"Don't make trouble. Let's get down to business!" Zhao Chengfeng laughs and gives way again.

Tang Wei snores angrily, but when she hears that Zhao Chengfeng wants to get down to business, she still doesn't fight any more.

Zhao Chengfeng also put away his joking gesture, took out a stack of ancient books from his backpack and threw them to Huisheng and other humanists: "I got some rags from the secret places of several guwu families this time. Although they are all rags, there are still some good things in the rags."

"For example, these secret scripts are some interesting things I selected from them. They are very messy, with array, martial arts and puppets. You can choose what you like by yourself."

The crowd was overjoyed at the news, and immediately gathered around them for a while.

Huisheng just got his hand and didn't cover the heat yet. In a flash, he was robbed, but he didn't get a copy of it. He was a little stunned, and then angrily scolded: "you bastards, bandits. Kid, I saw a medical classic in it just now. Did you rob it, asshole? You're a computer repairer. What are you doing with it? "

After scolding, he turned back to fight with the crowd.

The kid didn't dare to listen to it. He held a pile of secret books and ran around, laughing and scolding: "go to your grandmother to repair the computer. I'm a hacker. Besides, why can't I learn the medical classics? Now the world is changing so much that I'm not allowed to change my career?"

Although they laugh and scold, they feel a little sad. Nowadays, the world has changed greatly, the rules have changed, and the rules of science and technology have faded. Among them, the kids are the hardest hit.

But when Huisheng and others heard what he said, they had no sympathy. They were not only unsympathetic, but also gloating. They chased after him while laughing.

"Ha ha, I told you that playing computer all day long is no good. Now I regret it. But it's too late to become a doctor now. I think it's better for you to switch to a less skilled career, such as a thug. The boy is still running. Give it back to me quickly. "

"Hey, reincarnation, what do you mean? What's a hitter? There's no skill. Come on, let's have a few rounds!"

"Hey, hey, pay attention to the image, OK? Look at your potential, a pile of rags is worth grabbing. There are so many, but no one has nothing." Zhao Chengfeng saw a few people making a lot of noise and fighting together. I can't help rolling my eyes.

Finish saying to dislike again of dynasty return to living etc. a burst of pie mouth.

But Huisheng and others didn't care. They laughed for a while and were busy dividing up the "stolen goods".

They know very well in their hearts that although Zhao Chengfeng said so, the things prepared for them must be good things, and they must have been prepared considering their situation.

And these things are all from the secret place of guwu family. Can they really be rags?

Although the guwu family has gone to dust now, it's a real dish of the guwu family now. The times have changed, and they haven't been able to keep up with the times. What's worse is that they met Zhao Chengfeng.

But the guwu aristocratic family has also been brilliant, otherwise, how can they stay out of the world for so many years? Most of them have their own secret places.

It's not Chinese cabbage. How can we have it without considerable strength and inside information.

It's a pity that if anything doesn't evolve for a long time, it will rot, and so will the guwu family.

Countless years have made the people of guwu aristocratic family used to ease, no spirit, empty guarding Baoshan, but finally can not escape the ash annihilation.

But it doesn't mean that the things in the hands of the guwu family are not good. It just depends on who has them.

What's more, if it's really rubbish, how can Zhao Chengfeng choose it for them.

So for Zhao Chengfeng some "arrogant" words, they just laugh, but secretly grateful and moved.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and smiles, and then goes to take charge of the people. Anyway, these people seem to be making trouble, but they are just used to it. Is it really possible that they can't rob each other.

But between laughing and making trouble, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes did have a flash of worry when he swept the kid.

Now the great change of heaven and earth has begun, and no one knows whether it can be reversed or continue to deteriorate in the future.

He doesn't worry about other people. Needless to say, in the future, medicine and poison can be combined with martial arts and Taoism.

And the shadow and blood monk and others don't need to worry. They are both martial maniacs and battle maniacs.

Although the kid's talent in martial arts is not bad, he is not a genius in actual combat. His talent is more in network and mathematical things.

But in the future, if it really turns into a world dominated by martial arts and Taoism, how should the kids go?

Even if the kid himself has not considered these, as the boss, he has to consider for the kid.

It's just that he's not a God. He has no idea about some things.

However, he saw that there was not much loneliness and discouragement in the kid's look, but he put down his mind a little bit.

As long as the ambition has not been hit and I am not discouraged, I can still think of a way.

When she turns her head, she sees Tang Wei's face full of envy and looks at the crowd's looting, but she doesn't move. She can't help but think that she hasn't prepared for Tang Wei.

It's not that he didn't expect Tang Wei, mainly because he didn't expect Tang Wei to step on the road of martial arts so quickly.

At the moment, some apologized: "slightly, I'm sorry, I didn't prepare for you this time, but it doesn't matter. I will make some better ones for you in the future."

"It doesn't matter. If you want to be quick, you can't reach it. I've just stepped into the threshold now. It's very difficult just to cultivate myself. It's too early for martial arts." Although Tang Wei is very envious, but Wen Yan shakes her head, very firm way.

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. He was surprised to see Tang Wei. He didn't expect that Tang Wei should have such a sober and wise understanding. But after a moment, he immediately flattered him and said, "ha ha, dear Wei Wei, it's true, it's true. The women I like are different. Look at this, the wisdom is almost catching up with me."

Then he reached out and rubbed Tang Wei's hair, and rubbed Tang Wei's hair, which had just been arranged, into a mess.

He let Tang Wei get angry, raised his foot and kicked, "go away, who is the woman you like? It's shameless that wisdom is catching up with you. How can I not see your wisdom when you are like this? "

"Ha ha ~" Zhao Chengfeng laughed, but did not let her kick.

Tang Wei kicks empty, reaction, but found that he has dozens of meters away, almost to the gate of the camp.

Wave as you walk.

From a distance, he said: "Weiwei, if you want to play for me, you have to practice for another 100 years. Bai Bai, I'll come as soon as I go, and I'll leave the job to you. "

Just stomp on Tang Wei's feet.

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