"I was also a dead horse doctor at that time. After several attempts, I found that this crystal nucleus could really be refined, and not only could I improve my cultivation, but also made my wound completely healed in just one day!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was no longer joking. He was surprised to see the scar on the shadow chest. Although he can only see the scar now, he can still imagine that it must have been very tragic at that time by looking at its shocking length.

Then he looked at the crystal nucleus in his hand. He was surprised, "does this thing have the function of healing?"

However, it is understandable to feel the great vitality.

"It's more than that." The shadow said with a mysterious smile: "although I'm not sure, I think the biggest value of this thing is not its aura and vitality, nor its healing ability, but I have other gains in the process of refining."

"Other gains?" Zhao Chengfeng doubts.

The shadow laughed and didn't answer. Instead, he picked up the steel javelin on the ground. Then he saw a strange wave of spiritual power in his body.

Then Zhao Chengfeng was shocked to see that his right hand actually appeared the texture of plants under the effect of the aura, and it derived several green auras like vines, quickly rolled up the steel javelin.

"Drink!" Shadow a light drink, and then suddenly a swing arm, javelin fast shot out, bang a tree in the distance into two.

It's not surprising. Surprisingly, the green aura is always around the javelin like a vine. Immediately, the shadow says, "stop!"

That green vine phantom pulled, unexpectedly took back that javelin again.

"Damn it, take things out of the air! Lao Yin, you're so awesome! Is this the power of refining the so-called understanding of crystal nucleus? " Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help being surprised.

At first, I didn't think so, but I was eager to try.

Although it seems that this kind of thing can be done with a rope.

But this thing has gone beyond the scope of martial arts in a sense, and the illusory vine can roll the javelin, and it must also roll other things. If this thing is used flexibly, it will play a very important role in the key time.

Although shadow is a little speechless about the name "Laoyin", he is still quite proud of Zhao Chengfeng's surprise.

He said with a smile: "I have refined two crystal nuclei in the past two days, one of which is from a mutant plant and the other is from a mutant animal. I realized this ability when I refined that plant crystal nucleus. I don't know the details. I just felt as if I realized a wonderful energy in the process of refining. Then I found that my spiritual power seemed to have some variation, and then I slowly explored this ability. "

"However, although the second crystal nucleus vaguely felt something strange, I don't know whether it was a rule or something, there was no change after refining, that is, the spiritual power increased a little."

Speaking of this, he frowned faintly and shook his head slightly. "So if you want to ask me how it is, I don't know. Boss, it's better for you to experience it yourself."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he was also moved, a little moved, "are you sure there is no danger in the refining process?"

"I don't know. I just refined two. Anyway, I'm not in any danger?" Shadowway.

Shadow then told Zhao Chengfeng about refining methods and experience one by one.

In fact, it's also simple. It's to wrap the crystal nucleus with its own spiritual power, and let its own spiritual power penetrate into the surface of the crystal nucleus as far as possible, so as to communicate with its spiritual power and make it integrate with each other, and then assimilate it with the cultivation of mental method.

Zhao Chengfeng, as he said, wrapped the crystal core in his palm with spiritual power.

Sure enough, I instantly felt that the spiritual power contained in it was clearer, and I didn't seem to feel any danger.

The spiritual power in this crystal nucleus is not only not violent, not violent, but even purer than the spiritual power between heaven and earth itself.

This makes Zhao Chengfeng a little surprised. How can the things contained in the wild creatures be so pure and gentle?

However, the creation of heaven and earth is wonderful. Although cow dung stinks, it can nourish fresh flowers and give birth to life in the cold winter.

As for breaking through the surface layer of the crystal nucleus, it's not a problem for him. He succeeded easily.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt a Qi full of the sense of corruption. He was shocked and was about to stop.

However, in a flash, he found that it was wrong. Although the breath gave people a sense of corruption, it was not harmful or bad. It was a higher level thing.

It's like a rule of heaven and earth.

There are no good or bad rules, no good or evil.

Any rule, as long as it can be understood, will be wonderful.

As soon as PU realized the power, Zhao Chengfeng immediately knew that it was a good thing.

But the power of this rule seems to be very obscure, broken and weak.

It's like a fragment of the rules of heaven and earth.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is still very happy, even if it is broken again, with his present state, if he can feel it, he will surely benefit a lot.

Maybe it's possible to break into the void.

But when he was happy, the Taiji diagram formed by the two forces in the sea suddenly moved. Then Zhao Chengfeng felt that the regular projection fragment in the crystal nucleus disappeared in an instant, as if he had been taken away by something.

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, immediately can't help but scold a, "I fuck, don't take such?"

I quickly looked inside to see the Tai Chi map in the sea, but I didn't feel anything. The Tai Chi map was still the same as before, as if it hadn't changed at all.

It's a complete "nothing done" look.

"I've strangled him and pretended to be innocent to brother Feng."

If Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel the short-term fluctuation clearly before, he almost thought it was an illusion or some other reason.


"There's only one truth. Don't pretend to me. The prisoner is you..."

However, taijitu ignored him, with an innocent and calm attitude.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's teeth are itching, he can't help it. He can only scold a few times, and then refine the spirit power contained in the crystal nucleus.

Originally, there was some expectation that taijitu would have any change or feedback after swallowing the rule fragment. However, he had finished refining a crystal nucleus for more than ten minutes, but taijitu didn't react at all.

This makes Zhao Chengfeng a little confused and even more depressed. "It doesn't make sense. You have to shit after eating, and you have to pee after drinking water. How can you not even fart after swallowing a rule fragment? It doesn't make sense

Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart, crushing the crystal core which had been refined into an empty shell, and turning it into powder one after another.

He muttered, but the shadow beside him opened his eyes wide in surprise. "Boss, what's the matter? How did you crush it?"

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