"Well, let me give you an example." Zhao Chengfeng's hand put back again, suddenly felt that it was an interesting game.

"It's no use just raising a sweet potato." Take it again.

"Well, let me suppose a situation. Suppose you make it public and someone learns from him. Of course, he is very happy at first and even grateful. But when he sees that everyone can learn unconditionally, he will not be grateful any more, because he will feel that this is normal and everyone is the same. Do you think this kind of thing will not happen? " Put it back.

"Well, this..." Tang Wei pondered slightly, put her hand on Zhao Chengfeng's wrist, but didn't push it away. A moment later, he opened it and said, "it may be like this, but we don't want to thank anyone for opening our skills."

"Well, even if you don't want to be grateful, the problem arises again. One day he can't improve his practice, or he can't practice well from the beginning. If at this time, he suddenly hears others, you actually have a better skill, or the purpose of you announcing this skill is to experiment with others, so that you can practice smoothly. "

"Do you think that at this time, those who are not good at cultivation will believe this rumor?"

Tang Wei stopped talking because she had not been a policeman for a day or two, and he had not seen anything in the society. As soon as she heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, she knew that this situation would probably come true.

Because there are too many people in this world, some people will always give birth to darkness for various reasons.

Other people, though they are usually smart, have no brains at all and can't really think. Especially when some dark conspiracy theories and rumors echo their inner needs, they will immediately believe them without hesitation.

"But..." Tang Weixiu frowned slightly. I don't know what to say?

The subtext in my heart is that I can't just let it go because of this.

Although she didn't finish her words, Zhao Chengfeng understood them in an instant, and gently rubbed her hand on her head. "Well, I didn't care much about this kind of thing, but who let me like you, a beautiful policeman with a strong sense of justice? Let me think of something about this."

"Let's look at the development of the situation first. If it is really impossible to recover, we can consider spreading it in a circle, or simply leaving it to the state to make rules for the scheme."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of those people in the ninth group. He thought that maybe he could talk to them about it. It's useless for him to keep all the secret books from his family.

Or you can consider handing in some of them.

But even if you hand it over, you can't do it in vain. It's not that Zhao Chengfeng has no dedication, but that this kind of thing can't form a habit.

The reason why there are fewer and fewer people doing good in this world is that secular values raise the standard of doing good too high.

For example, according to the law, a person has the right to receive a certain reward after he finds the property and gives it to the owner.

But in reality, all the media propaganda is free of charge. If someone does it in accordance with the law, it is clear that he does it in a reasonable and legal way and does good deeds, but no one thinks that he has done good deeds any more.

Even the person involved will feel ashamed.

On the contrary, it doesn't seem to matter if you just pick it up and don't return it, as long as you don't get found. On the contrary, it's not as shameful as collecting the part stipulated by the law after returning it.

In that case, who will return it.

But everyone forgets that good deeds should be rewarded.

If you contribute, you should be rewarded.

This is a normal society.

But these are all things in the future. It's not too late to talk to this girl now.

So he rubbed her head and said with a smile, "OK, I'll take care of this, OK?"

"Hum." Tang Wei a Jiao hum, suddenly realized that this bastard seems to have been making fun of his head today, immediately reached out a hard to knock it off, "why, don't touch my head, when I'm a child."

I'm the captain of the criminal police, OK?

I'm so angry!

Behind them, the kid covered his eyes and turned his head to one side.

I can't bear to see it.

These two guys have been showing their love for a long time, touching each other and playing with each other for a long time. Now they think that they are not children.

Sister Wei, is your reaction a little too late?!

"Where did my father and my master go after that?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"My father and them..." Tang Wei subconsciously replied, and only half of it did she realize that she had been cheated. She turned her head and glared at Zhao Chengfeng. "What's my father? It's your father..."

"Hey, don't care who dad is, we don't have to be so clear, do we? Anyway, do you know where they are now? " Zhao Chengfeng, with a smile, avoids the heavy and takes the light.

Is there anything unclear about this?

Tang Weibai glanced at Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't bother about it any more. He shook his head and said, "I really don't know where they are now. After he saved us and asked me something, he left with your master and another master. Maybe he went to pursue the murderer."

Tang Wei said here, involuntarily thought of a man and a woman, subconsciously pursed her lips tightly, a trace of sadness and reluctance flashed in her eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at her, put his hand on her shoulder and said softly, "don't worry, the old man doesn't die so easily. By the way, about the murderer, you said it was a man and a woman. Can you be more specific? "


As they walked, they came to Tang Jinhai's office. Standing outside the door, they heard voices inside. It seems that there are a lot of people.

Push the door and enter, sure enough, see the office, in addition to Tang Jinhai and Huisheng and others, there are several soldiers in military uniform.

Zhao Chengfeng swept at random. He was surprised to see that the lowest rank of these people was above major. The only one who didn't wear a military uniform was a middle-aged man with a dignified face and a smile. He seemed to be very gentle.

But he sat there at will. In the whole room, including Tang Jinhai, everyone naturally took him as the center. Even Tang Jinhai gave up his seat.

Needless to say, this is obviously a big man, but Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know him.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little surprised. When he left Tang Jinhai's office before, these people were not there. It's obvious that when he went to find Tang Wei, such a group of uninvited guests came.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, Tang Jinhai, who was talking to the middle-aged man in a low voice, raised his head and showed a smile on his face. He was planning to introduce them to both sides.

The middle-aged man said, "don't introduce me, old Tang. Brother Feilong's son has never met, but he has heard of it. It's true that he is a young hero."

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