"But once it's seriously injured, or dead, that ability and character will weaken a lot."

As he spoke, he raised his dagger and cut the dog's head open with a stroke.

Zhao Chengfeng see this, slightly nodded, "sure as expected seems to become weak, but this can't be your mysterious secret?"

Such a secret is also worth making a fuss, as long as the experience of a few times will be summed up.

"Of course not." While the shadow was talking, he reached into the dog's broken head and felt like he was looking for something, which made him feel sick.

"I wipe the shadow, why do you want to eat dog brain? You have such a strong taste..."

Zhao Chengfeng looks disgusted and talks to himself.

The shadow suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "ah, found it!"

"Found, what did you find?" Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, but he suddenly withdrew his hand from the giant dog's head and handed it to Zhao Chengfeng, "boss, you see, this is the secret I'm talking about."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at his brain, almost did not spit out, was about to curse, suddenly he saw between his fingers as if holding a thing, a closer look, turned out to be a green crystal.

"This, this what thing, stone?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in surprise.

Of course, it's just a joke. What's going on in his head.

What's more, although it is still stained with disgusting slimy things, it can still be seen that it is extraordinary, bright and translucent, which is more beautiful than any kind of gem in the world.

What's more, he can feel the vigorous breath of life and aura in it. In addition, it seems that there is an indescribable mysterious breath.

It's not only impossible to be a stone, but it must be a very valuable thing.

So, even though he looked disgusted, he still reached for it.

As soon as I took it over, I immediately felt more unusual. I took something and left it in my palm. For a moment, it gave me the illusion of "being alive" and even felt its rhythm.

Of course, it must be an illusion. Rhythm is not itself, but the strange energy contained in it.

"What is this? What's the use? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

The shadow ran to one side and washed his hands at a broken water pipe spraying water. Then he turned back and said, "I don't know what it should be called. In fact, I found it by accident. It felt like the so-called Warcraft crystal nucleus in some magic novels, so I called it crystal nucleus."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at him, "you are really simple enough."

But after thinking about it, I found that it's really suitable to call the crystal nucleus, so I'm too lazy to pretend in such details.

"What's the use of this stuff? Can it be eaten?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"If you want to say that this thing has a great effect, boss, I don't know if you have found that my cultivation has become a little stronger!" Shadow said a little proud of the chest.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at him and said, "do you have one? Well, if you look at it carefully, it seems that it has really improved a bit, but isn't this kind of thing very common? I've also been promoted. Kids, they've all been promoted to the realm of magic martial arts. What's the fuss? "

"The boss doesn't take you to attack people like this." The shadow was a little complacent, but it withered in a moment.

"Ha ha, I'm kidding. In fact, I've found out for a long time that you should be one step away from breaking through the realm of magic martial arts. It's not easy to upgrade from the early stage of Lingwu to the later stage of Lingwu in a short time!" Zhao Chengfeng reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "I'll take care of you!"

"I don't have any sincerity at all. At least I have to hide my perfunctory expression a little. It's too shocking!" The shadow rolled its eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed, but he didn't joke any more. He waved his hand and said, "forget it, I'm serious, but I thought you were refining those light groups just like kids and reincarnation. It seems you don't mean it!"

"What kind of light regiment have they refined, kid and reincarnation?" This time it's the shadow's turn to be in a daze, "how are they now, no accident?"

"What do you expect from them?" Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and asked.

The shadow quickly waved his hand, "of course not. I just... I mean that kind of light mass is too dangerous. Although I also see that after being absorbed by organisms, it still retains its original appearance and intelligence, but the probability is too low. Are they both successful? This... "

He wanted to say that it was very lucky, but he was afraid that Zhao Chengfeng might misunderstand it, so he couldn't find an adjective.

Seeing that he was embarrassed, Zhao Chengfeng laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "OK, I know what you mean. In fact, they are lucky. They just met my father and succeeded in refining with the help of my father. Otherwise, no one can predict the final result."

"Although it seems from the current situation that the ancient warriors are more likely to be able to resist the erosion of the evil forces in those light groups, no one can guarantee how many success rates there are and whether there are sequelae, so it's better not to try it easily."

"I see. We really shouldn't try it easily." Shadow smell speech nodded, although he didn't know Zhao Feilong, but see Zhao Chengfeng's situation, guess in the heart the eldest brother's father should not be simple.

What's more, he agrees with what Zhao Chengfeng said.

Although he is eager to become stronger, he has seen the sad end of all kinds of creatures eroded by that day's outer light group more than once in recent days. For example, the giant dog was an example before, and it was a very lucky example. I feel shocked when I think about it.

"What about this one? Is this the reason for your improvement? Is it dangerous? " Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

After hearing this, the shadow came back to himself, and when he talked about crystal nucleus, he suddenly got excited, nodded and said: "my cultivation is really promoted because of this thing, and it's not only cultivation, but also, you see..."

Shadow said suddenly pulled open the coat, revealing the strong chest.

Zhao Chengfeng was startled and hugged his chest. "You, what do you want? I, I'm not the kind of person you think!"

Shadow speechless rolled a white eye, "this boss anything good, is this kind does not divide the field to close is not serious, really lets the human not stand."

However, after several contacts, he learned how to deal with this situation, so he just rolled his eyes and pretended not to hear. He pointed to a scar on his chest and said, "I almost hung up that day in the chaos, and my heart could see it. Fortunately, I killed a mutant plant and found a crystal nucleus in it."

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