didn't look like human pain.

At the moment of everyone's surprise, suddenly, there was a "bang" sound, and the blood and flesh were flying all over the sky, and the sound of wailing stopped suddenly.

The onlookers all around were frightened by the terrible scene and screamed. A few unlucky ones were splashed with pieces of meat and vomited all of a sudden. Their faces turned green.

But the frightened people don't know why this happened, and not many people immediately associate with those beautiful light groups.

A lot of people are still fighting one after another, and even some people are not satisfied with the first regiment, and they go to strengthen the second regiment and the third regiment.

But at this time, the scream rang out in the crowd again, and then the crowd heard a terrible roar. Along with the roar, the crowd saw a more frightening scene.

Before that stray dog, I don't know when it had grown to a person's height, with a head and tail of about two meters, much bigger than the average horse.

The most terrifying thing was that the dog had three heads and was covered with scales.

It's exactly the same as the hellhound in the legend. When people were shocked, the huge dog suddenly jumped up and rushed to a onlooker.

The man was so scared that he was killed on the spot by a huge dog without even calling.

Soon another baby in the crowd turned into a terrible giant baby under the gaze of his parents.

A humble potted plant in the corner suddenly stretched out a vine like a whip and caught a person's neck off guard.

A woman grows wings under her ribs and bites her boyfriend to death.,

Such things happen constantly, people finally think of those mysterious brilliance.

Where is the gospel? What is the miracle.

That is clearly a curse, is from hell disaster.

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