At this time, I don't know how many people have integrated into Guanghua. Some people have integrated into more than one or two groups of Guanghua by virtue of their strength and their ability to seize.

Because in the education of this generation of Chinese people, their parents have told them a truth since they were young that if you don't grab good things, you will have nothing.

So they robbed, but also understand that this is not a subversive truth.

Sometimes what is snatched is not necessarily opportunity, but disaster.

Fortunately, as policemen, Tang Wei and others are naturally much more cautious than ordinary people. Moreover, just now in such chaos, they have to suppress their impulse to fight and stay to maintain the surrounding order.

At this time, seeing the tragedies, everyone felt a burst of white sweat on their back.

But this does not mean that they are safe. On the contrary, they can hardly save their lives at this time, let alone maintain order.

Other than that, the people, animals and plants who are integrated into the light group may become monsters and take their lives at any time.

At the same time, those light groups in the sky did not decrease at all, but increased.

Just then, a light ball more than ten times larger than usual fell from the sky, right on top of one of their colleagues.

When the man saw this scene, his face turned white and he couldn't hide at all.

Tang Wei was also shocked at that time, but she reacted faster than others, but Rao was so, she also made too many moves.

"I couldn't help it. I had to knock him away!" Tang Wei said with a smile.

"You idiot!" Even if it's after the event, and Tang Wei is safe and sound in front of her family, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but get angry when she talks about it.

This girl, a girl's family, is not to die.

"What should we do? Can't we help each other? It's kids. When they meet such a situation, can you do nothing to help them? " Tang Wei stares at him, but she feels the concern in his words, but she is strangely happy in her heart.

Zhao Chengfeng is blocked by her and has nothing to say. If it's a kid, they will rush to him without hesitation.

Hold for a long time, and then cold hum, "hum, my little devil, they won't be as stupid as your guys. In this case, they don't know how fast they flash! "

Tang Wei listen to this guy completely unreasonable, beautiful eyes glare at him, tiger teeth grinding creak.

Behind them, the kid covered his mouth and chuckled.

In the heart actually secretly gave oneself eldest brother to order a praise.

Zhao Chengfeng himself is a little embarrassed by Tang Wei. Most importantly, Tang Wei can still stare at him at this time, so he is not so angry all of a sudden.

So he coughed lightly, touched his nose, changed the topic and said, "well, what's the feeling after the light group is integrated into the body?"

"What's the feeling..." Tang Wei is really the kind of upright girl. She was suddenly changed the topic. "At the beginning, she didn't feel much, she was very comfortable. She wanted to soak all her cells in the hot spring. She felt alive and full of vitality."

"But after the energy burst, it was a little uncomfortable. It felt like it was going to burst and tear. And I feel that my mood and will are also affected by something. I become very anxious, angry and eager for blood! "

Tang Wei said here, slightly frown, obviously that kind of feeling let her very dislike.

Then he took a sip, shook his head and said, "fortunately, I met uncle Zhao later. If it wasn't for his help, I would..."

Tang Wei said here, some fear did not continue to say.

Lao Tzu also felt awesome for the first time in Zhao Chengfeng's heart.

But he said with a smile: "Weiwei, since my father has saved your life, should you change your name? Such as "Dad, Dad, Dad, father, etc..."

"To save my life, I'm going to call dad. Several of my partner's colleagues have saved me. Should I call them dad?" Of course, Tang Wei knew what he was thinking, but she gave him a sneer.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was sweating, "then, that's not necessary."

Good guy, those guys just called me brother-in-law, but they all became my father-in-law. Who can stand it.

"Well, that, by the way, did my father say anything about those light groups?" In order to cover up the embarrassment, Zhao Chengfeng once again shifted the topic back to normal.

Tang Wei was amused. She glanced at him and thought, "well, my uncle did say that those auras are in fact auras. The aura comes from another plane and has not been integrated with the rules of the world. That's why it takes on the form of auras."

"Aura?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, "since it's aura, how can it make people lose their sense and even make people become monsters?"

"Well, uncle said it, but I don't quite understand it. It seems that because of the nature of that plane, some of those auras contain evil spirits, or the marks of some demons, so ordinary people and animals and plants, even if they can absorb them and don't burst, will be affected by the evil spirits, and the marks of demons will be assimilated by demons! However, my uncle said, it is also possible that the plane itself has the essence of this rule. "

Tang Wei scratched her cheek. "I don't know what that means."

"Oh, by the way, my uncle also gave me a set of skills, saying that if I use that skill to refine those auras, it will be OK. I just want to discuss with you and my uncle whether we can make this skill public. Maybe we can save some people. "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the girl's own problems had not been completely solved, so he wanted to help the whole world. He couldn't help reaching out and touching her head, "you are still really righteous!"

"However, have you ever thought about whether this method is suitable for all kinds of cultivation, and cultivation is not just about having a method, it must be guided by someone. If I'm not wrong, old man Zhao should have guided you to the running route, but even so, you may not be able to understand all the contents, right

Seeing that he touched his head, Tang Wei regarded herself as a child. Subconsciously, she would reach out and hit him.

But hear behind but some Leng, for a moment unexpectedly forget action.

"There's more." Zhao Chengfeng also said: "the so-called law does not pass lightly. This is not mean. In addition to considering that the club pass is not human, there is also something that people will not cherish and even hate."

"Cut, don't make a fuss about it. I believe what you said before, but I still make it public. Why can there be hatred?" Tang Wei said and beat the hand that he put on his head.

"Ha ha, don't you believe it?" Zhao Chengfeng laughed and put his hand on her head.

Tang Wei pats again, "do not believe."

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