No. 9 didn't care about his feelings at all. Instead, Mr. Qi comforted him kindly and said, "don't worry, your main task is to lead the way. In addition, you can cooperate with others. Although soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty and should not be greedy for life and fear death, as long as you cooperate well, they will not let you die! "

"Yes." The soldier captain promised, but he laughed bitterly in his heart, "if we cooperate well, we won't be killed intentionally. That means if we don't cooperate well, we will be killed intentionally, right?"

Other soldiers also smile bitterly in their hearts, "this NIMA has fallen into bad luck for eight generations, and even took such a task."

However, Mr. Qi seemed to be very satisfied with their attitude. He nodded slightly, then turned to No. 9 and other humanitarians and said, "time is urgent. You should also set out. Remember, you must strive for more advantageous achievements before other forces and countries in the world react. This will be the great plan for our country in the next century, even the millennium."

After that, he looked up at the sky, his eyes burst out hot light, and his mouth murmured: "era changes, a new era has come, everyone says it's a disaster, but..."

A group of soldiers and the captain of the soldiers next to him didn't understand what they were talking about, especially his last sentence. Because of a gust of wind, he didn't hear what he was saying.

But what is it? Isn't it a disaster?

However, from the same hot eyes of No. 9 and others, Mr. Qi seemed to say something very exciting.


Beihai City, downtown.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng entered the urban area, he felt a sense of oppression. It seemed that he felt a little heavier in an instant. When he looked around, the whole city was devastated.

The original prosperous city, when it was destroyed, and lost human beings, even inexplicably gave people a sense of desolation and desolation.

It's only less than three days since mankind left this city.

Looking up again, the broken sky is more and more strange and terrible from this angle.

"Wuwu ~"

Suddenly, a low thunder like voice poured down from one of the cracks, which happened to be on the top of Zhao Chengfeng's head.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately felt a buzz in his brain, and then nausea and dizziness came up.

Zhao Chengfeng turned pale and quickly blocked his ears with his hands, but the sound seemed to act directly on his soul, so he couldn't resist.

I can't even get together.

Fortunately, the sound was not long, but disappeared in a moment.

Zhao Chengfeng just recovered the Qingming, but he couldn't control it and vomited out.

This vomit full vomit five minutes, feel even stomach vomit out, and then a buttock sitting on the ground.

"What the hell is on the other side of the crack? NIMA can make such a terrible sound across a plane." Zhao Chengfeng is still in shock. He wipes his mouth in pain. He feels that there is still a taste of stomach acid in his mouth. He takes a few more bites, but he is still very uncomfortable.

Can't help a burst of wry smile, "this kind of feeling has not tasted for many years, the top master of illusory martial arts can't control his stomach."

Vomiting is no stranger to ordinary people, but as a warrior, even in the lowest level of Lingwu, there are few things that can't control his internal organs.

But at that moment, the sound completely destroyed his control.

He could not imagine that if he faced the owner of the voice directly, he would live for a few seconds.

I'm afraid if I can't survive for a second, I'll be shocked by the sound.

And a world with such a terrible existence can now see each other with the earth.

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of everything. At this moment, he is afraid. No, he is deeply afraid and worried.

Although for some unknown reason, there is a crack between the two worlds, but no creature can pass it. But if we go further, even the weakest creature, can the earth resist the current force?

"These inner world bastards are crazy!"

In order to achieve their own goals, they even make such crazy behavior. If that happens, can those guys in the inner world resist it?

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think those guys have this ability at all.

If they did, they wouldn't have to play this trick.

After a short rest, Zhao Chengfeng finally recovers. Just not far away, there is a damaged water pipe, and the water is gushing out. Zhao Chengfeng is going to go over and wash his mouth.

All of a sudden, a dark shadow rushed out of the lane.

"Wuwu ~!" Zhao Chengfeng heard a whimper like a wild animal. The shadow had already reached his side, and suddenly a foul wind came to his face.

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. When he turned his head, he saw a monster the size of a buffalo, shaped like a vicious dog, with its whole body festering, biting him with a bloody mouth.

"Go away!" Zhao Chengfeng had just been shocked by a roar in the crack outside the sky, and the Buddha was born, and he almost didn't hang up. Now he ran out of a beast, and even wanted to bully him. He was so angry that he raised his hand and split it on the monster's neck.

Just a split, Zhao Chengfeng is secretly surprised, feel this palm is split in the dead tree, send out a dull sound.

The monster was thrown several meters away with a bang, but one turned over and stood up again.

"Not dead!"

Zhao Chengfeng was very surprised. Although he didn't make much effort with his hand, he is now the top master of magic martial arts. You can't underestimate any hand. Even if the ordinary magic martial arts master is defeated, it's not easy to die.

This animal, even though it has mutated, but it's only so long that he can still stand up safe and sound. Apart from other things, this defense is really amazing.

The monster seems to have suffered a lot after being split by him. After standing up, he did not dare to attack for a moment, but he did not plan to escape. He bowed his head in front of his two claws and made a threat with a whine in his mouth. Seems to want to attack, but dare not act rashly.

Zhao Chengfeng fixed his eyes, and then he really saw the animal's color. It was really a dog's shape, but it was not only huge, but also ferocious, and the surface of his body was festering in a large area. He could not tell what kind of dog it was.

The stench of pus trickled down, and the saliva also trickled down along the sharp and ferocious teeth. It looked extremely ferocious and ugly, and there was no human good friend.

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