Zhao Chengfeng looks at the animal's appearance and jumps in his heart. Instead of being afraid, he can't imagine how this vicious dog can become like this.

I don't know if it was a stray dog before the mutation, so the skin ulcers, or because of the mutation.

If it was the former, it would be better. If it was the latter, he would be worried.

However, he immediately restrained himself and was about to start to clean up the beast when he heard a sharp crack.

Then I saw a steel bar javelin shot out of the window of an abandoned building, fast and accurate.

It hit the animal in the eye.

"Ouch ~!"

When the dog was shot in the eye, he immediately let out a howl and turned his head to escape. At this time, another javelin shot, but this time it hit your dog in the neck.

The javelin was powerful enough to pierce the neck of the dog.

The huge dog who was about to run away fell down. Under the action of inertia, he banged against the window next to him. The broken window glass crashed completely.

The big dog didn't move after it hit the window.

In fact, it's just a matter of blink of an eye. Zhao Chengfeng is slightly surprised that he can use javelin. It must be human.

I didn't expect that there were experts in this city besides him.

Turning to the direction of Javelin shooting, I saw a man jump out of the window and fall to the ground. His action was light and agile. He was really a practitioner.

Another look, but also a Zheng, unexpectedly still acquaintances.

That person sees Zhao Chengfeng is also a Leng, "Zhao... Boss!"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "boss Zhao, you think I'm a boat runner. Aren't you in Linshan? How can you be here?"

This person is not someone else. It was because of the bet that he lost to the killer shadow of Zhao Chengfeng.

But although this person later said that he wanted to follow Zhao Chengfeng, after that night, Zhao Chengfeng was in a coma and didn't see this person when he woke up.

I almost forgot him these days. I didn't expect to meet him here.

The shadow was not pleasant, but the old face was red. "What do you mean," said the master, "don't mention it. Shame on you. That night, you were fighting downstairs, I tried to do a bit of work, but I couldn't get in at all. Instead, the soldier of the armour was not able to resist.

"When I woke up, I found that you were all gone. As soon as I thought you were from Beihai City, I decided to come to you..."

"Wait a minute. What do you want from us?" Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, interrupt his way.

The shadow smell speech old face is a red again, but the expression is very solemn way: "before that night, although I said to follow you, of course, I think that gambling will admit defeat, but that night's battle let me open my eyes, at the same time also recognized how weak he is."

After a pause, the shadow said, "I have hesitated. I think I am so weak that I may not be qualified to follow you, but I am not willing to be a frog in the well as I used to be, so I plan to find you and see if you are willing to give me another chance."

Shadow said, looking forward to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng smile, "what is to give another chance, as if I had given you a chance before."

Seeing the shadow, Wen Yan's face darkened. He was amused in his heart and couldn't bear to tease him again. He said, "however, you are sincere. You've come and called me boss. Can I drive you back? Forget it, just follow me, but I've agreed to follow me, but I don't have as bright a future as you think. Maybe I'll kill myself one day! "

Shadow originally thought that there was no hope. When she heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, she was stunned. Then she was overjoyed and said: "don't worry, boss, I'm not afraid..."

He wanted to say "I'm not afraid of death", but when he thought about his experience that night and his state at that time, he felt that he was not worthy of saying this. He hesitated for a moment and said, "I won't be afraid of death in the future!"

But did not expect, words did not finish was Zhao Chengfeng kick in the ass.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have the good spirit to scold a way: "say what bastard words, not afraid to die, that still call a person?"? Only this kind of animal is really not afraid of death. "

Zhao Chengfeng reached out and pointed to the dead dog in the window. "This beast knows that he is not my opponent, but he is inspired by his instinctive desire. He doesn't run. If he doesn't, he is shot to death by you. That's why he is not afraid of death. The result of not being afraid of death is like this bird. Do you want to be the same as him?"

Shadow subconsciously looked at the giant dog, some stunned, but then understood the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng, a warm heart, grab the head hey ran a smile, chat up the way: "yes, yes, after all, I listen to the boss you, boss you make me afraid of death, I'm afraid of death, you let me not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of death!"

"Poof, are you sure you understand?" Zhao Chengfeng is angry and funny, but his impression of this guy has changed.

In his impression, this product is funny and always looks like a force. I didn't expect it to be so dogleg. It's good. I like it.

"But then again, when did you get to Beihai? Now that the city has become like this, why do you still stay in the city?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I came just three days ago, that is, the day of chaos in the city. I had planned to run outside the city. But the outside of the city is blocked by the Chinese army. You know my situation, and you don't like to deal with the official. And

At this point, the shadow suddenly stopped, looked left and right, with a mysterious appearance, and then stretched his head to Zhao Chengfeng's ear.

Zhao Chengfeng quickly hid behind, "why, there is no one here. What secret have you found? What's the situation?"

Shadow also immediately found that he was too neurotic. He laughed, but his face was still mysterious, and his eyes were shining.

Want to talk, but immediately look a move, a wave of hands way: "you look at know."

Then, without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to ask again, he jumped into the broken window and reached out to drag the dead dog out.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng was even more puzzled, but he saw that the shadow first pulled out the javelin made of steel in the eyes of the giant dog, threw it aside, and then pulled out a sharp dagger with his backhand.

While moving, he said: "according to my observation in recent days, once mutated, this mutated creature often has some special abilities. For example, this mutated dog is abnormal in defense. Except for a few positions such as eyes and chrysanthemum gate, ordinary knives and guns can't hurt it at all."

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