However, although he was not willing to hate, he could only look at his back and gnash his teeth, "bastard sex wolf, sooner or later, Miss Ben will be more powerful than you, and then beat you to cry!"

Huisheng and others listened, subconsciously touching their noses, leaning their faces to one side, thinking, "elder sister, it seems that your small goal is a little difficult to accomplish."

Of course, he didn't have the courage to say that.

But even if they don't say it, Tang Wei knows that this goal is difficult to achieve, so she is even more angry.

At this time, Tang Jinhai's office opened again, and Mr. Qi and a group of his subordinates rushed out.

When passing by Tang Wei and others, Mr. Qi nods and smiles kindly to Tang Wei and others. Although his people are very obedient in front of Mr. Qi, they are very proud of others.

A few of them just glanced at each other and then took it back. More people didn't even look at it. They didn't just look at Tang Wei. They walked all the way and turned a blind eye to anyone.

It's like all the people around are ants to them.

Only the officer who was not good at Zhao Chengfeng had his eyes swept between them. He didn't see Zhao Chengfeng. He frowned and snorted, but also took back his eyes and walked away.

"Damn, what does that mean? Do you want to fight? Hey, don't run... "Xuehe is still depressed. Seeing that these people are so arrogant and dare to provoke, he is furious.

"Stop it Huisheng grabbed him and said, "don't act rashly. The situation is very complicated now, and these people are not simple. Especially Mr. Qi, I feel very strong. I'm afraid the boss is not an opponent!"

"Really? The old man is more powerful than the old man? " The blood monk opened his eyes in surprise and didn't believe it.

"I'm just saying it's possible." Huisheng shakes his head.

"Cut!" The blood monk rolled his eyes and raised his middle finger, but there was no regeneration.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't let them into the city, but they didn't want to do anything. At least they should try to collect more information in the camp during the time when Zhao Chengfeng entered the city, and at the same time they should do a good job in responding to Zhao Chengfeng.

Although that group of people is uncomfortable, but they are official people, even the blood monk knows not to act rashly.

But their eyes were still on the group.

Mr. Qi and others came to the edge of the camp, but they didn't leave the camp immediately. They seemed to be waiting for someone.

After a while, a group of soldiers dressed in protective clothing and armed elite trotted over and stood at attention in front of Mr. Qi and others. Mr. Qi called a small nine.

The so-called No. 9 officer stood in silence, then stepped out, glanced at the soldiers, frowned, and then said in a cold voice, "take it off!"

All the soldiers were in a daze. They didn't seem to understand the meaning of number nine.

In fact, not to mention the soldiers, even the kids in the distance were stunned.

"Damn it, isn't it? It tastes so strong?" The kid's subconscious way.

The blood monk couldn't help laughing.

Tang Wei is also amused by the kid's words, and then blushes and stares at the kid. Huisheng and blood monk are more happy to see the kid being laughed.

The kid touched his nose innocently. He laughed a little, but showed his teeth to Huisheng and others, "a group of ungrateful bastards!"

Although the laughter here is not loud, No. 9 in the distance seems to hear it. He looks back at the crowd coldly. When his eyes sweep over the kid, he pauses slightly. A sharp chill makes the kid suddenly feel like a lone wolf in the dark when he paints in the wilderness.

Even the kid couldn't help feeling a little cold in his heart, but he just calmed down in a moment. Although he was a little awe inspiring, he was not afraid, and he didn't want to lose his momentum. He immediately gave a cold hum and a provocative look back.

Huisheng and blood monk and others also restrained their smile and looked at him with a sneer.

Feeling the provocation of the imps and others, No. 9's eyes narrowed slightly, and his coldness flashed again. But then, for some unknown reason, he restrained himself. He just glanced at the corner of his mouth, showing a mocking sneer, and then turned his head.

Once again, he said coldly to the soldiers: "a group of men are greedy for life and afraid of death, but they are so seedless. Do you really think this crap can have any effect?"

This time, he deliberately raised the volume of his speech, as if to let the kid and others hear clearly.

"Damn, are you special..." the kid can't help it when he hears that this guy is clearly pointing at the mulberry and cursing the locust. However, when he thinks of the task Zhao Chengfeng told him, he grits his teeth and bears the words behind.

No. 9 was slightly surprised to see that they didn't move, and his eyes were even more scornful.

"Zhao Chengfeng's subordinates are such a group of counsellors. He himself is about the same thing. No. 0 has lost money in this kind of people." No. 9 saw that the IMP and Huisheng had turned away, so he took back his eyes, but chuckled in a low voice.

Heard his words, his several companions are also disdainful smile.

However the vision actually subconsciously looked that Mr. Qi.

The latter is calm, just light way: "look down on others is not a wise choice, and don't forget your task."

Just a light word, No. 9 and others look a change, hastily agreed: "yes!"

At this time, the group of soldiers had taken off their protective clothing. Although they were unwilling, everyone could see that these people were not small.

Moreover, Tang Jinhai has already explained that he must obey unconditionally when cooperating with these people to carry out the task.

Military orders are like a mountain, even if they are uncomfortable.

While several people were talking, the soldiers did not dare to disturb them. Seeing that they stopped, one of the team leaders carefully asked, "heads, what is the specific task of our operation?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? Don't ask too much about our task. Your task is to follow our command. " Nine a cold hum, cold eyes let the captain heart tremble, a chill let him excite Lingling to fight a cold war.

In the heart dark startles a, "this person is what monster, eyes unexpectedly so terror!"

As an elite unit in the military region, he has rich combat experience in being a captain. He is not a person who can be easily frightened.

But No. 9's eye made him cold all over. He didn't look like a human.

He immediately lowered his head and did not dare to ask again.

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