With these words, the man got up and went to the side of Zhao Chengfeng, reaching out as if to pat him on the shoulder.

"No, you're very kind. I'm a dandy. I can't afford to be a young hero." Zhao chengtui politely, but in his heart, he said to himself, "who's speaking like 250000 or 80000? I don't know. I thought he was the No.1 chief. But the tone seems to be familiar with the old man. "

See this person want to pat his shoulder, Zhao Chengfeng where willing, heart sneer is about to give way, but his mind just move, but surprised to find that each other's palm has fallen on his shoulder.

In the heart not from a surprised, "good quick!"

This surprised, the heart suddenly awe inspiring.

Then the instinctive strength of a shock, just a strength, he regretted, secretly a "bad.".

His power is no longer stronger than before. Even the martial arts in the realm of magic martial arts can't bear the shock.

Although this person's shot just now was a little strange, he should not be able to bear his shock. In case of a broken tendon, it would be a bit ugly.

Maybe it will bring trouble to Tang.

But it's too late for him to recover. His cultivation has grown too fast during this period. Although his combat power has greatly increased, it's also too fast, so it's difficult for him to control his power so easily.

This is the change between the electric spark and flint, which is caught off guard. It's easy to send out strength, but it's hard to take it back.

In the heart not from a burst of dark annoyance, this old son of a bitch, this is not to die, nothing you pat Lao Tzu shoulder to do?

He was about to take back his strength, but suddenly he felt that his shoulder was light, and the other side's hand was taken back. On the contrary, his strength was so strong that the whole tribe was in the empty place, and his foot was shaking, almost without internal injury.

As soon as he looked up, he just saw the man's seemingly meaningful smile, but it was gone. Then his palm fell on Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder again, and his face had turned into a color of appreciation.

"Yes, yes, it's really good. I'm too young to be my father. Xiao Zhao, are you interested in coming to me and contributing to the country? "

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't give way any more, and let him pat himself on the shoulder.

At the same time, he took a deep breath, calmed his Qi and blood, and did not show his face. However, he looked at this person with some vigilance in his heart. Unfortunately, he did not see anything unusual.

"Is it a coincidence?" Zhao Chengfeng is suspicious in his heart, and he can't be sure whether it was the other party's intention or coincidence.

No, it can't be a coincidence., If only by coincidence can hit my shoulder, then the power of coincidence is too strong.

This man is a master.

A very powerful master.

Such a master has never heard of before!?

I thought I had seen the depth of those guys who called themselves group 9 before, but I didn't expect that there was something deeper hidden. It seems that the water is deeper than I thought.

Zhao Chengfeng was wary in his heart, but he forced himself to behave naturally. With a faint smile, he asked: "am I not doing my best for the country now? Mr. Tang, I said before that I was going to search for survivors in the city. Should this be regarded as serving the country? "

Of course, he said the second half of the sentence to Tang Jinhai. At the same time, he quietly shook off the hand on his shoulder, and his face also regained its usual cynicism.

Although Tang Jinhai didn't know the invisible confrontation between them, he was very mature. With his intuition, he also felt that there was something fishy between them.

However, he pretended not to know. He laughed and scolded: "you little rascal, just play rascal with me. You can't be rude in front of Mr. Qi."

Then he said to the middle-aged man: "Mr. Qi, you don't have the same opinion with this boy. This little son of a bitch has never been in the right shape. I'm used to it. I'm afraid it's possible to deal with him unless the No. 1 chief comes out in person."

His words seem to damage Zhao Chengfeng, but in fact, he is excusing Zhao Chengfeng. At the same time, he also reminds Mr. Qi that Zhao Chengfeng is not an ordinary person. He also has a number on it. He is the person concerned by No. 1 chief.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard these words, he subconsciously took a look at Tang Jinhai and said in his heart, "OK, old Tang, I thought you were a rude man. I didn't expect you to have such a good eloquence

However, it ushered in Tang into the sea did not have a good look.

"Ha ha, that's a pity, but what Xiao Zhao said is reasonable. He can serve the country and the people everywhere." The middle-aged man laughs, but he doesn't get entangled any more. He slowly steps back to his seat, hands crossed in front of his chest and looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Xiao Zhao, you said before that you were going to search and rescue survivors in the city. Coincidentally, before you came, general Tang and I were also talking about this. We plan to set up a search and rescue team, the main members of which are selected by several of my subordinates and the Beihai military region, and are familiar with the terrain. But at present, there is a lack of a person with strength and ability to take the post of front-line commander. Xiao Zhao, do you want to take this task? "

"Teach..." the middle-aged man said here, his several military uniforms face is a change, some subconsciously want to speak against, but just want to speak.

But he was interrupted by a stern look in his eyes.

The man saw his eyes, immediately lowered his head, but his eyes quietly looked at Zhao Chengfeng, flashed a sharp chill.

"Mr. Qi, Chengfeng, I'm afraid..." on the other hand, Tang Jinhai was also in a daze. He wanted to say something, but the middle-aged man waved his hand and motioned him not to say more. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard that he was making up the team, he was surprised. He thought he was a big man in the military, and those around him were all senior officers. Unexpectedly, these guys with the lowest rank of major were members of the search and rescue team.

Who is going to search and rescue? Is the No.1 chief in it?

I didn't expect to let him be the commander.

No matter who these people search and rescue or what special task they have, they will not really save ordinary citizens. They don't even know what the task is. How to command them?

What the hell does this old guy mean?

However, no matter what this person means or what his purpose is, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't plan to wade in this muddy water.

So although he was puzzled, he didn't have any hesitation, so he shook his head with a smile, "I'm really sorry to let you down. First of all, I know how much weight I have, and I can't bear such a big responsibility. Secondly, to be honest, although I say it's search and rescue, my main purpose is to go into the city to see if any relatives or friends are lost in it. Search and rescue is just a cover. Don't take it seriously. "

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