
The middle-aged man called Mr. Qi never expected that Zhao Chengfeng would have such an answer.

He thought that Zhao Chengfeng would refuse, but

"It's just a cover. Don't take it seriously..."

It's too candid a reason to refuse.

What did you say just now about serving the country?

Even the officer who just saw that Zhao Chengfeng was not good at it was a bit dull, and then there was a burst of disdain.

Even Tang Wei and Tang Jinhai can't help but turn their heads. If they didn't behave too familiar before, they really don't know this guy.

But the kid, Huisheng and others have long been used to the style of their own boss, laughing happily.

On the difference, the sow shouts, "boss, I appreciate your shamelessness."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, but ignores the reaction. He originally intended to discuss with Tang Jinhai and ask Tang Jinhai to help him.

But now he doesn't plan to.

Then he said with a smile: "Mr. Tang, I don't want to disturb you. Oh, and Tang Wei plans to go in with me. Don't worry, I will bring her out safely. "

After that, ignoring the reaction of the crowd, he takes Tang Wei to turn around and push the door again. Little ghost, Huisheng, blood monk, shadow and others, needless to say, follow him.

Seeing this, the officers opened their mouths as if they were going to say something, but Mr. Qi raised his hand to stop the crowd. "Everyone has his own aspirations. Since Mr. Zhao is not willing, don't force others. No. 9, this operation is under your command."

"Yes." The officer who was not good at Zhao Chengfeng immediately stood at attention.

But in the heart is still very uncomfortable, subconsciously looked at the door, eyes again a flash of cold.

In his opinion, the commander should have been him, but now it seems that it is because Zhao Chengfeng does not accept him that he is.


As Zhao Chengfeng walked out of Tang Jinhai's office, he was still thinking about Mr. Qi and his group of subordinates. The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt about it.

The purpose of those people doesn't look like what they call search and rescue.

Though he couldn't figure out who those people were and what their purpose was, it was definitely not simple.

After thinking about it, he suddenly moved in his heart, and then suddenly turned to Tang Wei and Huisheng and other humanists: "Weiwei, Huisheng, now the situation has changed, you don't want to go with me, you stay in the camp first, I'll go to the city alone to see the situation."

"Ah, why?" Tang Wei, blood monk and others can't help but be stunned.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you promised me clearly before, how can you say nothing?" Tang Wei said angrily.

"Boss, I know the situation in the city is very dangerous now, but boss, we've got some benefits in this accident. Now hahaha..." blood monk hahaha smiles and looks at Zhao Chengfeng licking his lips, eager to try.

The others didn't speak, but they all stood up and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with some fighting spirit.

"What, you mean to challenge me?" Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng laughed and didn't care.

These guys, although he has always been the only leader, but Zhao Chengfeng also knows that defeating himself is always the goal of these guys, which is nothing. Zhao Chengfeng even encourages them.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a younger brother who doesn't want to defeat the boss is certainly not a good younger brother.

And Zhao Chengfeng is very clear that even if one day these guys really beat themselves, their attitude and feelings towards themselves will not change.

This is not only clear to Zhao Chengfeng, but also clear to them.

Because they follow Zhao Chengfeng not only because of his strength, but also because he is a brother and has been a friend for many years.

In addition, each of them owes Zhao Chengfeng more than one life. Without Zhao Chengfeng, they would have died long ago.

However, this is not contradictory with their desire to defeat Zhao Chengfeng. If one day they can beat the boss to the ground, it will be a great thing to think about it.

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, the blood monk burst out laughing, "boss, haven't you ever heard of Fengshui turning around in turn, thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi? Today, hehe... "

The blood monk giggled while holding his fists together, making a clucking sound. At the same time, he let go of his whole body's Qi and blood. Suddenly, an amazing force of Qi and blood gushed out.

"Magic martial arts? Good boy When Zhao Chengfeng saw that the blood monk had a magic martial arts realm, he was surprised and showed a trace of admiration.

"Of course! And it's not just me. " Blood monk proud smile, and then a wave of fists, shouting: "little people, light out to let the boss see!"

Behind the shadow of a kick in his butt, "who is your little people, you think you are the boss!"

But then they all gave a smile and released their Qi and blood like a treasure.

One by one, they all broke through to the realm of magic martial arts, especially the blood monk and shadow, who were almost close to the middle stage of magic martial arts.

This time Zhao Chengfeng was really surprised, "is it all because of those light groups?"

Huisheng nodded and said: "well, yes, but not all of them. Before refining those light groups, because of the sudden spiritual power between heaven and earth, we felt as if we had been washed all over, and our strength had increased. However, if we hadn't refined one light group after another, we couldn't have reached this point."

"I'd like to thank the boss for this, your father. If my uncle didn't show up in time, let's not talk about the refining and chemical group. I'm afraid I'll die."

The others nodded together, and each face showed gratitude.

Zhao Chengfeng heart move, hey ran a smile, "never thought the old guy is quite responsible, fortunately this time, did not deceive me."

"However, it's ten years too early for you to challenge me at your present level!"

After Zhao Chengfeng said that, he did not hide any more, but suddenly let go of his prestige. Huisheng and others suddenly felt a strong wind blowing on their face, and their breath stagnated, and then a huge invisible pressure came down like a mountain.

Several people "pedal pedal" back several steps.

"Ah ~!" The blood monk roared wildly, and the veins on his forehead were exposed. He wanted to stand firm, but he still couldn't help "bang" and retreated half way back. Then he stood firm.

On the other side, the shadow suddenly turned into a remnant shadow. He took the initiative to step back, but he resisted the pressure one step earlier than the blood monk, but his breathing was also a little disordered.

The others were one point worse than the two, but they all quickly resisted the pressure, but they only resisted the pressure, and everyone was sweating.

The heart is more frightened.

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